10 days and not losing any weight!



  • Jennryanmadie
    I just went through the same thing. It has been three weeks and I would lose two pounds then gain two pounds. I discovered that I was not drinking enough water. I thought I was staying hydrated but I guess not. One day I drank a ton of water (12 8 ounces) and then next day the two pound gain came off. I have kept it up and finally steadily losing weight. I honestly don't know if it was the water, but it seamed strange that I would lose two pounds over night then gain two pounds over night (water weight). Now that I have kept hydrated I feel great and motivated to keep going.
  • seventry
    Be patience! 10 days are not a lot of time :) Results will appear, sooner or later, but you will reach your objective!
    Keep it going, you can do it!