Do you like to work out with someone or by yourself?



  • CharityGC
    CharityGC Posts: 499 Member
    I used to have the perfect workout partner. We motivated each other to go to the gym but, once we got there, we were on our own. Then we met back up after our workouts. It was great for the days that I could easily talk myself out of going because I knew she would encourage me to go. We live on opposite sides of the country now so I do my working out on my own.
  • Hbazzell
    Hbazzell Posts: 899 Member
    Both! I like do run by myself and I like to go to the gym with apernet or alone. I love classes at the gym too.
  • diodelcibo
    diodelcibo Posts: 2,564 Member
    I like to do it with other people it's a lot enjoyable that way.
  • KitoBrandt
    KitoBrandt Posts: 15 Member
    I prefer to workout alone, but with the same community that I see every day. I know about a dozen people at my gym by their face only, and I generally know what workout habits they have.

    I feel much better when I see them all working out, even though I don't know them or communicate with them. I guess I just like the concept of "being alone together".
  • I like going with someone, more for the journey there and back, once we're there the music is in the ears and I'm in my own world. If we talk between sets or cardio then cool, but no interruptions on the treadmill.
  • ashdred
    ashdred Posts: 95 Member
    I prefer to workout alone.
    I have a husband, an 8 month old, school (3 classes), work (full-time)....i don't need the complication of another person's schedule to deter me from working out all together.

    I feel like I focus better alone too. Just me and my ipod...we can go miles! lol
  • jennmodugno
    jennmodugno Posts: 363 Member
    A little of both, honestly. I like my group karate class, but I also enjoy training on my own. I'm competitive, so I tend to work harder around others, but my form is always better alone. :)
  • I don't mind going to the gym with other people. But once I'm at the gym I'm at the complete opposite end of the gym as them. I touch base with them here or there. But I never do my workouts with them.
  • JustJennie1
    JustJennie1 Posts: 3,749 Member
    At home I usually work out by myself with a DVD or running on the treadmill. When I go to the gym I workout with my husband and I love it. He pushes me, motivates me and makes me work harder than I normally would on my own at the gym. He also spots me which helps me to lift heavier and harder.