Home workouts vs. the Gym



  • 1Fizzle
    1Fizzle Posts: 241 Member
    Dirty equipment = disease contraction

    Disease contraction?!?!
  • SavageFeast
    SavageFeast Posts: 325 Member
    Working out at home: less self-conscious, saves time and gas, 24/7 availability, can multi-task (wash clothes and cook while doing a video), cheap

    Working out at the gym: more/better equipment, group classes, camaraderie and motivation from others, structure
  • kimberly702
    kimberly702 Posts: 369 Member
    I actually think I work out harder at the GYM... in my mind I'm trying to keep up with everyone else. That was at the gym I was comfortable at. Then I tried another gym and I just couldn't wait to get the hell outta there so I know I didn't nearly as hard. So now I've been doing it hat home. And THAT has it's advantages too... I'm trying new things that I would be too embarrased to do at the gym (at the gym I want to look like I have some idea of what I'm doing). But it's easy to get distracted or just sit on my butt and look up exercises on Youtube or Pinterest instead of actually doing them. So if I could afford it I would go with the gym!
  • jimmie65
    jimmie65 Posts: 655 Member
    Pros: 1. My own thing at my own pace. 2. No driving time to get there. 3. I can work out in whatever I want.
    Cons: 1. More distractions. 2. Equipment takes up 1/2 my back porch. 3. Initial cost.

    Cons: 1. Rude, dumb, or slow people. 2. Shower rooms. 3. Having to wait on equipment.
    Pros: 1. More equipment. No 2 or 3 for this one.
  • lazykerry
    lazykerry Posts: 31 Member
    I generally dislike gyms, but they do have one thing going for them: climate control. If it's a hundred degrees outside and a million degrees in my un-air-conditioned apartment, I'll probably go to the gym. Same goes for the cold in the winter.
  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 6,975 Member
    I have done both. I love to do z u m b a at a gym. But I avoid memberships by paying for the class only. I am lucky enough to have the space and the equipment at home for a decent gym. I added things over years though. There is a wall mounted tv for all those programs I have. Way to many to list. I still love Taebo. Insanity comes to mind as another favorite. I have free weights, kettle bells, a weight bench, bow flex, a great treadmill. And of course bands, stability ball, everything needed for myself and a friend to do body pump. Two Reebok steps, two really thick mats. Lots of other goodies. I don't worry about other people's germs. I have gotten in the best shape of my life once or twice using this equipment. I just plug in the music and workout. The most important thing to do is to track what you are doing. Record everything! Also there are some inexpensive mirrors placed around my 27 by 15 foot area. The mirrors are great to see your form, correct what is wrong. I am not wealthy. Just lucky enough to have a supportive spouse that gave me the downstairs family room as my personal space. And I pity the person who tries to take it from me! And last but not least.....all my fitness magazines and books. Love it.
  • I do both and as long as you get into a routine each week both are great
    At home I like the fact I can watch movies etc i choose when on the stationary bike etc
    At the gym I put my iPod ear phones in and play my own music. This allows my personal choice of music and means I don't get distracted by people talking to me (call me stand offish if you like, but I'm not there to chat)
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member

    At home pros: free, no travel = less time overall, less germs
    At home cons: less equipment, no access to personal trainer, more distractions

    Gym pros/cons: opposite of above
  • 2muchsauce
    2muchsauce Posts: 1,078
    The biggest reason I use the gym is that I need the extra motivation I get from working out with other people. It helps me get up at 4:30 am .........something I never would do for a workout at home.
  • concordancia
    concordancia Posts: 5,320 Member


    No hot guys to watch live.

    I even have one of those at home!

    I actually belong to a free gym where said hot guy works. I only go to classes there when my schedule allows, as I don't even know where the after hours security kiosk is, and the security computer keeps losing my name. It is only eight miles away, but it takes at least 20 minutes with all the lights. It just seems like a waste most days. If they had a pool, I would probably feel differently.

    I never have an excuse to not be in my living room. It is just as easy to turn on the Wii, as the TV. Resistance bands can provide a great workout as long as you use the right ones for your strength level and they store better than weights.

    Definite con, my partner stubbed his toe on my dumbbells the other day when he went to turn on the computer.
  • 1brokegal44
    1brokegal44 Posts: 562 Member
    Both. I pay for the gym--motivation to go. And there's the competitive streak that comes out in the gym which makes me push myself harder. Home is more relaxed but I have dvds for specific training that my gym doesn't offer.
  • Yogi_Carl
    Yogi_Carl Posts: 1,906 Member
    Exciting project - all best with that.

    Home Pros
    With just a pull-up bar you can strength train the whole body without any extra equipment or use bits of furniture around the house.
    I can take a bodyweight exercise routine with me anywhere: home, work, visiting family, travelling for work in hotel rooms etc.
    It is more fun in my opinion to see how you can make exercises more intense without using external equipment, weights etc.
    You could have completed your bodyweight exercises at work, leaving the evenings free.

    Home Cons
    Unless you are assertive enough, you could end up cancelling or breaking up your bodyweight session to do things for others. I am lucky as my home sessions are my own.

    Gym Pros
    Can't think of any - no, sorry - can't think of any.

