Cow milk, almond milk, flax seed milk, soy milk.....



  • achasnis
    achasnis Posts: 119 Member
    I drink unsweetened almond milk with my protein shakes, and chocolate soy milk as a treat.

    The only reason I had stopped drinking cow's milk in the first place was reading an article claiming in some people it can cause cystic acne. I figured it was worth a shot as I've tried almost everything, and my ance cleared up! So, now I don't really touch it.
  • :laugh: & sorry OP for not replying with a helpful post. Nutrition depends on what you're looking for really, as they all have different benefits. I drink cow's milk & almond milk just depends on what I'm in the mood for.
  • ladymiseryali
    ladymiseryali Posts: 2,555 Member
    I'm sure they don't do it everywhere in the US, or at all. Until I see non-biased proof, I don't believe that farmers would be so cruel to their livestock.

    If you have Netflix then there's at least a few documentaries on there that show you just how cruel farming and the dairy industry can be (note the word CAN...they're not all bad but the bad ones are far more common than you'd maybe think). There's a particular one I liked but can't remember the name of now (might have been food inc) because they showed a really awesome farmer who looked after his animals as well as the more gruesome factory farming. It's something worth looking into if you're not aware of what your food goes through and want to find out. I've never seen any proof of the specific things that the former poster spoke about though!

    I don't dispute that there are some farmers out there that are cruel and crappy to their livestock. It sucks. I can't watch those types of documentaries though. I can watch a horror movie where people are getting chainsawed to bits, but will tear up and get upset if I see anything depicting cruelty to animals, even if it's only implied in a movie.
  • ipw133
    ipw133 Posts: 13 Member
    Flax seed fascinating. Flax seed is superb for reducing Cholesterol. I will certainly look that one out.
  • patentguru
    patentguru Posts: 312 Member
    I drink about 1.5 gallons of whole milk a week. I also eat a lot of cheese and whey protein-both also made from milk. I would not know what to do without milk. I have been to dairy farms and the cows are treated very well- open field grazing, cleaned daily, etc.- a nice symbiotic relationship with humans.
  • 714rah714
    714rah714 Posts: 759 Member
    Cows milk..... you do realize they keep the cows pregnant all year round just so you can have your cows milk right? And that after the calves are born only the females are kept & the boys are then killed at 5 days old because they are not of any use to the dairy farmers... you know that right? The cows are then made pregnant again to keep producing milk & the cycle starts all over again.

    So in fact if people STOPPED demanding dairy foods/milk then none of this would go on.
    But the love of veal will continue
  • freddykid
    freddykid Posts: 265 Member
    I have tried all the different kinds of milk just to see how they tasted. None taste as good as cow milk to me. Coconut milk is my favorite non-cow milk. Flax milk and almond milk are fine but I don't like their after taste. Rice milk doesn't do anything for me. But try them to see if you like them. Use what you like, don't choose based off people posting things like " we were not made to consume cows milk".
  • meghanner
    meghanner Posts: 180 Member
    If you can tolerate dairy: raw goat or sheep milk is most nutritious. Skim milk is sugary junk...seriously. If you can't tollerate dairy, like me, organic enriched almond or coconut milk is your next best bet, just make sure to stick to the unsweetened variety.
  • Flossie1981
    Flossie1981 Posts: 160 Member
    Skimmed milk has the same amount of calcium as other cows milk so not sure about the sugary junk comment :ohwell:
  • MamaWeil2018
    MamaWeil2018 Posts: 62 Member
    I like Almond milk on my porridge but I have skimmed cows milk in my coffee. Not heard of Flax Seed Milk in the UK

    yeah unfortunately almond milk does not go well in coffee! well the unsweetened almond milk that I have tried did not lol

    I just switched to almond milk and have been using the unsweetened kind, but vanilla flavoured (is that an oxymoron?), I find it a nice flavour in coffee :)
  • ipw133
    ipw133 Posts: 13 Member
    OMG - thanks guys. Almond milk to make porridge is absolutely FANTASTIC
  • Mads1997
    Mads1997 Posts: 1,494 Member
    Cows milk..... you do realize they keep the cows pregnant all year round just so you can have your cows milk right? And that after the calves are born only the females are kept & the boys are then killed at 5 days old because they are not of any use to the dairy farmers... you know that right? The cows are then made pregnant again to keep producing milk & the cycle starts all over again.

