How Much Weight Did You Lose Before You/People Noticed?



  • skinnyjess6
    skinnyjess6 Posts: 35 Member
    rickpearce makes a really good point. I have lost about 13.6lbs, and the only people who have said something are the people who know I'm doing it. Even about half of them are not commenting. But, when I do wear something I wouldn't haved used to wear, or something more fitted, I get more comments.
  • TheRightWeigh
    TheRightWeigh Posts: 249 Member
    People seem to notice when I've lost weight rather quickly. Which I don't understand, because I am very, VERY heavy. Generally people dont notice until like 50-100 lbs down from what I've heard. Folks started noticiing when I lost about 10 lbs....and really started commenting about my face when I had lost about 25 lbs. Maybe i'm just like at a chub threshhold or something once I get over 460 my face goes all Violet Beauregarde from Willy Wonka... eh...i dunno, but it is nice to get the acknowledgement.!
  • apriltrainer
    apriltrainer Posts: 732 Member
    15 lbs for me. I can hide my weight pretty well. In fact when I was trying to lose most people didn't think I needed to(at that time I was still 20 lbs away from my swimsuit look and had already lost alot of weight and certain people thought I should stop.) In clothes i looked bathing suit...not at all.

    Some people are ok clothes good.But I wanted to take it beyond just looking svelte in clothes. I wanted to rock a bikini.

    I wanted to be bathing suit,rock star good! It took me losing 15 lbs for people to start saying, "WOW, you look better!"

    I was finally able to not just rock a bikini at the beach...I was able to walk across a stage with a bikini!
  • kbanzhaf
    kbanzhaf Posts: 601 Member
    For me, it was when I had lost about 30-35 pounds.....and after I had bought a pair of jeans (in the same size I wore in high school :wink: ) that actually fit me. I feel that people didn't notice because my clothes were baggy......not fitting me well, but they were the same size so no one really noticed.
    I saw the daughter of a friend when I was wearing those jeans who hadn't seen me while I had lost the weight......she was all over me, like " look great....what have you been doing?"
    On another note, after I had lost the weight, one of my dad's cousins didn't recognize me until I went up to him and gave him a kiss on the cheek -- he still says he has a hard time realizing it is me when he sees me.
  • misspastry
    misspastry Posts: 109 Member
    I think that people notice, but don't say anything, because they are afraid of offending you or they're just jealous because you're thin now and they're heffas. lol
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    I get compliments, but no one mentions weight loss. That is fine with me. It tells me they notice I look better. A couple of years ago a coworker was on a diet and everybody but me talked about it. I wasn't comfortable mentioning it because I couldn't think of the "right thing to say." Then one afternoon we were in the hall with no one around and it came to me. "You look wonderful!" I can tell you she was surprised and pleased.
  • revgosik
    revgosik Posts: 62 Member
    First, Great job!

    I have a very poor body image and so I noticed well after many people did. It was weird even though I was having to replace clothing I still saw myself as the same old person in the mirror. However, to hold myself accountable I am very public with my weight loss and I think that gave people "permission" so to speak, to mention the changes they were seeing. I think it was around 50 lost that people mentioned they saw it in my face and probably around 70 that I started getting comments about the body.

    They are nice to hear and give me motivation everytime someone says something.
  • vytamindi
    vytamindi Posts: 845 Member
    About 40. I think people are hesitant to compliment if they are not sure....

    I agree with this. I was reading one MFP thread where people were talking about the weight loss remarks people made and many were offended by remarks probably well-intentioned. So yeah, I think many people hesitate before saying anything.

    The only times I have commented on people's progress, I've had horrible luck. It was either someone who told me "thanks, but I've actually gained weight," mourning over a lost a loved one, or newly diagnosed with some condition. I didn't know, and I felt really bad, even if these happened over the course of a decade. Needless to say, I don't comment anymore, unless I know they are working towards that goal.

    This may be the reason why I get flustered when people say anything to me about weight loss. I also feel this is my journey and am actually embarrassed by how much I had to lose in the first place.

    I also want to echo the poster above me who said comments, whether you're looking for them or not, usually come after you buy clothes that fit you. Especially new pants.
  • squindles
    squindles Posts: 350 Member
    Well done on your weightloss so far :smile: nobody has noticed on me yet but thats ok because: A) I've not told anybody (not even my husband!) and B) as I've got a massive amount to lose, 14lbs isn't noticable on my enormous girth!! :blushing: