Tea Drinkers



  • browneyes97
    Me Me Me!!! My favorite black tea is Earl Grey. My favorite green tea is Peach Ginger Green Tea by Stash. Yogi also makes a good blueberry green tea. I love the holiday teas too. All the minty ones and the sweet ones:) Yum!
  • mattagascar
    mattagascar Posts: 708 Member
    I usually get a green tea with a shot of espresso in it. Sounds odd but it's phenomenal.
  • Alatariel75
    Alatariel75 Posts: 17,959 Member
    I live on lemongrass and ginger tea, it is so refreshing and tasty! (also AWESOME for a hangover ;))
  • msliu7911
    msliu7911 Posts: 639 Member
    This is a great thread!!! I love hot tea! (no milk, creamers, additives necessary)

    Ah, Cinnamon Tea? Had no idea there was such thing! Sounds like a great idea to help with my after dinner cravings for sweets... (this happens EVERY SINGLE night no matter how filling dinner is).

    And Dandelion Root Tea?? I've only heard of that in pill form but hey.. it IS an herb so not sure why I didn't stop to think it could be in tea!

    I'm headed over to Amazon.com right now to search for these 2 to add to my collection 'o tea. :)
  • Cameronzmum
    Cameronzmum Posts: 10 Member
    I'm to the point I started drinking only tea about a month ago. And had an 8oz soda tuesday night and (TMI I Know) I ended up sick over soda. Mine also is green tea (with lemon and honey and antioxidents). As well as today started green coffee bean extract this afternoon (like 5 o clock) and here it is 11:15 and I'm still up.
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    Have always loved tea. Just know that some teas like green, black, and oolongs still have caffeine in case that matters to you.

    When you are ready start exploring loose leaf teas, they are fun and yummy and higher quality teas. Don't be afraid of the price tag because you can rebrew the tea leaves you get at least 3 uses out of them it's not just brew and toss like tea bags.
  • royallv
    royallv Posts: 84 Member
    Love Love Love Wild Blueberry Tea or Blueberry Acai Green Tea! No cream , sugar of chemical sweetners necessary. :)
  • Imgoing2makeit
    Teavana is awesome. They have something for every tea drinker. No additives needed. I would also recommend the breville tea maker. Brews the perfect temp & time for optimal taste. Loose leaf is definitely the way to go. I haven't had any in a while as they can get pricey. I will be making a trip there tomorrow...
  • GlitzyLittleMinx
    I LIVE for Teavana! They get so much of my money...but it's so worth it.
  • katy84o
    katy84o Posts: 744 Member
    Your first paragraph is basically what I did two weeks ago. Well except I only drink green tea and black tea occasionally. I save coffee with cream and sugar for the weekends. I actually hadn't added up how many calories i'd be saving each weeks. 1000.. that's pretty awesome.
  • msliu7911
    msliu7911 Posts: 639 Member
    Love Love Love Wild Blueberry Tea or Blueberry Acai Green Tea! No cream , sugar of chemical sweetners necessary. :)

    This sounds amazing as well. I had a no carb Monster Energy Drink the other day that was blueberry, pomegranate, and acai.... SO GOOD! I'd love to have a tea that has 2 of those ingredients... and probably much better for me.
  • UKMarjie
    UKMarjie Posts: 257 Member
    So I recently started drinking tea (about 2months ago) & Im enjoying it. I switched out coffee for green tea in the morning, in the afternoon I'll have black tea (earl grey or black chai tea) & white tea after dinner. Its great because I dont need any cream or sugar, unlike how I like my coffee ,2 cream 2 sugar,( EEEK!) That 150 calories. That saves me 1050 calories a week!!!! Coffee is now a treat, I love coffee to much to give it up forever.

    My skin looks amazing. And the weight is coming off a lot easier. Drinking a hot cup of tea def relaxes me. I love it! Now I brew green or white tea to put in my protein smoothies.

    Who else loves tea!

    Well for me the addiction/love affaire started at church - we had a social time after the service and I loved a hugely sugar filled tea...in crisis, in celebration, after working in the yard...there's a tea for that! Good for you re tea - full of yummy things especially all the different varieties. I really love Chai Spice Tea - it is a nice change from just regular orange peako and gives the whole room a warm and cozy scent! In fact I think I'll have one right now! ;)
  • Imgoing2makeit
    I LIVE for Teavana! They get so much of my money...but it's so worth it.

    Exactly! And it's so worth it..
  • EDesq
    EDesq Posts: 1,527 Member
    So I recently started drinking tea (about 2months ago) & Im enjoying it. I switched out coffee for green tea in the morning, in the afternoon I'll have black tea (earl grey or black chai tea) & white tea after dinner. Its great because I dont need any cream or sugar, unlike how I like my coffee ,2 cream 2 sugar,( EEEK!) That 150 calories. That saves me 1050 calories a week!!!! Coffee is now a treat, I love coffee to much to give it up forever.

    My skin looks amazing. And the weight is coming off a lot easier. Drinking a hot cup of tea def relaxes me. I love it! Now I brew green or white tea to put in my protein smoothies.

    Who else loves tea!

    I have done almost the EXACT thing! I WAS that way about coffee but something changed and I can no longer tolerate it, it may be the weight loss or psychologically it no longer fit My Lifestyle. I also may drink a mug as a treat maybe once a month.

    BUT You have given Me a wonderful idea...White Tea in the evening. I have been taking a cuppa Green, but that's to stimulating, and I don't really care for herbals . I did not think about white...Thanks!

    My favorite places for tea, tea sets and accessories: The English Tea Store, Teavana, and Gevalia has some great tasting Greens. T.E.T.S. has very reasonable Tea Sets and Accessories; I admit that when I go into something, I go all the way. That's the beauty of Tea...NO paper cups or Mugs for Me, LOL.
  • lmarcell
    lmarcell Posts: 1 Member
    Tea is great, and I am especially appreciative of it in the winter. A couple months ago I started switching out my diet sodas (which were getting way out of control) for green or white tea. White tea is still my favorite, but I've come to enjoy the green tea a lot too. I usually have 2-6 cups a day (but not at meals).
  • determinedbutlazy
    determinedbutlazy Posts: 1,941 Member
    I'm English, so tea is like air to me. I drink about 8 cups a day!
  • kimberly702
    kimberly702 Posts: 369 Member
    LOVE tea!!! Green tea, earl gray, orange and spice, raspberry, chamomile, peppermint... mmmmmm!!! Drink it everyday! Even found a dandelion tea!
  • Mighty_Rabite
    Mighty_Rabite Posts: 581 Member
    I drink tea by the metric $h!tload. Usually either black tea or green tea, always sweetened with non-calorie sweetener (varies but I stick most often with Truvia).

    I can buy a gallon of Arizona Diet Green Tea w/Ginseng at the store and it generally won't last me 24 hours.
  • danimal5867
    The first thing I did to improve my health and nutrition was to quit drinking Diet Pepsi. I replaced that habit with various green teas. I'm a big fan of iced tea so I just make my green tea in the fridge with two family sized bags in a 2 quart pitcher of water. My fridge almost always has 2 pitchers of green tea waiting for me.
  • theWinchester
    theWinchester Posts: 68 Member
    I love tea!!!!! ♥ I make a huge pitcher of green tea and drink it throughout the day. It keeps me cool. That is the great thing about tea it is brilliant hot or cold :love: