Will dropping to 150 net carbs a day help with fat loss?



  • benflando

    I see way too many people on here worrying about the number appearing on the scale.
  • benflando
    I would only drop your calories by 200-300 calories not carbs.
  • Starlage
    Starlage Posts: 1,709 Member
    AS PER MARKS DAILY APPLE ( PAleo site.... I assume this would have somewhat same guidelines for a SAD diet) not sure...

    ■0-50 grams per day: Ketosis and I.F. (Intermittent Fasting) zone. Excellent catalyst for rapid fat loss through I.F. Not recommended for prolonged periods (except in medically supervised programs for obese or Type 2 diabetics) due to unnecessary deprivation of plant foods.
    ■50-100 grams per day: Sweet Spot for Weight Loss. Steadily drop excess body fat by minimizing insulin production. Enables 1-2 pounds per week of fat loss with satisfying, minimally restrictive meals.
    ■100-150 grams per day: Primal Maintenance zone. Once you’ve arrived at your goal or ideal body composition, you can maintain it quite easily here while enjoying abundant vegetables, fruits and other Primal foods.
    ■150-300 grams a day: Insidious Weight Gain zone. Most health conscious eaters and unsuccessful dieters end up here, due to frequent intake of sugar and grain products (breads, pastas, cereals, rice, potatoes – even whole grains). Despite trying to “do the right thing” (minimize fat, cut calories), people can still gain an average of 1.5 pounds of fat every year for decades.
    ■300+ grams a day: Danger Zone of average American diet. All but the most extreme exercisers will tend to produce excessive insulin and store excessive fat over the years at this intake level. Increases risk for obesity, Metabolic Syndrome and type 2 diabetes.

    Read more: http://www.marksdailyapple.com/press/the-primal-blueprint-diagrams/#ixzz2KF9TmtUT

    bullcrap. I eat 150-200 a day and have lost 30+ pounds.

    ditto. eat whatever you want within moderation, just stay within your calorie goal. I've nver reduced or cut out any food group and I've lost weight just fine (and continue to slowly but surely).
  • escloflowneCHANGED
    escloflowneCHANGED Posts: 3,038 Member

    You have a weird definition of "facts", did you mean fantasy?

    they may not be facts, but they arent a fantasy, it works, tried , tested and proven, unless you have facts stating otherwise.
    you are now ignored, your posts are a bunch of jibber jabber , and trollin

    If it's not a fact...it's not tried, tested and proven....

    This is my vote for stupidest post of the day, just putting that out there!
  • 1ConcreteGirl
    1ConcreteGirl Posts: 3,677 Member

    It will, however, help with water loss.
  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    Oh damn. My weightloss with 200+ grams of carbs per day must be my bones melting.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    Carbs are not the devil...the low carb programming of today is just as irrelevant to weight loss as the low fat/no fat programming of the '80s.

    OP...if you're set to lose .5 Lbs per week and you lost 11 in the first few weeks, a lot of that was water...now your body is just regulating to your desired weight loss goal. It's not linear either...it won't be exactly .5 Lbs every week...it's going to fluctuate...you're going to have weeks with no results on the scale...and weeks of small losses...and weeks of bigger losses...and weeks of small gains. If you plot this data on a graph, you will see a general trend down over time. .5 Lbs per week is nice and slow and very healthy and safe weight loss.