Breakfast ideas - Low carb, no eggs



  • lmkaks
    lmkaks Posts: 119 Member
    I love these. I make a dozen at a time and it last a few days. Easy to freeze and reheat in the microwave. Maybe they'll work for you:

    Vegetable Quiche Cups
    1 package (10 oz) frozen chopped spinach
    3/4 cup egg beaters (or other egg white product)
    3/4 cup reduced fat cheese
    1/4 cup diced green bell peppers
    1/4 cup diced onions
    3 drops hot pepper sauce (optional)

    Microwave spinach 2 1/2 min on high. Drain the excess liquid. Line a 12-cup muffin pan with paper baking cups. (If you plan on making a bunch of these then freezing them, use foil baking cups and spray them with a little non-stick spray.) Combine all the ingredients and mix well. Divide evenly among the muffin cups. Bake at 350 degrees for 20 minutes or until a knife inserted in the center comes out clean. Makes 6 servings -2 muffin cups per serving. Here's the nutritional info per serving/2 cups: 77 calories, 9 grams protein, 3 g carbs, 3 g fat, 2 g saturated fats, 160 mg sodium, 10 mg cholesterol, 2 g fiber.

    I can eat 2 servings (4 cups) on days when I'm really hungry, and I get totally full for 150 calories! Hope it helps.

    These sound awesome! Thanks!!!!
  • ifaber
    ifaber Posts: 195 Member
    No offense but 45g of carbs PER MEAL and 15g PER SNACK is DEFINITELY NOT LOW CARB. Low carb is typically considered around 100g or less a day. 1c of cooked oatmeal is only 25g of carbs. Pair that with a cup of berries(strawberries) and some egg whites(4) and you are only at 37g of carbs, 23g of protein, 2g of fat, and 260 calories, well within the 45g carb limit and it won't cut into your additional fat calories.

    At a max of being able to eat 180g of carbs a day, its a no brainer that your fat would need to be decreased to around an average of 39g max for the day. With all of those carbs you should definitely be nice and full if you're eating the 3 meals and 3 snacks I'm guessing she's suggesting.

    But the bottom line is going to be what works for YOU! Regardless of what the nutritionist says or what we say, if you're an otherwise healthy adult with no dietary issues that may affect you, I think finding a healthy way to reduce calories that will also keep your hormones in check and give you the energy to power through your day is going to be the best solution.
  • MerlinWilliams
    MerlinWilliams Posts: 92 Member
    I have a recipe that's low carb AND low fat.

    It's called Disaster.
  • bachampion04
    bachampion04 Posts: 137 Member
    For me i like to allows keep my calories down so i stick tomy Body by Vi shakes. Whey Protein shakes would work as well. If you do egg, i would say stick to the egg whites because the yolk is actually where all the fat lies. The egg white is actually all protein, plus they make omelets seems all the better :-D Hope this information helps.
  • sallyaj
    sallyaj Posts: 207 Member
    Why is your doctor telling you to restrict FAT and CARBS?? This does not make any logical sense whatsoever. If you restrict carbs where are those other calories going to go if you can't add some fat? So basically you're on Atkins? Super high protein. This just seems like a bad method to me.


    That's not even Atkins. In his original work, Dr. Atkins advocated not restricting fat to get best results. At under 50 carbs you should be able to add some fat which would keep you satiated.

    Since you're keeping the diary diligently, I'd try some personal experimenting to see what really works for you.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    chicken wrap
  • ksuh999
    ksuh999 Posts: 543 Member
    Chicken/turkey breakfast sausages and Canadian back bacon are all excellent sources of protein with little fat.
  • ad521612
    I think I am going to start eating a piece of grilled chicken breast for breakfast. Ughh grilled chicken owns my life!
  • MelRC117
    MelRC117 Posts: 911 Member
    I'm sorry. I'm really NOT trying to be a horse's rear here, but you're on a weight loss site. You just have to plug in some numbers, set an activity level, and BAM! A calorie goal with a built-in deficit.

    If your plan is not a sustainable one, it's not worth its salt. (Note: difficult --> not sustainable)

    I agree with you, but the nutritionist doesn't.

    She said calories don't matter, in fact, I shouldn't even monitor them at all. She said if I want to lose weight I have to make sure I eat under 15g of carbs at each snack (3x a day) and under 45g of carbs for each meal, but the carbs cannot carry over (so if I only ate 20 carbs at breakfast, I cannot carry the remaining 25 carbs over to lunch). Then, I have to make sure I eat under 15g of "additional" fat each day. She said just monitoring calories will not work.

    But to start our session, she did say the only way you lose weight is to have a calorie deficit each day, so...

    I only went to her becuase I was on MFP for a month and wasn't losing weight, was at the doctor, mentioned it, and the doctor referred me to her. However, the past two weeks I have lost one lb a week, so maybe it just took a while for my body to adjust.

    I was asking for suggestions just to see if I could get some quick ideas, but I may just stick with my egg and berries.
    You do realize if you're monitoring carbs and fats that means you're monitoring calories right? You even caught for yourself that she contradicted herself my saying calories doesn't matter (which is ridiculous) but in order to lose weight you need a calorie deficit.

    I really don't think 45g of carbs per meal is low carb AT ALL. That's a bowl of cereal and milk. That's toast and peanut butter. You have 720 calories of your daily diet available for carbs alone. I don't know your stats, but lets say you have 1600 calories for your daily allowance. That's 45% of your total calorie intake per day so its just within the range as recommended by Dietary Guidelines.
  • MelRC117
    MelRC117 Posts: 911 Member
    Why is your doctor telling you to restrict FAT and CARBS?? This does not make any logical sense whatsoever. If you restrict carbs where are those other calories going to go if you can't add some fat? So basically you're on Atkins? Super high protein. This just seems like a bad method to me.

    Atkins isn't necessarily super high protein. Its low carbs, high fat, moderate protein.
  • fruttibiscotti
    fruttibiscotti Posts: 986 Member
    Why is your doctor telling you to restrict FAT and CARBS?? This does not make any logical sense whatsoever. If you restrict carbs where are those other calories going to go if you can't add some fat? So basically you're on Atkins? Super high protein. This just seems like a bad method to me.

    FAT DOES NOT MAKE YOU FAT. Atkins diet is not super high protein.

    Yes, I agree fat does not make you fat. If you restrict carbs, you need to increase fat. You shouldn't be restricting both at the same time, doesn't make sense.