Any weight loss from those who stopped drinking alcohol



  • ryblueeyes
    ryblueeyes Posts: 257 Member
    I still drink, but I plan for it and track it. I've also cut back a lot since starting half marathon training because it was affecting my performance - and motivation.
  • mocarski002
    mocarski002 Posts: 13 Member
    I am on day 32 of no alcohol. A little over a year and a half ago I finally started working out and tried to watch what I eat but never really considered alcohol. I lost 12-14lbs. I was stuck in the same spot for about 6 months or so. Not really seeing the scale move. I was fluctuating around 146-149. Finally a little over a month ago I looked into quitting alcohol. I went cold turkey. Stopped all together. I am down 5lbs since then. I hope to stay without a little longer but my ultimate goal is to allow myself a drink or 2 on the weekends. But yes, I noticed some loss. Good Luck!
  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
    so what's better to drink in moderation everyday or binge a day or two
  • justinegrey
    justinegrey Posts: 59 Member
    Yes! I have lost 15 pounds and while I gave up drinking a month before I got serious about losing (mid-Jan), I truly believe it's helped me because now I don't drink calories and don't use social events as an excuse.. I use to always say "oh well we have that wedding next weekend, so I might as well start eating better after that". There's always stuff like that going on, and it always derailed me.

    Good luck, you can do it!
  • asmithstl
    I have not stopped drinking, but I did switch from high calorie, high sugar beverages to 55 calorie beer. I took a bit of getting used to, but if you do the math, its worth it. I was drinking 2 drinks a night, equaling at least 220 calories. On that same intake, I have cut out 3300 calories a month. I am down 11 lbs. I have also been eating healthier all around and exercising moderately. I think it definitely helps!
  • CoraGregoryCPA
    CoraGregoryCPA Posts: 1,087 Member
    Drinking wine? Nope, no difference.

    I gave it up. I didn't notice a different. When it comes to wine, it comes to calories.

    If you were talking about beer, then I'd say yeah, it will make a difference to give it up because of the sugar and carbonation.
  • orinocoflow
    This is my story and I feel compelled to share it with everyone. My truth behind alcohol.

    In 2008, I was 21 years old and in relatively decent shape. I began consuming liquor and beer *daily* - to the point of being drunk and passing out - and it continued to for years. When I was 26 I received a DUI and my life changed. I went from drinking the point of blackout everyday - to quitting cold turkey for 4 months. The weight loss was dramatic. I lost 26 pounds in four months - simply by giving up alcohol. At 27 I began drinking in moderation (maybe getting drunk once every two or three weeks) and the weight continues to come off.

    I have found that liquor is actually a big culprit in gaining weight. After abusing alcohol for any length of time, I began to majorly retain water, besides feeling like **** all the time. When I quit drinking the first time, I cut out *all* alcohol and soft drinks and focused on major water intake. After a few months I felt completely refreshed, reinvigorated, more mindful and aware, and completely full of life again.

    NOW, that being said, I continue to enjoy alcohol from time to time, but getting drunk every night and ordering pizza, eating McDonalds, or just whatever is around the house, is completely over. My wallet is happier and my pant size is much smaller.
  • rickyjobobby
    I'm 30, 5'10 and 205 lbs, and starting Thursday it's keto time again (just cutting out most carbs and definitely alcohol) for a good 3 months or so. I plan to drop 40-45 lbs by next Fall.

    I drank heavily after getting out of the military in 2009 and in just a few years went from 170-205. Being a college student again and having lost my income and employment was a tough change. My doctorate program starts next Fall though and have decided I will get in incredible shape, as I will undoubtedly be meeting many lovely ladies when we go out, gotta look good!
  • einzweidrei
    einzweidrei Posts: 381 Member
    I have not stopped drinking but I drink less than I did a few years ago and I try to keep low calorie beer in the house and have higher calorie beers for special occasions or when I'm out. Really, all I try to do is pay attention to calories---not macros, not salt or sugar in take, nothing else. Moderation, which for me is not drinking every day or binging like I used to.

    Yesterday night, I went for a late dinner and had beer, cheese fries, cheeseburger sliders topped off with salt and pickles on the side. I thought surely with all of that I'd have some water retention and weigh more. Somehow no. Bodies are funny.
  • Cortelli
    Cortelli Posts: 1,369 Member
    I have not stopped drinking - I enjoy it for a variety of reasons. However, for those who do choose to cut alcohol completely or reduce or modify their consumption significantly, it really does eliminate a significant source of extra calories. I still may go out with friends from time to time and have four or five pints of a tasty California IPA -- but doing so, I know I am going to be pushing 1000+ calories.

