Fat loss products



  • Dree3
    Dree3 Posts: 54 Member
    No, don't bother. Everyone that I know who've tried these gimmicks just wind up failing.

    Lead a healthy lifestyle via proper eating and exercise -- that's the only thing you need.
  • MiniMichelle
    MiniMichelle Posts: 807 Member
    I use the following fat loss products:
    - food scale
    - barbell, weights, and power rack
    - running shoes
    - books and internet resources

    You appear to be looking for a pharmaceutical solution to a lifestyle problem. That is a lazy, unrealistic, and temporary approach.

    ^^ Taso should really charge for his advice.. feel lucky... its freeeeeeee :)
  • Blondesaurus_Rex
    For every mile you walk/ jog, you burn about 100 calories!!!!! Just a thought....
  • CorvusCorax77
    CorvusCorax77 Posts: 2,536 Member
    It's very interesting how a question really brings out a lot of opinions! I was just curious because my local vitamin store sent out an email blast with these products offered and I wasn't sure if they were part of a workout regime for anyone.

    Don't take it personally. A lot of folks here are just worn out from having to say the same things over and over again. Most of us are against weight loss pills- or maybe that's the folks that I know.

    Most of us on MFP are in favor of calorie counting, since that is what this place is about.
    A lot of us are also into exercise, as it is a "fitness" website.

    Most weight loss pills are gimmicks. Most are based on caffeine you could get in a good cup of a coffee (I live in Seattle so I'm a coffee snob, hence "GOOD" must mean "EXCELLENT"). When they say "appetite suppressant" they mean caffeine. A lot have gimmicky ideas- like hormone balancing, or "blasting fat" or whatever- most of it is negligible in it's efficacy. Especially when compared to the profound impact of a lifestyle change which includes balanced eating of the proper amount of food combined with exercise that is good for you.

    Have i tried diet pills? Yeah I'm sure I have. OTC somethign or other at one point in time. I also did cleanses. I also did radical diets. Never have I been in the health I am now due to counting calories, paying attention to my macros and micros, and working out like a beast.

    Don't waste your money.

    And the folks who seem to come off harsh are just pissed off that every few months some new magic pills comes out that empties the wallets of people who could be healthy by now if they just made the choice to get healthy through a little bit of self awareness more than by dumping their wallets into the bank accounts of already exceptionally wealthy companies.
  • rickyll
    rickyll Posts: 188 Member
    OK ok ok, most people have negative opinions about fat loss products.
    They're really not bad IF, (AND ONLY IF) you know how most of them work!

    I can't remember the scientific word for it but what most fat loss products do is speed up your metabolism by increasing your internal body temperature.

    Most of them also advertise the fact that they have massive amounts of antioxidants. From what I know, antioxidants on their own have nothing to do with fat loss (I may be mistaken). However, foods with high levels of antioxidants are healthier and generally have less calories.

    Foods/supplements that increase your internal temperature or speed up your metabolism:
    - Yohimbe (powder form or in capsules)
    - Cayenne pepper (anything spicy, really. But pure cayenne pepper has 0 calories. Sprinkle it on eggs, butter-less popcorn, and anything else you may want if you can handle the heat!)
    - Cold water (Your body has to use more energy to bring it back down to body temperature)
    - L-carnitine (liquid or capsules) "tricks" your body into "preferring" your fat storages for energy instead of carbs during exercise. Obviously that's a very primitive explanation of how it works so do some research on it if interested.

    I have very general and limited knowledge on the things mentioned above. If you're interested then do the required research, speak to a physician etc.

    So fat burners are not all evil but are they necessary? NOPE. They help marginally. If you're looking to compete in bodybuilding then they are worth it cuz they can help with burning the last bit of fat faster than without them but it's not worth the money since the effects are ohhh sooo minimal. Stick to eating healthy, under your maintenance calories, and exercising regularly.
  • RhonndaJ
    RhonndaJ Posts: 1,615 Member
    Never tried them, been years since I bothered with any weightloss supplements, but the simple fact that the company does not even mention anything even resembling scientific research on their site in order to back up their supplements makes them suspect. Add in they manufacture a detox and I'd say save your money and buy some good food with it.
  • LiftAllThePizzas
    LiftAllThePizzas Posts: 17,857 Member
    You appear to be looking for a pharmaceutical solution to a lifestyle problem.
    To expand on that, just consider if you actually found something that did work, and you got down to your ideal weight. Then what? You continue with the same lifestyle that got you where you are in the first place, and your body returns to exactly where it is now. So you should consider whether you expect to find some product that keeps you from gaining fat, and even if you did, if you wanted to continue using that product for the rest of your life.

    The alternative is to learn what your body needs in order to be healthy and fit, and do those things as a lifestyle. You don't have to make all of those changes overnight or even this month. But if you want to get in better shape that's the only way you're going to get there and stay there.
  • starvinkevin
    Caffeine is gooood also check out bodybuilding forums - they have thousands of reviews and logs of the OTC/illegal fat burners out there.
  • Ploogy
    Ploogy Posts: 115 Member
    Some quick research shows that the use of "HCG" was based on a study in 1976 that was never reproducible. This is a powerful hormone, be careful!

