Personal Trainer

Does anybody here have a personal trainer? What do you think about them?


  • Sunshine779
    Sunshine779 Posts: 5 Member
    Does anybody here have a personal trainer? What do you think about them?
  • mo43215
    mo43215 Posts: 1 Member
    i just recently joined an exercise facility and received 3 free personal training sessions. They were helpful at defining a good workout. However, I am not an exercise person at heart. Actually, I don't really like it very much at all. After the third session the trainer offered a program where he would work with me three times a week, unfortunately it is very expensive. But I decided to invest in myself and purchased 4 additional sessions (one per week). I feel a huge difference between the work outs I have with the trainer versus the ones without. I also agreed to attend a class my trainer teaches on abs (core) exercises. So I feel that I am working out with him 2 times a week. I do feel more motivated to go to the gym if for no other reason than to be seen by my trainer. lol. I do work out too. But I think I burn more calories and have a more strenuous workout when I work with my trainer. Don't know what its worth but this has been my experience.
  • Kate40in3
    I actually work at a gym... and because of that I get a free membership. Well I have had once session with a personal trainer, like an introductory meeting that would be similar to what trainers should do prior to starting with you, and I found it very helpful... he measured my body fat, strength, heart rate during running, weight, BMI, all that good stuff... and told me what I should work on, ect.

    I thought it was great, but I can;t afford to have one, lol.
  • zolamercedes
    zolamercedes Posts: 46 Member
    I do!! I have used two. The first did not motivate me in anyway and it was a waste and I didn't show up and blah blah blah. The second one has completely changed my life and I think she has totally saved me. So if you can afford investing some money in yourself, I think you'll see a great return. But if the trainer you have isn't doing anything for you, don't feel stuck and get a new one!! It's your money and your life so you decide who gets to earn your money and time.

    My new one takes the time to set me up with workouts on my own telling me what to do. And even offers a run training once a week. I do two half hour sessions with a one hour session thrown in once or twice a month. I feel better, stronger, accountable and it's worth it. Once I feel like I've mastered the whole working out thing I'll have to go out on my own. But it's a great way to start and I recommend using a personal trainer if you can. Good luck!!
  • Ready2Rock206
    Ready2Rock206 Posts: 9,488 Member
    My son and I were just talking about this tonight. We love our trainer. I'd probably never drag my butt to the gym if I didn't have an appointment with the trainer or him asking me what I did on the other days. I don't work out nearly as hard on my own as I do with the trainer. Also I like having someone knowledgeable teach me what's best to do, the right form, give me advice on what will work for my goals, etc. And he keeps me accountable. I know he's going to ask to see my MFP diary, weigh and measure me etc.

    I have worked with other trainers and some are definitely better than others - but a good trainer is worth every single penny!!
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,951 Member
    Does anybody here have a personal trainer? What do you think about them?

    Yes, I think he's the bees knees.

    He also beats me like a dog in my workouts. He's pushed me to places that were dark and painful, but it's caused me to completely change my opinion of what intensity is.

    He's been an excellent investment in my strength and health. He's also a damn good guy.