    So in fact if people STOPPED demanding dairy foods/milk then none of this would go on.

    WHAT???? OMG where are you from. this does not happen in australia, this would never happen in australia, they are dairy cows and bred for me..a farmer..this is just a crazy comment. Farmers are the backbone of our country and all respect to them :)

    Some are just so misinformed it's scarey.
  • I am currently in the process of switching to almond milk from skimmed cow milk. I suffer from eczema so dairy is a bit of a taboo word for my diet (something I'm only just finding out now, only taken me 25 years lol!). It's a bit of a blow as I love my cheeses and milk but so far so good. Almond milk tastes no different than skimmed in things like weetabix and porridge. Looking forward to trying it in mash potato and over cornflakes lol :)
  • SwimFan1981
    SwimFan1981 Posts: 1,430 Member
    Cows milk..... you do realize they keep the cows pregnant all year round just so you can have your cows milk right? And that after the calves are born only the females are kept & the boys are then killed at 5 days old because they are not of any use to the dairy farmers... you know that right? The cows are then made pregnant again to keep producing milk & the cycle starts all over again.

    So in fact if people STOPPED demanding dairy foods/milk then none of this would go on.

    WHAT???? OMG where are you from. this does not happen in australia, this would never happen in australia, they are dairy cows and bred for me..a farmer..this is just a crazy comment. Farmers are the backbone of our country and all respect to them :)

    I'm sure they don't do it everywhere in the US, or at all. Until I see non-biased proof, I don't believe that farmers would be so cruel to their livestock.

    There is plenty of hidden camera footage out there....
  • SwimFan1981
    SwimFan1981 Posts: 1,430 Member
    I'm sure they don't do it everywhere in the US, or at all. Until I see non-biased proof, I don't believe that farmers would be so cruel to their livestock.

    If you have Netflix then there's at least a few documentaries on there that show you just how cruel farming and the dairy industry can be (note the word CAN...they're not all bad but the bad ones are far more common than you'd maybe think). There's a particular one I liked but can't remember the name of now (might have been food inc) because they showed a really awesome farmer who looked after his animals as well as the more gruesome factory farming. It's something worth looking into if you're not aware of what your food goes through and want to find out. I've never seen any proof of the specific things that the former poster spoke about though!

    "Earthlings" is a documentary that every meat eater and milk drinker should watch....
  • SteveJWatson
    SteveJWatson Posts: 1,225 Member
    Of course cows need to be got pregnant to lactate. I'm a farmer (although not a dairy one) and I don't find dairying particulalry objectional.

    The calf is usually a beef x animal (ie the dairy cow is put to a beef breed bull - Hereford, Angus or similar), is usually bucket fed and raised for meat. It is only pure dairy breed bull calves that are of little use and would be better made use of by a re-emergence of veal. The objection to veal was always about 'crate' veal (which is cruel, IMO).

    And of course the cows are slaughtered at the end of their useful lives - so is any livestock. Nobody keeps a ewe, a sow or a heifer on when it is no longer productive because a) we'd all go out of business and b) there would be loads of non-productive animals standing around eating for no purpose, which is hardly an efficient way of feeding a nation, is it?

    Interestingly (or not); a goat can lactate for three cycles after she has been in kid, as opposed to a cows one - although most goat producers get her in kid each time, I think.
  • Arsenal1919
    Arsenal1919 Posts: 212 Member
    I like Almond milk on my porridge but I have skimmed cows milk in my coffee. Not heard of Flax Seed Milk in the UK

    Ditto that.

    I like light soy milk or almond milk on cereals.

    I use skim cow milk in the coffee machine. (Occasionally, I blend it with light soy milk or replace it with light soy milk.) It can often depend what's in the cupboard or fridge on a given day.