    And I've seen others report that getting tipsy or drunk pushes them to eat as well, for a double whammy. Never been a problem for me -- I just want another drink to fill up :happy:
  • _db_
    _db_ Posts: 179 Member
    When I started MFP, I was having 3-5 beers a night during the week, and 4-7 a night at the weekend. I quickly noticed that the extra calories from beer was going to make it nearly impossible to lose any weight, so I cut back to 1-3 a day. I'm pretty happy with my rate of weight loss, and quite sure I might not be losing any if I continued to have the extra 400-500 calories a day from the extra beers...that's a pound a week. Oh, I'm also a drunk muncher, so in addition to the alcohol calories, I'd often stop for some crappy fast food on the way home and that was probably another 1500+ calories a week.

    It wasn't too difficult to lose weight after I cut out ~5000 calories a week in beer and beer-induced-munchies.
  • Cortelli
    Cortelli Posts: 1,369 Member
    When I started MFP, I was having 3-5 beers a night during the week, and 4-7 a night at the weekend. I quickly noticed that the extra calories from beer was going to make it nearly impossible to lose any weight, so I cut back to 1-3 a day. I'm pretty happy with my rate of weight loss, and quite sure I might not be losing any if I continued to have the extra 400-500 calories a day from the extra beers...that's a pound a week. Oh, I'm also a drunk muncher, so in addition to the alcohol calories, I'd often stop for some crappy fast food on the way home and that was probably another 1500+ calories a week.

    It wasn't too difficult to lose weight after I cut out ~5000 calories a week in beer and beer-induced-munchies.

    Sounds like me exactly (except for the munchies). I think for dudes who drink a fair bit of beer, especially more calorific beer, just reducing consumption can result in pretty quick losses.
  • tommyn1
    tommyn1 Posts: 1 Member
    Twice a year I give up drinking for two months and lose about 1 kilogram per week. If you stop drinking and do not replace those missing calories with calories from extra food (i.e. if you are on a diet that excludes alcohol), you lose weight. Fact. The effect will be accelerated if you take exercise. The only downside is hunger. (I just dealt with that by eating a bacon sandwich.)
  • itsjustmish
    itsjustmish Posts: 107 Member
    I find that for me personally, my body really does not react well to alcohol in terms of weight loss (or even maintenance). Even if I account for it in my calorie allowance I do still tend to find that if I drink regularly then I gain weight and feel more out of shape generally. If I stop drinking & eat those calories instead then I find my body tends to respond much better. It's a bit strange, and obviously everyone is different, but for me regular alcohol intake is definitely detrimental. I do still have the odd drink here and there, but that's usually one or two drinks every couple of months these days!
  • eldamiano
    eldamiano Posts: 2,667 Member
    I on average drink alcohol once a month. And yes, it was a lifestyle change which had a significant effect on my weight loss (reduction in about 4,000 calories monthly) and my ability to maintain my weight.
  • VJ97
    VJ97 Posts: 37 Member
    stop drinking . . . :noway:

    find a way to fit it into your daily/weekly intake or bust your *kitten* at the gym to earn it.

    Absolutly!!! Everything in moderation I log log every pesky alcohol laden calorie and do ok :drinker:
  • lenazwinter
    For the past year I have consumed about 3-4 glasses of red wine per night (about 5x a week). I eat more healthfully now than at any other time in my life, though my exercise has been almost nil.

    I stopped drinking wine last Monday - with a one glass exception - and less than a week later I have lost six pounds. Nothing else has changed; not my eating habits, exercise - nothing. Too much of a coincidence. I know that red wine averages about 160-190 calories per *glass* and if you multiply that times 4 - my god!
  • toronto_j
    toronto_j Posts: 206 Member
    I was never a big drinker but I like to enjoy 2-3 drinks/night if I go out on a weekend so I build my day's consumption with that in mind, and log my beverages the best I can. I also think about what I can order that will bring the calories down. For me, the biggest downfall for alcohol is that my willpower around food just dies, so I'll eat whatever's in front of me (like pigging out on party hors d'oeuvres) or hit McDonald's if I'm coming home from a bar.

    I think having 3-4 drinks a night is concerning for other reasons besides weight gain. I would pass out from that, no joke.
  • scyian
    scyian Posts: 243 Member
    I have cut out alcohol and I think it has helped me lose weight. I think the best benefits is how I feel. I use to sleep so badly and now I sleep fine.
  • delo100
    I just quit cold turkey, both because I was gaining weight and I was increasing the amount I was drinking little by little, which could be a warning sign of a problem. I'm so in hopes it will help me with losing. Reading all of the posts, it appears to be a mixed bag. I was so in hopes when I searched for this subject, that the answer would be a resounding YES!! You will lose tons of weight! haha