

  • Kauaiartist
    Kauaiartist Posts: 86 Member
    Count me if if you need support anytime! You have a great attitude - no telling why some people have NO common sense - Hurray for you - your scale is heading in the right direction now - and right on - 52 and you look young enough to be pregnant!!! - have a great time here on MFP - and glad to be a friend anytime! :flowerforyou:
  • fuzzieme
    fuzzieme Posts: 454 Member
    Don't worry. An older man, maybe 75, looked at me while we queued in a shop, he smiled and I said hello. We joked about, laughed. Then he frowned and gave me a funny look.

    Now, I'm not fat anymore, I'n in the ideal range, I just wanna lose another half stone - for safety ;) I have always gotten along well the older generation, my grandparents were either passed or well into dementia by the time I was old enough to have a relationship with them, so "old folk" are my favourite new people to meet. so I happily talked along a while longer and he said I was a lovely girl, which is a shame, because he likes his women tall and slim.

    Initially shocked that he even entertained the idea of flirting, let alone said that to me, was fallowed by the crippling pain of being described practically as short and stout, I walked out of the stop and fought tears on the drive home.

    I've since convinced myself that somehow, he was joking :wink: ......:ohwell: :cry: .........:sad:

    So if you want me to mentally send out support hugs, just shout ;)
  • stumblinthrulife
    stumblinthrulife Posts: 2,558 Member
    And this is why I never, ever comment on pregnancy until I'm told - even if she appears to be full term and about to go into labor.
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    Yeah. I know I look pregnant. My tummy is stretched out after two kids and I was a pear before that, so I'm an apple now. If my belt is in the wrong spot, I look about 7 months along. It's still not fun to hear, but I can't blame people. I really do feel sorry for them when I have to explain that I'm just fat. However, after dropping 14 pounds now, I have a waist again and can hardly wait to show it off to the last person who asked if I was expecting, LOL.
  • MsLilly200
    MsLilly200 Posts: 192 Member
    Don't people know by now...unless the baby is actively coming out (and even then, it's iffy), you DON'T ask someone that! :P

    With one exception.

    If your girlfriend/lover/wife just said "Honey, we're having a baby!"
    You are allowed to ask "You're pregnant!?" before fainting.

    However any further questions along that line once you wake up again are unacceptable. Unless your significant other is feeling kind and said questions also contain lots of flattery and compliments.
  • stumblinthrulife
    stumblinthrulife Posts: 2,558 Member
    Unless your significant other is feeling kind and said questions also contain lots of flattery and compliments.

    "But you can't possibly be pregnant, you look so slim! Though I guess it would explain your radiant glow over the past few weeks, I thought you'd just being trying a new skincare regime."
  • Pearlyladybug
    Pearlyladybug Posts: 882 Member
    Ohhh No, Dont worry your not alone...I remember the first time i got asked, Being an Ex hairdresser clients seem to think they can ask you anything! i cant remember the last time i cried as much as i did that day!..The worst bit about it when i said NO, Sorry im not pregnant she said to me " Well your going to be pissed when you find out you are aren't you" like she new something like i didn't!
  • msherrodmorfin
    msherrodmorfin Posts: 12 Member
    Ive been there.. add me too.. :) And I always just say Nope.. Im just fat.. and then they become instantly uncomfortable.. and I let them sit in it a bit before I offer any life line.. Hang in there.. :)
  • dawnkjensen
  • nc805397
    nc805397 Posts: 223 Member
    my great-grandmother, who is 90 and has Alzheimers, asked when I was due about 40 lbs ago!!!!! O.O I was so embarrassed!!! I was def just fat. She also thinks I am her sister most of the time, BUT STILL!!! I was super upset and decided to change. I've lost 40lbs (21 of which thanks to MFP) and I only have 30 more lbs to go! Add me!
  • dawnkjensen
    Ive been there.. add me too.. :) And I always just say Nope.. Im just fat.. and then they become instantly uncomfortable.. and I let them sit in it a bit before I offer any life line.. Hang in there.. :)

    Agreed, I do the same!
  • RobynMWilson
    RobynMWilson Posts: 1,540 Member
    See? This is why I never ask! lol

    Feel free to add me for support! This is a great tool to help motivate you and keep you on the beam!
  • Alatariel75
    Alatariel75 Posts: 17,959 Member
    Haahaa I was out for a walk one day and walked past a woman who looked me dead in the eye and said "you're too F**king young to be spitting out a kid"..

    a) I'm not pregnant...

    b).... I'm 33???