    Gym Cons
    You have to set a whole evening apart for travel, changing clothes, working out, waiting for others to finish with equipment you need, showering, changing and going back home - by the time you have done all this you have no time for others, ot relaxation.
    You can't take it with you if you need to travel
    Gyms and locker rooms stink

    As you can see - I am biased!
  • cuinboston2014
    cuinboston2014 Posts: 848 Member
    For a few years I was living with my parents and our basement had a pretty nice home gym. I'm also a big runner so I usually just worked out in the basement. I loved the convenience of it. I could workout at 11pm or when my daughter was sleeping or hanging out and everything was fine. I was still following any marathon training plans and keeping up with mileage and cross training. I was not, however lifting.

    Now I joined a gym where 3 days a week my only workout time there is 5:30am. But when I'm there, no matter what day or time, my workouts are longer and harder. Hey, I made the 7 minute drive there I'm using my time there as best as I can. I now lift more, workout longer, and have more space to do plyometrics. My gym is also super cheap.

    So- the pros of a home gym - convenience, cost (after everything is paid for of course), and you can be comfortable there (you don't even have to match for goodness sake!) which is especially important if you feel uncomfortable in your own skin.

    Cons - you can cut yourself short because you know the couch or your bed is so close!

    The gym itself - pros - more equipment, can be motivating to see other people working out and be in it "with you", you pay for it so you should maximize your benefits from it

    cons - it costs money and more time
  • I do both but really enjoy the flexiblity of working out at home plus it is free. I use fitnessblender.com to follow videos at home and they are just as intense and some times more intense than my workouts in the gym. It helps that I have the room and the equipment to work out at home and it probably wouldn't be as productive if I didn't do both. The gym is good because there are other people working out with you and it is more encouraging but working out at home is quicker and easier.
  • In my current life, working out at home is the only way I can work out. I have 2 young kids and work full time+ so the only time I have to work out is while they are taking their bath in the evening or when they are sleeping.

    Pros to working out at home - schedule flexibility, more time with the family, model healthy habits for my kids, not self conscious at home, can sing at the top of my lungs when working out without interferring with anyone else

    Cons to working out at home - limited equipment (I have an elipitical, a treadmill a few hand weights and the total gym so I have a lot to work with, but I can't do everything you could do at the gym). No free weights as I have no spotter and I am not comfortable with free weights without a trainer around to correct my form. No one to correct form. Must be self motivated

    I used to work in a company that had an awesome full service gym (cardio machines, weight machines, free weights, running track and morning,lunch and after work exercise classes) and I loved working out there. It was convient and I could get in a great workout at lunch because I never had to leave the building. It takes to long for me to drive from my office to the gym and back at lunch to get a good workout and shower in now.
  • Sugarhiccup03
    Sugarhiccup03 Posts: 88 Member
    I think I prob work out harder at home cuz I am more comfortable there, but the gym has more variety of equipment so that's good also. But home is alot less expensive and you can get the same results if you are diligent.

    This exactly.
  • Anthonydaman
    Anthonydaman Posts: 854 Member
    Working out at the gym is more motivating. Home exercise equip tends to gather dust. My mother-in-laws treadmill is now a place for her to hang her clothes...
  • Gym by far! At home it gets boring and I have way less motivation. The atmosphere is what it is all about when working out! Also doing the same routine like DVDs it so annoying! I have momorized P90x so I just do some of those moves at gym lol
  • HypersonicFitNess
    HypersonicFitNess Posts: 1,219 Member
    I've had gym memberships, but I currently have a home gym:

    Home Gym --

    No monthly cost
    You don't have to travel
    You can roll out of bed and start your workout
    You don't have to buy fancy sports wear (if your in your own house you can workout in your underwear if you like)
    All the machines are available all the time
    The "class" you want is always on your schedule
    You can workout any time; even if you only have 15 minutes
    I can listen to what ever music I want at whatever level I want
    I can watch whichever channel I want on the TV with the volume at the level I want w/out ear buds

    Start up cost
    If you do not have self discipline you may not workout
    You may not know how to do an exercise
    You don't have interaction with others
    No access to a personal trainer (this I do not have a problem with personally b/c my husband is certified trainer although retired)

    Gym --

    You may be more inclined to workout harder because people can SEE you
    You have access to a personal trainer
    You can interact with others
    More machine/weight options

    SmellyNasty people
    Can't get in a class/on a machine
    Naked people in the locker room
    You may be self concious
    You have to "dress" to go to they gym
    You have to (possibly) drive to go to the gym
    Stuck with ear buds and your iPod for music
    Stuck with whatever boring crap is being shown on the tv screens

    Like I mentioned I have gone to free gyms while my husband was military, I've had gym memberships, and for the last 7 or so years we've had our own home gym and we really love it. We have everything you could possibly need.
  • tenajh
    tenajh Posts: 208 Member
    Been doing my own research, I have physical afflictions and am just getting into strength training and with my history - it would be best to join a gym short term and get the knowledge base that the personal trainers have. I would also like to be able to swim and don't have a pool anywhere near my farm. For me is all about knowledge base and not re-injuring my healing body.