Why I work out before eating anything!



  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    if eating something pre workout means you get a better session then do that.

    If eating nothing pre workout means you get a better session then do that.

    Pretty simple really :smile:
  • slcostel
    slcostel Posts: 116 Member
    I've found if I work out on an empty stomach, I give up. I just don't have the intensity to get through a typical workout.
  • Crochetluvr
    Crochetluvr Posts: 3,143 Member
    I used to do that when I was younger. But since I developed diabetes, I feel nauseous and light headed if I don't have something before I workout.
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    You gotta do what's best for you. I HAVE to eat a small meal or snack 1/2 hour to 1 hour before I workout or I crash and burn. I like to eat some carbs before and some protein and carbs after. That's the way that's always worked best for me! :drinker:
  • billsica
    billsica Posts: 4,741 Member
    I hate working out full, it makes me want to BM.
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    Working out on a full stomach would make me ill, too, so I don't do it. Working out on an empty stomach is equally disastrous for me personally. Small meals or snacks 30-60 mins. ahead of time should not give you a "full" stomach.
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    I have a hard time working out with too much food in my stomach. I really have to time my meals but have gotten it down.
    That said, working out, for me on an empty stomach is far worse. I have tried. During my training for a figure competition, my trainer suggested cardio on an empty stomach in the mornings. My energy tanks. I could do easier cardio but more intense workouts, forget it.
    Edited to correct phone mistakes.
  • 3foldchord
    3foldchord Posts: 2,918 Member
    If I exercise in 'fasted state', I am more likely to have a migraine and be dizzy all day. I am sometimes jealous of the healthy people who can make their bodies do what they want.
    NRSPAM Posts: 961 Member
    I know you're supposed to eat soon after waking up, but on the days I go to zumba, I can't eat before. I have grabbed a protein bar on my way out the door before, but no. Can't do it. Food before zumba makes me have to burp.. :tongue: :wink:
  • bronnyd
    bronnyd Posts: 278 Member
    If I exercise in 'fasted state', I am more likely to have a migraine and be dizzy all day. I am sometimes jealous of the healthy people who can make their bodies do what they want.

    Me too. I would LOVE to be able to be one of those people who can work out at 5am and be done for the day, but I just cannot. When I work out in the morning before I have a chance to eat enough food and drink enough water, I feel dizzy and absolutely exhausted all day long. I work out in the evening after my body has been fueled all day long and those are the best workouts for me. Everyone is different, I guess!
  • cordianet
    cordianet Posts: 534 Member
    If it works for you, feel free. I honestly think it's a personal choice. That said, while it's true that glycogen is depleted in the morning and thus it is not a ready source of fuel at that time, this does not necessarily mean you're going to burn more fat. Why? Well, first of all, the body can convert stored protein to glycogen just like it does with stored fat, thus you may be catabolizing muscle instead of fat if you do workout in a fasted state. If that's true, you may be hurting as much as helping. Second, my experience is that if you exercise with any intensity when fasting, you will be unable to exercise as hard or as long as you would if you fed yourself prior to working out, meaning that you can't burn as many calories.

    In this case, it's the long-term balance between energy intake and energy expenditure that determines whether or not you store fat or burn it. Thus in my opinion, the most important factor is the total amount of calories burned, not when you do it.

    Like I said in the beginning, if it works for you fine. If, however, it takes eating something first so that you have the energy to workout longer, that would likely be a better overall plan.
  • jfan175
    jfan175 Posts: 812 Member
    I know you're supposed to eat soon after waking up, but on the days I go to zumba, I can't eat before. I have grabbed a protein bar on my way out the door before, but no. Can't do it. Food before zumba makes me have to burp.. :tongue: :wink:

    Who said you're supposed to eat soon after waking up? It doesn't matter at all when you eat. What matters is the deficit or surplus at the end of the day, eating fairly healthy and meeting your macro ratios. Some people do well working out in the morning on an empty stomach, others don't. There are plenty of successful people here on both sides.
    NRSPAM Posts: 961 Member
    I know you're supposed to eat soon after waking up, but on the days I go to zumba, I can't eat before. I have grabbed a protein bar on my way out the door before, but no. Can't do it. Food before zumba makes me have to burp.. :tongue: :wink:

    Who said you're supposed to eat soon after waking up? It doesn't matter at all when you eat. What matters is the deficit or surplus at the end of the day, eating fairly healthy and meeting your macro ratios. Some people do well working out in the morning on an empty stomach, others don't. There are plenty of successful people here on both sides.