    So I figured, on the balance, it was a compliment. I may be fat, but at least I'm youthful?
  • jennyrebekka
    jennyrebekka Posts: 626 Member
    When people ask me, I usually just rub my belly and go "NOPE....this is ALL PIZZA right here!" - - it embarrasses them because i say it really loudly, so that everyone around us knows they were rude enough to ask such an insensitive question.

    Do not ASK unless you see the baby's arm hanging from the vag - - that is my advice.
  • roselover58
    roselover58 Posts: 96 Member
    People ask me that all the time...
    I am pear shaped, but most of my fat goes straight to my belly and in the wrong clothes I look a tad bit pregnant (I won't admit it out loud, but typing is different)...if they ask, I just say "yeah, my little cheeseburger is due any day now" and they look embarassed or laugh...I have a good sense of humor about it.

    I LOVE your response!!!!

    I remember when I was expecting, and I was in one of those moods. Some poor guy got in the lift with me, and asked how far along I was. I just stared at him, not saying a word. Not blinking. I think he learned the lesson - you don't ask, even if you see the head crowning...
  • shivouel
    I work as a nurse with people with learning disabilities. I have been asked if I'm pregnant at work multiple times, and was once told I was too fat to be a Disney Princess by a patient. It doesn't happen now because all my patients know me, and know that I'm not, because they've already asked! It's so depressing, but I can't hold it against them. However, if anyone outside of them asks, I get really annoyed then!

    For the record, the patient then said that although I was too fat to be a princess, I could be Wonder Woman. That made me feel better, she's totally hotter.

    I had a little boy at my work tell me not to worry, one day I WILL be a power ranger. :) Sometimes the silliest things are the most uplifting.

    As for this topic... Dear god, I've had close friends ask me that before!!! I'm not overly large, but I have a lot of muscle in my mid section, so when I eat too much or if I am even a little bloated, I look like I am at least four months along. It sucks :(
  • TrailRunner61
    TrailRunner61 Posts: 2,505 Member
    I feel your pain. I'm 51 and looked VERY pregnant and wasn't. What made it worse is that I look a lot younger than my grey haired husband, so I got a lot of stares even if they didn't say anything. Like he was an old guy, I had a sugar daddy, and heck, I don't know, they just made me feel uncomfortable even though I really didn't care what they thought, if that even makes sense. LOL

    There is hope and you will reach your goals. Just keep working at it and never give up!

    My old name on here was NoIJustLookPregnant, and I was able to change it after losing 40lbs. I do not miss that name or the stomach.
  • shali2000
    shali2000 Posts: 5 Member
    Yeah its really embarrassing. Ive had people offer me seats on the bus and I gladly took the seat. Even though Im not pregnant
  • Blondesaurus_Rex
    Don't people know by now...unless the baby is actively coming out (and even then, it's iffy), you DON'T ask someone that! :P

    With one exception.

    If your girlfriend/lover/wife just said "Honey, we're having a baby!"
    You are allowed to ask "You're pregnant!?" before fainting.

    However any further questions along that line once you wake up again are unacceptable. Unless your significant other is feeling kind and said questions also contain lots of flattery and compliments.
  • SnazzyPeg
    SnazzyPeg Posts: 33 Member
    When I was very pregnant my first time around, the checker at the grocery store politely asked, "Are you sure there's not two in there?" Luckily I could say, "Actually, there are." But seriously, I kinda wanted to smack her...