500 calories burned a day?? Really???



  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    Personally, I don't feel that calorie burn is really the point of exercise...more of a bi-product. Unless you have a specific fitness goal in mind that requires it, I don't really see much of a point in working out 2-3 times per day or for hours on end. Many people I know who do this have no idea how to properly fuel their bodies and end up doing more harm than good. There is simply no need to burn off a bazillion calories unless you know how to eat them back. That said, 500 is very doable if I wanted to kill an hour doing cardio. But I prefer my 30 minute sessions at various intensity levels that burn 250-350 because the meet my fitness and training goals, not my weight loss goals.
  • bekdavis
    bekdavis Posts: 290 Member
    When I run I tend to burn about 500 calories (5 miles).

    Weight training burns less - about 300

    I workout three days a week right now with weights and try to add that 4th day of running only...but do not always get there due to being so sore.

    i eat based on TDEE so I only eat back caloreis if my net drops below my BMR

  • lynnsloss2013
    Zumba is a great way to burn over 500 calories. Since a class is about that already, and it's usually my second "workout" since I hardly consider it a workout, it's so fun! So, then above 500, I have whatever I burned in my first workout.
  • 2bmeagain12
    2bmeagain12 Posts: 284 Member
    It's definitely possible. Personally I wear a FitBit One and burn 35-250 calories throughout the day (per FitBit) just doing my every day activity, errands, etc. Because it syncs with MFP I can determine whether I want to eat back the calories or not, based on my hunger level. In addition, if I do 30 minutes on the elliptical I can burn another 250 calories. I'm a pretty sedentary person. But on a good day I can burn around 500 calories. As I continue to lose weight and the weather improves, I'll be able to workout longer, and be more active more frequently.
  • kdub67
    kdub67 Posts: 181 Member
    I burn anywhere from 400-550 in my one hour workouts. If you do an intense interval or HIIT workout you can do it easily. Obviously the more you weigh, the higher the calorie burn, but I'm in the high 120s and burn that every day. It can be done:)
  • spicy618
    spicy618 Posts: 2,114 Member
    You do realize your body is always burning calories, even when not working out. probably like atleast 50cals a hour at least!

    Yes, I was wondering if others deduct the calories that your body burns regardless.

    I do 40 minutes on the stairmaster, HRM shows usually 450 - 470 calories. I deduct 100 calories just to be safe. I log 350. Also, I walk briskly for about 1:22 and burn about 550 and deduct 100. But thats me. :flowerforyou:

    However, like many have stated. It all depends on your Hear Rate. You can do it too. :flowerforyou:
  • Joyjmb
    Joyjmb Posts: 221 Member
    I can easily burn 500 in an hour on the high performace trainer at my gym, BUT I am 240 lbs.
    Alot different than if you're trying the same thing at 150 lbs. Would take alot longer.
    What is the weight of this person you're trying to emulate? Maybe 500 a day is a little high for much smaller people.
  • JustJennie1
    JustJennie1 Posts: 3,843 Member
    It depends on what you're doing. When I do Insanity I can burn between 500 - 600+ calories in one work out.

    When I go to the gym and incorporate a very brisk walk in the afternoon my total calorie burn can be around 500 as well. It all depends on how hard you're working.
  • Tara1B
    Tara1B Posts: 78
    According to my HRM I usually burn 350-500 cals per gym session - I'm only 5ft tall. I can burn over 500 if I do a 45 min class followed by 20 mins on the treadmill. I usually go after work around 7-7.30pm and I try to eat most of the calories I burn in the gym back.
  • Chieflrg
    Chieflrg Posts: 9,097 Member
    I burned almost 1500 half way through the day and plan on a couple more. Its Cardio day baby!
  • strikerjb007
    strikerjb007 Posts: 443 Member
    500 calories is not that hard to burn. I do beachbody programs. Any of them will make me burn at least 450-500 calories in 45 mins or less.

