


  • ChelseaYepThatsMe
    What do you wanna be when you grow up?

    LOL, well I'm in college for Early Childhood Education.
    To become a kindergarten teacher.
  • vtmoon
    vtmoon Posts: 3,436 Member
    What is your biggest fear?
  • ChelseaYepThatsMe
    What is your biggest fear?

    Losing my boyfriend/fiance.
  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    ok lol y do u stick out ur tongue so much in pictures? lol... some people think tongue rings are only good for 1 thing lol..... not good lol.. not good.... haha..

    That whole "tongue rings are only good for one thing" crap is a myth.

    Yes! Exactly.

    I love my tongue ring.
    1. because when my daughter would cry, it would distract her. It made her curious therefore she stopped crying.
    2. atleast it has a damn purpose. She said it's Pointless. Uhm, whats the POINT in any piercing. Atleast mine has a use.
    3. Not everyone with a tongue piercing USES it that way
    4. The tongue is one of the places I thought would hurt to get pierced, so I tried it, It didn't hurt a bit.
    5. I'm non conformist. I'm going to do what I please, and if someone has something to say about it, idgaf. I am proud of me and the things I do.
    6. My boyfriend and I got them done TOGETHER! ( a lot smarter than getting matching, or couples tattoos)

    Yeah I had my done three times because I kept thinking I wanted utnoierced again. It didn't hurt but annoyed me. I always would bite on it and when bored I would run it along the back of my teeth, which ruins the protective enamel. So I finally decided enough was enough and got rid of it.

    Yeah, biting it while eating was pissing me off. And I'd always get a "phantom ache" in it as well. And it chipped my molars a bit.
  • ChelseaYepThatsMe
    I keep a small one in most of the time. I've only bit it once or twice, right after I got it.

    I guess mine helps me because I used to have an issue where I'd bite the inside of my lip raw like when I'm aggravated, upset, impatient, nervous etc.
    With the tongue ring in, I have something to keep me busy so I'm not biting my lip.
  • HealthyBodySickMind
    HealthyBodySickMind Posts: 1,207 Member
    Predict the following reaction: C6H12O6 + 6O2 ->

    6 CO2 + 6 H2O