Weird but True - List 1 WEIRD Fact About Yourself



  • kenderkc
    kenderkc Posts: 61 Member
    When I was a child and Santa asked me what I wanted for Christmas I begged for a finger. Nothing wrong with the ten I already have, I just wanted one as a toy. I don't have any idea why now, but this went on for at least 4 years until I was around 9. Crazy thing is, I always got one! My mom bought them from a truck stop.
  • XD40SW
    I have to have volume of a tv/radio/car radio...etc on an EVEN number! I can't stand odd numbers!

    I had two options of buying a townhouse....I could buy unit 2 or unit 3. Can you guess which one I bought??? Hahahaha!

    Me too!! Sorta, the only exception is the number 5. So volume can be at 2, 4, 5, 6, 8 etc...
  • SageGoddess320
    SageGoddess320 Posts: 2,589 Member
    I love to drink whole jars of warm pickle juice.
  • nonstopper
    nonstopper Posts: 1,108 Member
    Stamina is TOO good haha
  • rreger1212
    I count Reese Pieces when I eat them. Always an odd number, lol
  • compellen
    I Will not cook or eat anything that has skin or bones. Must be bare naked to grace my dinner plate.
  • kendunn579
    kendunn579 Posts: 391 Member
    i have a thing for noses on men. I can wiggle my right ear but not my left. and my eyes used to be more blue than they are now, they change from green/grey/blue...super blue if i cry and depending on what i'm wearing.
    Are you a chamelion?
  • trackercasey76
    trackercasey76 Posts: 780 Member
    My Wife is only person I have ever kissed and I can move my little toes without moving my other toes.
  • nhatalie
    If a fork scrapes a plate my skin crawls really bad.
  • DefluffinMyStuffin
    I have a picture of that pumpkin hued ex-husband guy from the tv show "Reba" holding me in a picture when I was 7ish?. Chris um....??? He was on Days of Our Lives at the time. Hubby was adamant that I was mistaken and this could *not* have happened as I'm too old :cry: and Mr. Loompa would be too young. Happened. Ha. Found the picture awhile back and banshee screamed for days about my rightness. Ah, sweet vindication. :wink:

    I can curl my lip *way* up Elvis high.:ohwell:

    One of my ears is lower than the other and sunglasses rat me out every time. :glasses:

    That's 3. I also don't follow directions very well. :tongue: (and, 4)
  • YoungDoc2B
    YoungDoc2B Posts: 1,593 Member
    I tear things into pieces before I eat them...sandwiches, pizza, etc
  • Progman
    Progman Posts: 47 Member
    I hate the second last piece of bread at either end of the feels gross, can't eat it unless it's toasted.
  • MizTerry
    MizTerry Posts: 3,763 Member
    I can put both palms flat on the floor without ever bending my knees.

    I can wink my right eye without moving my eyebrow just like Mrs. Garrot used to do on Facts of Life.

    I can lift my left eyebrow when I'm annoyed. I do it subconciously so folks know I'm peeved before I even say a word.
  • kr1stadee
    kr1stadee Posts: 1,774 Member
    I preform sage smudging ceremonies to revoke evil spirits and bad energies from my home any time it feels out of balance, or when I move to a new place :) I also won't let people in my house if I know they mess around with Ouija boards, it's a gypsy thing

    Part of my culture! We smudge with sage and sweet grass! Sweet Grass is my favorite smell!!

    My weird thing.. I can touch my tongue to my nose, and I can flip my tongue upside down
  • Progman
    Progman Posts: 47 Member
    Oh yeah, I won't use a fork with a bent tine either.
  • meg7399
    meg7399 Posts: 672 Member
    I can lick my own nose!
  • meg7399
    meg7399 Posts: 672 Member

    My weird thing.. I can touch my tongue to my nose, and I can flip my tongue upside down
    dang, ya beat me to posting it!
  • groke101
    So difficult to choose just one....but I have an irrational fear of lollipop sticks, just thinking about them gives me the heeby geebies and makes my teeth itch.
  • Behavior_Modification
    Behavior_Modification Posts: 24,482 Member
    Just one?

    I will eat a hamburger with ketchup. I will not eat a cheeseburger with ketchup.
  • mrsburghart
    mrsburghart Posts: 166 Member

    My weird thing.. I can touch my tongue to my nose, and I can flip my tongue upside down
    dang, ya beat me to posting it!

    Same here! and I can wiggle my ears :)