Weight Loss Pet Peeves?



  • elisa123gal
    elisa123gal Posts: 4,321 Member
    anyone who tries to take the shine off the fact you're trying to accomplish something good for yourself. If you're counting calories and staying within goal..they rag on your macros..or tell you you're not "eating clean." If you eat low carb and it works..they tell why you shouldn't and visa versa! It all works both ways...on everything. and then..there is the true jerk who always reminds you..
    "diets don't work and 90% of people regain the weight."

    What would we do without these geniuses?
  • sg351
    sg351 Posts: 2
    That my husband can lose 5 pounds in 2 weeks and it takes me 6 weeks of being super diligent to barely lose 5 pounds.

    That I can't eat like I used to and maintain or lose weight. Bah.
  • gfedex
    gfedex Posts: 226 Member
    People judging me for drinking diet sodas or using artificial sweeteners. I know Diet Coke and Splenda aren't health foods- that's why I've cut down on a lot of pop drinking and whatnot. When I do drink pop on a hot summer day, please don't tell me I'm going to give myself cancer with those poisons.