who has an injury and how do you deal with it?

i sprang my knee several years ago and with all this extra weight it limits my exercise. i only can do so much exercies unless my knee swells up and i get shooting pains through it and have to ice it and stay off of it for 1 - 3 days. is there anyone else who has and injury? how do you deal with it?


  • yesiam07
    i have two bad knees which need surgery but cant be fixed until i lose enough weight because the last 2 failed.....before i exercise i use some pain pills and push myself through the work out and do a lot of icing them afterwards also i strength train my knees the stronger they get i can go longer with before the pain is to intense. All i can say is learn your body limits and how far you can push yourself and over time it will get a little easier if you don't give up.
  • erica6732
    erica6732 Posts: 80 Member
    thanks - i hope the surgery goes well
  • F1uffy123
    F1uffy123 Posts: 121 Member
    I have 2 bulging discs in the lumbar section of my spine. I have constant pain at the bottom of my spine too. Just trying to be as proactive as I can. I see a chiropractor and I adapt exercise at the gym to suit how I'm feeling on the day. I was out of exercise for approx 8 weeks when it first happened and I although its better than it was I'm still not 100% but can't see it getting better anytime soon and strangely exercise helps!

    Good luck, hope it feels better soon
  • celebrity328
    celebrity328 Posts: 377 Member
    I have bursitis in my left knee and had to do PT for 6 months to learn how to walk again after a car accident. I have lost a lot of weight since then and it DOES get better.. but getting to that point is the hard part.

    I work out with a personal trainer and she tries to push me to do things my knee doesnt want to do, the best thing I can tell you is listen to your body! I also have a shoulder injury from the same accident and lifting sometimes isnt going to happen. I just told her finally one day, if I strain myself/hurt myself thats 6 months of PT Im not wanting to do :) If im having a good knee day I will do it, if not Im not doing it!

    My PT gave me low impact exercises to do for my condition, at first it really hurt no matter what I did but over time the knee/shoulder have gotten strength back. I use to ice every single day no matter what I was doing, now I ice maybe 1-2 times a month now. Sometimes its very slow process but its way better in the long run :) If you can see a Physical therapist I would suggest it, they helped me out a lot. If you cant afford it then I would suggest googling low impact exercises for the knee and see what you can/cant do :) Good luck!
  • wellbert
    wellbert Posts: 3,924 Member
    My knee had to be completely rebuilt, it was smashed so hard the patella shot up my thigh. My wrist was bashed even worse. (old injuries that still have a big effect.) I also have a bulging disc.

    So, basically, I drank a big glass of HTFU and paid very, very close attention to form.
  • Timshel_
    Timshel_ Posts: 22,834 Member
    Ugh, lots of them. First was rotator cuff from my early 20's playing competitve volleyball. Delt with that and rehabed, but still gets tight ever so often. Then knees started to be an issue in my later 30's. No surgury yet, but running is more difficult these days in my 40's. That is somewhat chronic. The latest start last year and that is my right forearm, which makes my love for tennis and working out tough. It is more related to the nature of my work being on a computer and using a mouse all day long, as much as some overuse playing too much tennis. Working on that right now.

    Back has been out a few times since turning 40, but that is never consistent.

    Getting older sucks, yo.
  • jillybeansalad
    jillybeansalad Posts: 239 Member
    What haven't I injured? lol From IT Band, tendonitis, joint separation, and whatever I recently did to my hips, I've spent some time injured. If you are able, a physical therapist can help you find what exercises you can do. They can also help with how to prevent reinjury or speed up your recovery.

    I had an issue with feeling depressed when I couldn't even do basic actions (running and skating are my stress-busters), but finding what activities I can still participate in has helped me see the light at the end of the tunnel. You need a goal and an idea of how to get to where you want to be.
  • jstout365
    jstout365 Posts: 1,686 Member
    I have problems with my wrist and being able to turn my hand palm side up. I do a lot of weight lifting so it can be a problem. I am currently wrapping it with a wrist wrap and modifying my grip, lifts when necessary. I still have pain, but just try to mental incorporate it into my day and continue with my workouts as best I can.
  • angrykitty13
    angrykitty13 Posts: 64 Member
    If you're struggling to workout because of your knee, talk with your PT and get some exercises/insight into the best workouts for you. For me, cycling was great after I hurt my knee, but that doesn't mean going to spin will work for you because you could have an entirely different type of knee injury. Plus s/he can give you some specific exercises/stretches to strengthen your knee which can help immensely.