Home workouts vs. the Gym

Hey there. I'm doing a compare/contrast paper for school and I think that my topic is going to be home vs. gym.
In your opinion what are some pros and cons to working out at home or working out at the gym?
I'd like to get a few outside opinions before I settle on my three main points.
Hope you're all having a great night!


  • SwimFan1981
    SwimFan1981 Posts: 1,430 Member
    Working out at home is free.
  • sally_jeffswife
    sally_jeffswife Posts: 766 Member
    I think I prob work out harder at home cuz I am more comfortable there, but the gym has more variety of equipment so that's good also. But home is alot less expensive and you can get the same results if you are diligent.
  • lambchristie
    lambchristie Posts: 552 Member
    I work out at a gym, with a group of people and I love it.
    We work with a personal trainer and he not only pushes us to do more, he encourages us along the way.
    I love the support of my fellow gym mates. We also encourage one another and support one another along the way.

    If I worked out at home I'd find all sort of reasons NOT to get up and do it.

    Yes its cheaper $$ wise ... but in motivation and accomplishment ... I go with my little gym.
    BTW ... its $60 a month, and I go 5 times a week. That is like $3.00 per night! Tell me that is not worth it?
  • ChancyW
    ChancyW Posts: 437 Member
    More distractions at home...I alternate between the two though.
  • tachyon_master
    tachyon_master Posts: 226 Member
    I pay for the gym, it gives me more motivation to get off my *kitten* so that I'm not wasting money.

    Also, the gym has much more equipment for me to use and I can get a more well-rounded workout than anything I could get at home.
  • dave4d
    dave4d Posts: 1,155 Member
    I live in an apartment. I don't have room for the equipment to work out at home. Equipment takes up space, and can bother the neighbors/family members if you workout at home. That's one of the cons for working out at home. Another is variety, and decent equipment is expensive. I had a set of dumbbells when I had a house, which worked okay, but I had many more options at the gym.

    If I had the money for a decent squat rack, olympic weights, and a bench, (and somewhere to put it all.) I would be satisfied with my home gym. One of the cons of going to the gym is distance. I hate having to get in my car, go out in bad weather, and fight the crowds at the gym. At home you can workout how you want, where you want, and when you want.
  • mjkpe
    mjkpe Posts: 98 Member
    I dropped the YMCA as it wasn't cheap, ($88/month family), and was far enough away that it was easy to make excuses not to go. (I say I was one of their best customers, haha!)

    After this I bought an elliptical machine which felt just about as solid as the $3k plus machines. Figuring I paid about $1k for the machine it will pay for itself in about a year, (and that does not include travel time or gas). That and joining MFP have proved to be an undefeatable combination. I use the machine just about every day. There's never a waiting line. And if I want to exercise at midnight who's going to stop me?

    i hope that helps and good luck on your paper.
  • jennmodugno
    jennmodugno Posts: 363 Member
    I did the gym thing for six months. The pros were simple: better equipment, less chance of slacking off. The cons were drive time, self-consciousness about exercises I wasn't good at yet, and having to bundle up my daughter to get there.

    Now I mostly work out at home, and the pros are that I can start and finish within an exact time frame and move on to what needs doing around the house or with my family, I don't feel self-conscious about not being in great shape yet, and I have NO EXCUSE not to work out! The cons are a severe lack of equipment, temptation to cut it short if I get tired, and no one to help me improve my form if I'm unsure if I'm doing it right. (Though I have been known to hit up YouTube, it only helps so much.)
  • StacieMarie84
    StacieMarie84 Posts: 5 Member
    I used to manage a gym for years. I am still a member of a gym and I also work out at home and outdoors. People who workout at a gym can gain a sense of community that drives their fitness goals and commitments to their workouts. Having gym buddies, meeting new people who share your goals/interests, as well as motivational gym employees are all benefits to the gym.

    There are several types of motivational people that you encounter at the gym that you wouldn't at home. Front desk employees are usually friendly and encouraging every time you workout. The group exercise instructors help you find classes that are fun and motivating. Personal trainers can provide expert advise and guidance. Regular gym members are usually friendly and open to giving advice and encouragement as well.
  • SarahCW1979
    SarahCW1979 Posts: 572 Member
    I used to have a gym membership but found I enjoy working out on my own (where I dont feel self conscious about the jiggling) I dont have to wait for a free cross trainer or feel like a silly girlie la-la in front of the men in the weights section and dont have to worry about kicking unsuspecting victims during classes (tried zumba once, never again) I also like being able to jump into a clean shower straight after workouts, the ones at my gym were GROSS!
  • Markguns
    Markguns Posts: 554 Member
    Most may seem obvious but here is a simple list

    Gym Pro:
    1. Multiple Equipment options, helps prevents boredom
    2. Fitness trainers
    3. Sauna and pool
    4. Atmosphere helps put you in the "exercise mode"
    5. Misery loves company. :bigsmile: Other people there help encourage you to work harder. Meet new friends with same goals.
    6. Organized Professional classes

    Gym Cons:
    1 travel time
    2 cost.
    3 Some people may be intimidated.