    I'm sure there are successful people that don't eat breakfast, but you can burn more calories if you do eat breakfast. Your body will hold on to calories in the morning until it gets food. Your body has gone, hopefully, atleast 8 hours without receiving any food, so when you wake up in the morning, your metabolism will be slower. Once you eat, metabolism will increase. I don't eat prior to working out either, if I do it in the morning, but that's me. Other days, I try to eat 1-2 hours after waking up. I used to hate eating breakfast, but now I make it a priority. No it will not halt weight loss, it just helps. It is a personal choice, though. If you don't believe me, feel free to look it up. There have been numerous studies on weight loss and people who eat breakfast.
  • urglewurgle
    urglewurgle Posts: 224 Member
    I already get up at 5 am, there is no way I could work out in the morning! But even on the weekend I make sure I've eaten at least two small meals and wait an hour after eating before exercise. I've tried doing insanity after just a protein shake and just didn't have the energy. That said, when I used to just use my exercise bike I could do that first thing and felt ok.

    I don't think there's any scientific evidence that either way is 'better', it's down to personal preference.
  • lauraellie10
    lauraellie10 Posts: 273 Member
    Thanks for this. Today was 1st day I worked out b4 breakfast and I'm starving lol. And felt like it was harder too xx
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    I know you're supposed to eat soon after waking up, but on the days I go to zumba, I can't eat before. I have grabbed a protein bar on my way out the door before, but no. Can't do it. Food before zumba makes me have to burp.. :tongue: :wink:

    Who said you're supposed to eat soon after waking up? It doesn't matter at all when you eat. What matters is the deficit or surplus at the end of the day, eating fairly healthy and meeting your macro ratios. Some people do well working out in the morning on an empty stomach, others don't. There are plenty of successful people here on both sides.

    I'm sure there are successful people that don't eat breakfast, but you can burn more calories if you do eat breakfast. Your body will hold on to calories in the morning until it gets food. Your body has gone, hopefully, atleast 8 hours without receiving any food, so when you wake up in the morning, your metabolism will be slower. Once you eat, metabolism will increase. I don't eat prior to working out either, if I do it in the morning, but that's me. Other days, I try to eat 1-2 hours after waking up. I used to hate eating breakfast, but now I make it a priority. No it will not halt weight loss, it just helps. It is a personal choice, though. If you don't believe me, feel free to look it up. There have been numerous studies on weight loss and people who eat breakfast.

    This is incorrect.

    correlation =/= causation
  • bjdw1
    bjdw1 Posts: 140 Member
    Stuck in the middle.

    I have my best runs about an hour after a light meal on my days off. I have my worst runs in the afternoon after 10 hours at work. To be able to get up on work days, have a light breakfast, wait an hour then go for a run would mean getting up at 3am. Not going to happen, therefore most of my week day runs are in the morning before breakfast.
  • coke_bottle
    coke_bottle Posts: 259 Member
    As i said in the topic, I AM NOT A HEALTH PROFESSIONAL!! I choose this way because I don't want a stomach full of food while my heart is racing a mile a minute. Everyone has their own opinion and right to post what they believe in. Thank you

    that's a more valid reason than it having anything to do with your metabolism.

    They are all the reasons I do what I do, not trying to convince anyone, just voicing my god given opinion! Do you and I do Me!
    NRSPAM Posts: 961 Member
    http://www.livestrong.com/article/400621-breakfast-to-increase-metabolism/ <This is all I'm trying to say! I'm not saying that YOU or anyone HAS to eat breakfast, or that you won't lose weight if you don't eat it. I'm not even saying that I always eat breakfast. All I'm saying is that it is beneficial to your metabolism. It is YOUR choice. I'm not judging anyone who doesn't eat breakfast. I don't know why people are actually trying to contradict this. People have been told for years and years that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Most of us don't really listen or care, and that's fine! I'm just saying, this is the reason why they say that. I never even tried to tell anyone to eat breakfast. All I said was that I know we're SUPPOSED to eat it! And I'm done! Good luck to all of you!