    No but I hear wonderful things about raspberry ketones, HCG, and some extract I can't recall the name of off hand. :drinker:

    Oh yes, i tried HCG drops also only for 3 days tho, I did lose 2 pounds but couldn't keep it up, eating 500 cal a day not for me . When i stopped I've ended up gaining my 2 pounds back + 2 extra on top. The drops are very expencive and if u were gonna eat 500 cal a day you would lose weight anyway- they say HCG actually helps u to lose fat and not muscle and advises u to exercise on top, but like I said u could eat 500 cal a day and exercise and still have your cash in the wallet. I wouldn't recommend it.
  • atamrowski
    atamrowski Posts: 417 Member
    MFP peeps are anti "quick fixes". It's all about hard work and determination. It's not a contest. Take your time and don't rush skinny.
  • atamrowski
    atamrowski Posts: 417 Member
    It's very interesting how a question really brings out a lot of opinions! I was just curious because my local vitamin store sent out an email blast with these products offered and I wasn't sure if they were part of a workout regime for anyone.

    What are the products?
  • ktrichards06

    I have around 150lbs to lose and yes it will be hard at times, and I would love for the fat to just disappear but it doesn't work that way. I am learning that healthy nutrition and exercise is the way to go!

    You, my dear, is on a very good path to long term success. Attagirl!

    You just made my night! I teared up a bit!
  • april_mesk
    april_mesk Posts: 694 Member
    You could end up in ER. Not worth it. Been there, done that. Nothing like feeling like you are going to have a heart attack. I was 15 and stupid (no offense to you or anyone here). If it's really worth it to you, you will focus on your overall health and putting that in your body is not it.

    You will feel much more accomplished working for your achievements, right? :)
  • starvinkevin
    There are ways to use them safely... just ask the millions of "bodybuilders" who use them and don't end up in the ER.
    You could end up in ER. Not worth it. Been there, done that. Nothing like feeling like you are going to have a heart attack. I was 15 and stupid (no offense to you or anyone here). If it's really worth it to you, you will focus on your overall health and putting that in your body is not it.

    You will feel much more accomplished working for your achievements, right? :)
  • april_mesk
    april_mesk Posts: 694 Member
    There are ways to use them safely... just ask the millions of "bodybuilders" who use them and don't end up in the ER.
    You could end up in ER. Not worth it. Been there, done that. Nothing like feeling like you are going to have a heart attack. I was 15 and stupid (no offense to you or anyone here). If it's really worth it to you, you will focus on your overall health and putting that in your body is not it.

    You will feel much more accomplished working for your achievements, right? :)

    This is fine but, I am thinking the OP is not a bodybuilder. Could be but since she is asking about the products referenced, doubtful. Good luck to the bodybuilders but, I would leave this to them an those who are more experienced with it. You only get one body.
  • Maidofmer
    Maidofmer Posts: 908 Member
    did a lot of diet pills years ago, 19 a day. I thought they were working, but it could have been my mind set. I didn't know any better. I have some damage to my liver, one of the pills, hydroxycut was pulled from the shelves after I started taking it because it caused liver damage, and about a year ago, I tried jillian michales 2 week detox. first week was great. felt more energized. second week, I broke out all over, had a huge rash on my chest, and sever nose bleeds. didn't complete the second week.

    the best fat loss products I would recommend, and they're pretty cheap. work out dvds. some ankle/wrist weights, more veggies, fresh or frozen. no liver damage, and you'll see results. it takes time. a lot of time. be patient. I got over 130lbs to lose, and I know it's gonna take a year or more.

    good luck on you journey and if you really want to try them, the try them. it may work for you, it may not.
  • CelebrateLife
    CelebrateLife Posts: 247 Member
    I agree with pretty much everything that has been said here :) ... It's definitely a Lifestyle Change it's all about making healthy changes and incorporating them into your daily regimen

    One step at a time ... Good Luck!!!
  • AnvilHead
    AnvilHead Posts: 18,344 Member
    Stay away from that garbage! I didn't use any of that! I'll link you to a blog that I got started with (lost just over 50lbs in 6 months and gained lean muscle) <spam link deleted>
    You advise the OP to stay away from garbage, yet you come here spamming your blog, which is a sales pitch for more scammy weight loss products. Reported.
  • emmymcq
    emmymcq Posts: 278 Member
    I use the following fat loss products:
    - food scale
    - barbell, weights, and power rack
    - running shoes
    - books and internet resources

    You appear to be looking for a pharmaceutical solution to a lifestyle problem. That is a lazy, unrealistic, and temporary approach.

  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    I wouldn't touch such things with a ten foot pole, and I tend to consider those who do to be rather foolish to be willing to risk their health to lose weight, which should be about gaining health. I have no patience for it. Those who resort to such measures are generally those who don't have the determination to put the work in themselves.