  • Artemis751
    Artemis751 Posts: 20 Member
    I use unsweetened almond milk with porridge oats. I have yet to find an alternative to dairy that tastes good in my coffee but I've been trying to cut back a little bit and have green tea instead.
  • Fatandfifty3
    Fatandfifty3 Posts: 419 Member
    O thank god! Someone who knows what he is talking about!

    ("Of course cows need to be got pregnant to lactate. I'm a farmer (although not a dairy one) and I don't find dairying particulalry objectional.

    The calf is usually a beef x animal (ie the dairy cow is put to a beef breed bull - Hereford, Angus or similar), is usually bucket fed and raised for meat. It is only pure dairy breed bull calves that are of little use and would be better made use of by a re-emergence of veal. The objection to veal was always about 'crate' veal (which is cruel, IMO).

    And of course the cows are slaughtered at the end of their useful lives - so is any livestock. Nobody keeps a ewe, a sow or a heifer on when it is no longer productive because a) we'd all go out of business and b) there would be loads of non-productive animals standing around eating for no purpose, which is hardly an efficient way of feeding a nation, is it?

    Interestingly (or not); a goat can lactate for three cycles after she has been in kid, as opposed to a cows one - although most goat producers get her in kid each time, I think. "

    I've just started using non dairy options as I think I may be sensitive to dairy. I find almond milk the best all round.
  • sheppeyescapee
    sheppeyescapee Posts: 329 Member
    I use coconut or almond milk for cereal, have pretty much stopped having hot drinks that require milk. I mostly drink fruit or herbal teas now. I can't have cows milk it just doesn't agree with my stomach. I can have a bit of soy milk but it tends to leave me with a scratchy throat after.
  • SteveJWatson
    SteveJWatson Posts: 1,225 Member

    Anyone who thinks that mammals don't need pregnancy to lactate can go straight to the bottom of "Biology1" :tongue:
  • Nighthawk4
    Nighthawk4 Posts: 77 Member
    I drink Soya Milk at Home and if it is available when eating out. If not then it has to be Semi-Skimmed.

    I just can't drink Skimmed Milk. It looks and tastes horrible :noway:

    Edit - Yay, my 100th post :happy:
  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    I tried almond, rice and oat milk in coffee and none worked, unfortunately. Not sure if coconut milk goes any better in coffee, so I stick to normal, full fat cow milk for now. I think the whole thing about dairy farmers treating their stock badly is grossly exaggerated. There is always someone behind such stories, with their own modus operandi, and always people to fall for the propaganda as well.
  • kmc979
    kmc979 Posts: 99 Member
    I use silk pure almond original in my coffee and I like how it tastes much better than the creamer I can no longer use. I hated the way soy made my coffee taste and i feel almond milk stirs in better. there are different brands of it, maybe some are better than others?

    I like Almond milk on my porridge but I have skimmed cows milk in my coffee. Not heard of Flax Seed Milk in the UK

    yeah unfortunately almond milk does not go well in coffee! well the unsweetened almond milk that I have tried did not lol
  • SwimFan1981
    SwimFan1981 Posts: 1,430 Member
    I personally adore yam and adley soy milk :smile: delicious.
  • redraidergirl2009
    redraidergirl2009 Posts: 2,560 Member
  • bathsheba_c
    bathsheba_c Posts: 1,873 Member

    Anyone who thinks that mammals don't need pregnancy to lactate can go straight to the bottom of "Biology1" :tongue:

    Edit: Sorry about hijacking the thread. In any event, I usually go for regular, full fat dairy since I don't like my foods tinkered around with (unless they are superior in deliciousness).
  • timeforme_2013
    timeforme_2013 Posts: 71 Member
    I stopped drinking cows milk 3 weeks ago, just as an experiment. HUGE difference, i feel better, and my BM business is better to,.
  • avir8
    avir8 Posts: 671 Member
    You can make your own almond milk. It is very easy, quick, and less expensive An added bonus is no preservatives, and you can flavor it any way to your personal liking. The possibilities are endless. I just began making it a couple of weeks ago.
    Also, the ground almonds you can dry in the oven and use as flour substitute.

    Who has time for THAT!!!!!!
  • Thanks for the info... I'm going to try this!!