Super Bowl SUnday: who overindulge yesterday?



  • Bulldogmomma3
    Bulldogmomma3 Posts: 58 Member
    I did. This is a lifestyle change for me, not a diet. This is where I got into trouble a few years back , I never allowed myself to indulge for special occassions and I ended up just binging and one day became two then weeks turned into years, etc.
    I ate snacks yesterday, yep I did and I worked out and I am right back on track today and I do not feel guilty =)
    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,473 Member
    FOOD,,, NO.
    BOOZE,, YES.
  • jogo8995
    jogo8995 Posts: 75 Member
    I did it with potato chips.Trying to get back on track today!
  • LGrill27
    LGrill27 Posts: 337 Member
    I did better SuperBowl Sunday than I normally do on my weekends. Im somewhat proud of myself.
  • mmmelissah
    mmmelissah Posts: 7 Member
    Yes...and it started on Friday night....aye yi yi! Looking forward to a good week to get myself back on track. 5 pounds at a time....
  • Mcgrawhaha
    Mcgrawhaha Posts: 1,596 Member
    im not an alcoholic, but i definately have a control problem when i drink. i can go months without drinking no problem, but when i do drink, i cant just stop at a 6 pack, or a 12 pack, i end up drinking an 18-24 pack, plus eating my "drinking" snacks, which is an entire bag of flaming hot cheetos and chickin wings, so... i decided not to have any alcohol last night, and stuck it out with diet root beer... there for, i was able to stay under my calorie goals, and feel awesome when i woke up this morning... i wish i could drink like a normal person, but i cant, so i must reserve drinking to special occasions like weddings and christmas.
  • leomom72
    leomom72 Posts: 1,797 Member
    i hate football, so i was safe :wink:
  • HaywireII
    HaywireII Posts: 71 Member
    I had a light breakfast and lunch and skipped my afternoon snack. I also worked on one of my projects in the basement that helped burn some extra calories for the day. Went to the super bowl party and had some wings (which weren't all that great so I only ate a few) and had some of the chips and dips and one beer. I think I ate a lot less than I did at the same party last year; I think my stomach might already be shrinking already because I felt pretty full with much less food than I would normally have.

    I weighed myself yesterday morning (and the scale was down so yay me) and I'm just going back to what I've been doing the past month. I'll see next Sunday if I slowed down my progress at all.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    What game? I ate like a normal Sunday. (Though I did have a candy bar at my daughter's robotics tournament, but I fit it in my calorie goal.)
  • WorkinNurse
    WorkinNurse Posts: 17 Member
    Well I did not do so well.. used it as an excuse to overindulge on food! Struggling with weekend eating.. Back to my eating better plan this week and re-commit to doing better on the weekends... do not use food as a reward or comfort when tired... sad.. etc...
  • nnoifeld
    nnoifeld Posts: 116
    Didn't do too bad! Only had two slices of pizza, a few wings and a handful of chips with dip. I mostly drank wine coolers, so that's where the majority of my calories came from. Amazingly enough, I stayed under my calories for the day because I was working my butt off cleaning the house to get ready for the party and doing laundry!
  • HokieMama4
    HokieMama4 Posts: 112 Member
    My husband and I are huge RAVENS fans!!!! .... so there was definitely some celebratory indulgence! I didn't totally bomb last night, but I couldn't continue to eat like that and reach my goals. I've been super-good today and it feels great to be back on track. It's funny, I've been on MFP a month and today feels like "me" and the SB party last night felt like "not me." The new habits are WORKING!!!
  • 212ackley
    212ackley Posts: 431 Member
    Not impressed with myself, but overall went over about 2,000 calories in the 2 days :noway: (presuperbowl on Saturday and superbowl on Sunday)--the Bloody Mary's were just too good! :drinker: Back on track today:) no worries! :bigsmile:
  • angmarie28
    angmarie28 Posts: 2,817 Member
    me, fritos and salsa con queso dip, nummy nummy
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    Yep. I gained 2 pounds. I tried to have healthy snacks, but I had too much junk along with it :)

    I assure you that you did not gain 2 Lbs of fat...pretty much impossible unless you consume 7,000 calories over your maintenance. For me that would be 9,500 calories in a single day to gain 2 Lbs over night. Most likely, the foods you indulged in were high sodium so you are retaining water.
  • kimmymayhall
    kimmymayhall Posts: 419 Member
    I worked out in the morning and ate more lightly throughout the day. For the game we had a cheese/olive/cracker plate, homemade roast beef poboys with chips, King Cake, and a couple good beers. I was over my calories for the day but was banking calories all week so I finished the week a few hundred calories under goal. It was a good day.
  • SerenaFisher
    SerenaFisher Posts: 2,170 Member
    Yep. I gained 2 pounds. I tried to have healthy snacks, but I had too much junk along with it :)

    I assure you that you did not gain 2 Lbs of fat...pretty much impossible unless you consume 7,000 calories over your maintenance. For me that would be 9,500 calories in a single day to gain 2 Lbs over night. Most likely, the foods you indulged in were high sodium so you are retaining water.

    Personally since I started my lifestyle change 6 years ago I have always allowed myself two cheat days. I reserve those days for the weekend so I can go out to a diner, or go party and not feel guilty. I usually do some for of work out during the summer daily, I also usually gain ten pounds in the winter which is gone by summer. My body has ranged from 5'8" 135 to 145lbs and between a size 4 to a 6 since I started. I just figure winter weight is to keep me warm :p