Major Gas Problem! Help!



  • wjleffi
    wjleffi Posts: 52 Member
    taking digestive enzymes could help, and/or probiotics
  • Sheeshy
    Sheeshy Posts: 133
    My 5 year old came home the other day and told me that her teacher said that if we don't burp or fart we'd all explode, so you know, farting kinda beats the alternative! :laugh: Although, now that I think of it, I'm wondering what brought it on. Probably my kiddo - we are a quite farty family!
    Hope you find a solution - if you do, let us know! I have to work out alone because I fart with every jump! :blushing:
  • Alatariel75
    Alatariel75 Posts: 17,959 Member
    My brother swears by charcoal tablets. You can get them from the healthfood store or chemist, or even the vitamin area of bigger supermarkets. They apparently work a treat and and completely natural!
  • krickeyuu
    krickeyuu Posts: 344 Member
    GAS-X (simethecone) 125mg after you have symptoms should help with the pain. Beano may help if the gas is from fiber-ish foods but it won't help with lactose intolerance. If it is lactose intolerance then you can use Lactaid pills, drops in your food or Lactiad products--they help some people. I am lactose intolerant and I eat dairy everyday, but I limit my servings. I also get fiber-related gas--especialy from cruciferous veggies and the like. I have learned to live with it. I have tried probiotics and they did not do much form me (cost outweighed benefit), but you might have a different experience. Your Dr. can test you for Lactose Intolerance as well as Celiacs. Good Luck.
  • GoTeamMeaghan
    GoTeamMeaghan Posts: 347 Member
    I had emergency galbladder surgery when I was 20. Having your galbladder removed does not necessarilly cause IBS. Your galbladder produces bile which help break down different foods, so without it you can definitely have some gastrointestinal issues, without it being IBS (which is kind of a catch all term when the dr doesn't know what to tell you). I also have Crohn's which can cause severe GI issues, affecting anything from the throat to the colon. I eat a high fiber diet to help try to keep the Crohn's in check (along with medication). If I eat anything high fat (especially avocados) I have horrible stomach cramping, bloating and gas pain for like 2 days. I suggest trying beano or gas-x first, it may just take your body a few weeks to adjust to healthy food.