Giving up Sodas



  • ckisskiss
    I was drinking like 3 cans of pepsi a day a few years ago. When I started losing weight, i reduced it to one can a day. I did that for the first year (and lost about 50 pounds in the process). for the last 3-4 months I've been drinking 1 diet coke a day (if that). i was one of those hard core people who HATED diet soda, but eventually I got used to the taste
  • svgaedtke
    svgaedtke Posts: 69 Member
    I'm a HUGE Diet Pepsi Junkie... I get headaches quite often so I need to slowly ween myself off... I've done well in the past when I made up my mind to cut it.. ( but just like many things I fell off the wagon) I started by switching to flavored carbonated drinks that they sell at Walmart.. then flavored and plain water..

    I guess I should start this transition now, instead of talking about it...
  • annemw82
    annemw82 Posts: 97 Member
    When I get bored with regular water I drink La Croix. There are a bunch of flavors and they are also carbonated. Nice if you want a little fizz and something quick to grab since they come in cans.
  • mestacy010
    mestacy010 Posts: 577 Member
    I gave soda up a few years ago. I drink it on occasion but it burns my throat now because I'm not used to the carbonation.
  • happyheart15
    happyheart15 Posts: 383 Member
    I used to be a chronic soda drinker, but I quit in early 2008 and never looked back. I also understand what you mean about diet soda. It is DISGUSTING. lol
  • aepdx
    aepdx Posts: 218 Member
    Some say I have habits of an 80 year old, but my favorite thing on earth is flavored seltzer, particularly lemon lime. I can find a 12 pk at the store for $2.77. You should try it! I like regular seltzer with fresh citrus juice too (lemons, limes, oranges, grapefruit). I had to give up soda because it was literally rotting my teeth (which really hurts), so this is a good replacement – no sugar!
  • bdburch
    bdburch Posts: 127
    Everyone has given great advice. It is important to try to get rid of that craving as soon as you have it or it will bug you all day. Having a water bottle close by is very handy. I try to carry a filtered water bottle with me wherever I go. You can find these in stores and online, usually for under $15, and you don't have to worry about the yucky taste of tap water. Also, try to have a soda alternative. Lemon water, green tea, and some juices are good (just watch the calorie counts and whether you're getting anything good from the juice). The only other thing is not to punish yourself for having a soda. It's nice to have a treat every once in a while and you shouldn't feel bad for it as long as you don't go over board. Try to cut back slowly to avoid any type of caffiene or sugar withdrawls. It could be easier if you could find other alternatives to the caffiene like drinking coffee or tea.
  • whatjesseats
    whatjesseats Posts: 228 Member
    It's been almost a year since I gave up soda. I went cold turkey and the first week was pretty rough, even though I was drinking tea (with caffeine) instead.
  • Byron6219
    When I diet, the thing I miss the most is not the volume of food - it's the big powerful flavor hits. Drinking a lot of water only seems to make this worse - and results in what I have come to think of as "water-mouth" where I'm dying to taste something exciting or strong (and good, of course).

    I've found that a breath mint helps get past this, without costing too many calories. Instead of a 140 calorie soda, a breath mint that's 10 or less seems to scratch the itch.

    The other thing I am liking as a treat are the juice bars from Edy's. I know some people have complaints with them not being as "healthy" as the packaging makes them sound, but the little ones are 25 calories and the big ones are 60 and they taste great.

    Good luck!
  • alifer
    alifer Posts: 387 Member
    I gave up Mountain Dew cold turkey on January 1. My husband bought a 12 pack of it on NewYear's Eve. I told him to take it to the basement because I didn't want to see it. The first week was rough. I drank a lot of hot tea with honey instead. Also started drinking water when I wanted a Dew. You have to have the right mindset- coming from experience. I decided I wanted to lose weight more than I wanted that next Dew. (I had been drinking anywhere from 4-7 cans a day) After the first 3 weeks without it I bought a pack of the mini cans for those times when I really just want the taste. Those are a special treat every now and then.

    I have never been able to drink diet soda as I get digestive problems and headaches with the fake sugars. Getting used to water does take time. I prefer spring water from a glass or disposable bottles. I have found that the reusable water bottles can absorb other flavors and make the water taste weird.
  • KateRunsColorado
    KateRunsColorado Posts: 407 Member
    I still haven't completely given up soda, but I've drastically reduced the amount I have (usually 1-2 per week, rather than every day).

    However, I love having some sort of flavored drink, so I tend to have a to-go packet of crystal light with lunch. I know it has artificial sweetener in it, so it's not that great for you, but I do drink 24oz of water with it! So I think it outweighs the negatives.

    I also drink a lot of V8 fusion light. It's only 50 calories for an 8oz glass and you get 1/2 serving of fruit and 1/2 serving of veggies with it (and I swear you can NOT taste the veggies if that's holding you back).
  • grdaze
    grdaze Posts: 195 Member
    I switched to seltzer water (plain and flavored) so I can still feel like I'm having something special, although it doesn't have all the yucky things diet soda has in it.
  • janeite1990
    janeite1990 Posts: 694 Member
    I've been on and off the soda wagon a few times in the last few years. I'm on the wagon now. Surprisingly, I have less trouble giving it up each time. I've had two or three this month. I don't crave it any more. it does get better.

    I agree with those who suggest sipping water all day long. I also drink coffee (black) first thing in the morning. I need the caffeine to get going. At least the black coffee doesn't really have calories and has no sugar!
  • Guamybear
    Guamybear Posts: 1,061 Member
    I was never a big soda drinker but we did buy a soda stream.. I love it...bunch of different type of drinks..they are about 35cals for 1 cup and no high frutcose..

    I like having just for the times I want a soda but without all the cals.
    NANRVB Posts: 1 Member
    I know exactly how you feel. I just started MyFitnessPal on Monday and haven't had my Pepsi since then.I also DON'T do diet soda (ugh!). I do, however, plan to OCCASIONALLY indulge with a Pepsi, as long as I don't go over my calorie limit. Hang in there. I know it will get easier for us and you are right...soda is NOT good for us.
  • slimiranda
    slimiranda Posts: 15 Member
    Im sat here right now with my new fave drink. Fizzy minal water with a slice if frozen lemon and lime and mint leaves. I was adicted to dc pepper! I havent had any for a month and i had a sip the other day it was gross! Soda is just pure chemicals. Good luck.
  • imhungry2012
    imhungry2012 Posts: 240 Member
    Try swapping for flavored seltzer water. Giant brand, raspberry lime in the can is the best IMO! Otherwise, water water and more water :) Good Luck.
  • GettingFitFor30
    I just quit cold turkey. And I drink 1 cup of coffee a day.
  • bigdane321
    bigdane321 Posts: 233 Member
    I stopped soda years ago. I was drinking 2-3 44 ounce cups a day. Ween your self off cold turkey is horrible. Make sure you add a grip of water to your plan. I drink half my body weight in ounce of water about 145. Yes I use the potty often but my liver loves me for it. By no means have I been a picture of health over the last four years but I know with soda it could have been worse.
  • GZelau
    I was only drinking diet soda and my husband kept begging me to stop because of the aspertame and it's horrible effects on the body and mind, after reading the post on FB and the dangers I realize that I have so many of the symptoms INCLUDING the most dangerous one, memory loss. I am only 40 yrs old and my memory is terrible, I have been drinking it for many, many years. I now have it once a week on Sat with my take-out. I have been experiencing TERRIBLE headaches for about a week now, but I know, it's bc the toxins are leaving my body, I now only drink WATER, WATER AND WATER. yeah it's hard, but I'd rather have my memory and a healthy body than slowly poison my body and mind.......
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