    The only times I burn less is when I lift weights. That's because your body burns more calories after the workout by repairing muscles. With cardio, easy.
  • HeidibooJB
    HeidibooJB Posts: 62 Member
    I teach Zumba, sometimes twice a day, and burn from 500-680cals per class depending on the type of class (beginner or youth classes are the lower end) 5 days a week. Yesterday I threw in a 30 Day Shred on top, and burned a whopping 1380 cals. I have a Polar ft60 which gives an accurate count. I generally try to eat back at least half of my exercise calories, but on days like yesterday I'd never be able to eat them all. Some days I don't work out at all, usually 2 days a week. Last week I averaged 600 cals/day.
  • kbodnaruk
    I burn approx 460 calories by doing Biggest Loser Boot Camp - levels 1, 2, and 3 - using 5 pound weights - and this is a 55 minute DVD. I have also burned 500 calories walking/jogging doing C25K and adding my own walking/jogging for a total of 60 minutes and 3.5 miles. I usually do the DVD in the afternoon while my daughter is down for a nap - and the walking/jogging is usually done in the mornings - sometimes pushing my daughter in the jogger stroller or having the husband push her while I focus on the walking/jogging.
  • DotCanada
    DotCanada Posts: 8 Member
    How do you enter 30 Day Shred to get such a high colorie burn? Entering it into MFP as circuit training for 25 min (I do a wee bit extra from the 20 min workout) gives me 170 cal burned. Unless it's calulating based on a person's weight I suppose?
  • bicoastalgirl
    bicoastalgirl Posts: 85 Member
    i just burned 556 calories doing jillian's banish fat, boost metabolism dvd. i burn at least that much on long runs, too. and yes, i do tend to eat more on those days, but the day i'm really hungry is the day after the 500-plus calorie burn days.
  • lisamarie2181
    lisamarie2181 Posts: 560 Member
    I think it depends on your weight and how hard you are working. I am currently doing just dance for cardio, about an hour I burn between 500-600 cals and I am doing the 30 day shred, which I burn alittle under 200 doing that for 27 minutes.

    I still have quite a bit of weight to lose, so could be why my burns are higher.

    I also have a BMF which calculates my cals for the day, so it is pretty accurate compared to just using MFP's numbers.
  • TheRunningGuppy
    TheRunningGuppy Posts: 651 Member
    I can burn that much fairly easily. But I am heavy still. If I was nearer my goal weight I think I would find it harder. A 3 mile walk for me will burn 600+, which I calculate using the MapMyRun app on my phone. It takes into account the geography of the walk, not just the distance and speed.
  • lpina2mi
    lpina2mi Posts: 425 Member
    M-F 6:15 awake, read, brush teeth & wash face, change into sweats,
    6:45 morning chores, write or practice cello
    7:30 walk dog 3.0 mph 10-20 mintues = 45-90 kcal
    7:45ish yoga-pilates ~20minutes = 70kcal
    NEW ADDITION NEXT WK (because I had to find something convenient but w better burn)
    REBOUNDING w free-wts = 90kcal/min at my current wt +freewt.for 20-30min = 180-270 kcal!!
    8:15 shower & dress & switch laundry from washer to dryer
    by 9am I am at my desk working w a latte by my side
    between 11-1pm another dog walk & first food 10min walk = 45kcal
    back to work til 3pm, then carpool duties
    ~4pm another short dog walk = 45 kcal Often I am hungry again, so I prep another plate of food
    back to work til 6ish then cook dinner for meal at ~7pm) clean up & fold laundry + other miscellaneous house chores
    finally another dog walk = 45kcal

    You can see without REBOUNDING I would never make my 3500 kcal weekly burn goal--What had been saving me was SHOVELLING SNOW that I was averaging doing 3-4x weekly at a burn of 600-700kcal. The time it takes to go to a gym just doesn't fit my schedule or my preference to use early early morning hours for creative & intellectual pursuits as well as home management, rather than gym.
  • hbrittingham
    hbrittingham Posts: 2,518 Member
    I burn 350-500 calories regularly, was even burning 700+ back in the spring of last year. I generally was using the ARC trainer for anywhere from 45 minutes to an hour at high intensity and then strength train for another 20+ minutes. I go to the gym after work. I do eat back all my exercise calories most of the time.

    Edited to add that my husband, who is much larger than me burns 500-600 calories working out every day. He does 20-30 minutes of strength and then 30-35 minutes of cardio 5 days a week.
  • MystikPixie
    MystikPixie Posts: 342 Member
    When I was at my most fit I would regularly burn 500 or more every day. Between walks and stair climbing at lunch time and breaks during work hours plus my evening workout I'd do when I got home I'm sure I was burning much more than that.