Lifting heavy for women



  • NatashaB8
    I have been focusing on strength for a couple of months now. I kind of slacked during January thanks to Uni exams and assignments but I am back on it now.

    I am squatting 15-20kg at the moment and working with two 6kg kettlebells for clean and jerks.

    I chest press 25kg and leg press 40kgs on the machines however I enjoy using powerbags and kettlebells and dumbells. Saying that I can only bicep curl a 7kg dumbell, I really have to work on that!

    Just keep going and you will build up as it takes time :) Feel free to add me too!
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    I am in Stage 4 of New Rules of Lifting for Women.

    My answer is - it depends. My deadlifts are 110 - I started at 50. Squats are now 80 started with body weight. Lat pulldowns are 75, I started at 25. My overhead presses are 45, I started at 10. cuban snatches are only 5 lb dbs. Those will never be very heavy I know, and according my trainer and everything else I've read they aren't supposed to be. Lunges I started with body weight, and had a very difficult time with balance, now I do 50 (25# dbs) with not much difficulty. Only you can know if you can add weight, but women tend to underestimate how much they can lift.

    I started toolight on everything andadded weight quite quickly. However, before you worry about how much weight, make sure your form is spot on! Hire a trainer if you need to, have someone take a video, watch yourself in a mirror. Form is most important, you'll be able to add weight much faster if your form is correct.