how did you choos your goal weight



  • abberbabber
    abberbabber Posts: 972 Member
    Some sort of test they were running at this circuit training place I used to go to. They hooked me up to this little machine that supposedly told them what my actual lean body mass was, and what my lowest "ideal" weight is. I'm shooting for that, and figure I'll readjust as I get closer :)
  • 2bmeagain12
    2bmeagain12 Posts: 284 Member
    I looked up the ideal weight for my height and age, then I chose the number exactly in the middle. There is a 20 pound swing in either direction, so as I get closer I have wiggle room to adjust if needed.

    And check this site out to see what your body would look like at different weights:
  • I chose it based on my current body fat percentage and desired body fat percentage. I weigh 216 at 32% body fat. My first body fat goal is 20%, therefore...

    [216 * (1 - 0.32)] / (1 - 0.2) = 184 lbs.

    Only problem is that it assumes my LBM remains the same. From the little I've read, those who eat a lot of protein and weight train like me can expect to lose 1 lb. of LBM for every 5 lbs. of fat. So you can take the difference between your current weight and goal weight calculated above and divide it by five to guestimate how much LBM you'll lose approaching your goal.

    (216 - 184) / 5 = 6.4 lbs of LBM loss

    Now I used the first formula again, but this time I subtracted the 6.4 lbs...

    [216 * (1 - 0.32) - 6.4] / (1 - 0.2) = 175.6 lbs.

    My ticker is a little outdated, but it's obviously close enough, so didn't bother changing it.
  • lizjjam
    lizjjam Posts: 48 Member
    I´ve never been in a healthy weight range in terms of my age, always just tipping over into the overweight category, even when I was skinny! Currently just got out of the obese range (still in it according to some sources) and I want to be in normal weight range for my next hospital appointment.
  • Sharon_C
    Sharon_C Posts: 2,132 Member
    I chose the highest weight I could be and still be in the "normal" weight category for my height. It's also the same weight that will get me to a healthy BMI. Four more pounds to go and they are being stubborn devils. They're not budging.
  • Sharon_C
    Sharon_C Posts: 2,132 Member
    And check this site out to see what your body would look like at different weights:

    Thanks for sharing this site! "I" look a lot skinnier than I think I do. LOL
  • jendraka
    jendraka Posts: 117 Member
    When I was in the Navy I averaged around 164lbs (I'm 5'4") but I was very muscular (around 22% body fat if I remember correctly). That was over a decade ago and I'm not near as muscular anymore so I figured, without that muscle weight, 140 would be better for me. Well, I hit 140 and...nope...not happy. Another thing I never really took note of in my life, being that I was either always big due to being muscular or pregnant or having to shed baby weight...I actually have a small frame (which made my 164lb muscular build even more impressive :tongue: ), so I just have randomly decided that perhaps another 20lbs or so off would do me good and I'll shoot for about 120lbs and see how I feel the closer I get to that number.
  • jerryatrics
    jerryatrics Posts: 7 Member
    I chose it based on my current body fat percentage and desired body fat percentage. I weigh 216 at 32% body fat. My first body fat goal is 20%, therefore...

    [216 * (1 - 0.32)] / (1 - 0.2) = 184 lbs.

    Only problem is that it assumes my LBM remains the same. From the little I've read, those who eat a lot of protein and weight train like me can expect to lose 1 lb. of LBM for every 5 lbs. of fat. So you can take the difference between your current weight and goal weight calculated above and divide it by five to guestimate how much LBM you'll lose approaching your goal.

    (216 - 184) / 5 = 6.4 lbs of LBM loss

    Now I used the first formula again, but this time I subtracted the 6.4 lbs...

    [216 * (1 - 0.32) - 6.4] / (1 - 0.2) = 175.6 lbs.

    My ticker is a little outdated, but it's obviously close enough, so didn't bother changing it.

    This. My goal is 10% BF and so with an estimate of my previous BF figured out my goal weight.
  • karendee4
    karendee4 Posts: 558 Member
    Ultimately, I chose a body fat percentage in conjunction with a weight goal. My goal weight, though, would put me back at 185 lbs and 7% body fat. According to worthless BMI charts, I'd be obese. Know what? I don't care how it categorizes me because a range of 122 to 161 lbs is too small even for my small frame.

    I like that you are using body fat % not just BMI. I am re-thinking the BMI chart because if you have muscle you will weigh more. I might just get my body fat % measured and go with that one!
  • purpleroxmysocks
    purpleroxmysocks Posts: 137 Member
    I picked a weight at a healthy BMI, I am 5'8" and I decided that around 140 would be good for me, I am still working on it though, I am at 160, however I think once I reach 140 I'll want to lose a little more
  • trophywife24
    trophywife24 Posts: 1,472 Member
    I didn't pick a goal weight, just a goal size. Once I got down to that size, I wasn't happy. I'm now two sizes smaller and happy where I'm at, minus some body work that I need to do. It's great to have a goal but you won't really "know" until you get there.