    Home Workout Pros
    1. Cost is low
    2. Flexible with schedule
    3. No intimidation factor
    4. Easy for DVD Workout regimes

    Home workout cons
    1 Lack of adequate space (if you're in a small apt)
    2 Opposite of Gym pros

    Hope it helps. Cheers! :drinker:
  • runningfataway
    No commute
    No germs (eeky sweat residue from who knows what)
    No prying eyes

    Initial fee to purchase equipment's is high whereas at a gym you're technically still paying the same amount for an equipment usage per say but in monthly increments.
    Might be lazy and unmotivated to start..
    No hot guys to watch live.

    Can offer support and motivation
    Amenities such as swimming pool, more exercise equipment...etc

    Prying eyes
    Dirty equipment = disease contraction
  • sozisfitnow
    sozisfitnow Posts: 209 Member
    Why not both? Im running outside and going to the gym!
  • MissPeppers
    MissPeppers Posts: 302 Member
    I work out at home. I can work out whenever I want, listen to my own music, do whatever comes to mind (if I have the equipment to do it), it's perfect for me. It makes it very easy to maintain my workout frequency, if I decide to work out it takes an hour max from the moment I decide to work out until I'm out of the shower. Having to get dressed, walk/run/drive to a gym, work out, walk/run/drive back is quite a stopper for me. It's also cheaper - I don't HAVE TO buy more equipment because I do fine with what I have and the free advice out there are plenty and good if you find the right mentors.

    The cons are that I need to buy equipment, and equipment takes up space at home. I have kettlebells, dumbbells, a door gym and will buy slings or straps - but sometimes I would wish I had access to heavier equipment for deadlifts and so on. I also lack mirrors and someone to check my form and give guidance. I have a bit of practice from earlier gym memberships though, basic form is OK but when I incorporate something new I need to be extra aware of my exercises until I feel that my form is good.

    But as I said, I have gone to gyms earlier and there is a good reason why I don't do that anymore. I can keep up my motivation only for so long until it gives in - especially during summer when the weather is good and being indoors is far from where I want to be. It also takes quite a lot more time, and I have to pay every month.
  • alilarmour
    I have a gym at home with all the equipment I need and more. I am trying to use it regularly but it's hard as I find it lonely and boring and can make up all sorts of excuses to not bother - laundry and hoovering suddenly becomes preferable and necessary lol. There is nobody watching at home so I am less inclined to push myself to work harder whereas in an actual gym I would feel pressure to try harder to kind of compete with those around me. At home the time seems to drag in whereas in a gym with so much going on it seems to go quicker and there's the added bonus of a nice swim after and a jacuzzi/sauna. All the perks take time though and a trip to the gym can therefore take over 2 hours including travel just for a 1 hour workout. A one hour workout at home takes exactly one hour - much more manageable when you work and have kids and a busy life. Gyms are expensive too with a monthly fee being paid out all the time whereas I built up my home equipment over time. It probably costs the same overall but I fork out for new machines when we're feeling flush and like not having yet another direct debit to cover each month. I also much prefer my own shower and the comfort of getting changed at home - gym changing is always a bit manky no matter how expensive and exclusive the gym is.
  • KarenJanine
    KarenJanine Posts: 3,497 Member
    I have experience of both, previously working out at a gym but recently having set up a home gym. These are my 'pro' lists for each:

    Fewer distractions
    Greater range of equipment
    Spotters on hand if needed
    Easier to stay focussed on the task in hand

    Available to use at any time
    No cost (after initial outlay for equipment)
    No queuing to use equipment
    Can get small chores done between sets
    Can wear what I like (i.e. workout bare foot, in PJs, etc.)
    Don't have to worry about pieces of equipment being broken or out of action as I look after them and no one else uses it.
    Get to use my own shower which I know is well cleaned
    Can use online workouts / DVDs to keep mixing things up
  • Hayaa79
    Hayaa79 Posts: 458 Member
    Only Self-disciplined people can workout @home :tongue:
  • smuehlbauer
    smuehlbauer Posts: 1,041 Member
    You guys are FANTASTIC!!!
    My brain storming group at school was not very helpful.
    Most of this I already had but it's nice to have a group of people to boune come ideas off of!
    Thank you!!
  • danimalkeys
    danimalkeys Posts: 982 Member
    I have a home setup. I've never had the need to join a gym.

    One thing to keep in mind about a home setup is it does cost a good bit of money to purchase the gear you want. I paid around $1000 for an elliptical. I have a full squat cage, adjustable bench, 1000lbs of plates including some 100lb ones that are not easy to find, dumbbells from 10 to 120lbs. 2 racks for all the weight plates, a rack for the dbs. 3 straight Olympic barbells, a cambered bar, and a curl bar. A pair of rubber bumper plates. Rubber mats for the floor. There is a consderable investment there. I didn't do it all at once, it took a few years to get everything that I have now. I was fortunate to be able to get a lot of the plates at a good price from my son's high school when they revamped their gym. I also found a guy who collected old musical gear who also owned a gym and we traded some gear for weight equipment. I'm sure I have several years of gym dues tied up in my gear, but once you make that investment, you never pay again.

    Still, I wouldn't have it any other way. I work out when I want, no waiting for gear, no worries about getting chalk or sweat all over the place.
  • goexpos
    goexpos Posts: 27 Member
    Only Self-disciplined people can workout @home :tongue:

    this. plus the regulars who work out on the same schedule that I do are great to talk to and get advice from, as well as encouragement.