Going barefoot? (running/walking/full time)



  • JessyJ03
    JessyJ03 Posts: 627 Member
    All I can say is that I've enjoyed the shoes. They are a whole new experience and I can feel the difference in my calves. They are def getting stronger due to my new way of walking.

    I don't run (bit too heavy still) but walking in them seems just fine. Though I'll admit I haven't done any long distance hiking. My longest in the VFF has been 4.5 miles.

    For the PF: I've tried the tennis ball thing and that never really helped me. Though I continue to stretch my feet to keep the PF from flaring up. All I can say is I've had no pain since switching to the VFFs. So I will give them credit for that.

    Are they a fad? Maybe, but as long as they are still selling them I will be buying them.
  • bpotts44
    bpotts44 Posts: 1,066 Member
    My unprofessional opinion is that minimalist/barefoot running, like paleo dieting, is a fad that is fashionable amongst a small number of enthusiasts and that both will eventually fall entirely off the fitness world radar.

    Many college/professional runners are converting or at least barefooting for foot strength. We probably will never see everyone in minimalist shoes, but it is not a fad and will be around for a long time. The science behind it is sound.