why do you use a scale to weigh food?



  • ecw3780
    ecw3780 Posts: 608 Member
    My idea of a serving is to eat until I feel physically ill, so the scale helps.

    Pretty much this. Also, my cereal bowls don't seem to be made by the cereal companies idea of a serving so it keeps me from eating half a box for breakfast.
  • XXbrendaXX
    If you are taking the time to log/count your food/calories, I assume you would want your numbers be accurate? How can they be if you are just "guessing" on your food portions??
  • tridiv
    tridiv Posts: 47 Member
    I used the scale in the beginning when we started out, I dont use it anymore for standard things that I eat, however when I eat different things I surely use the scale the first few times to ensure I get the hang of it.

    I also used the scale for certain receipes that requires too many ingredients just ensure the calories dont get lost in approximation. Its a brilliant tool to begin with, keeps you aware.

    I think once you use the MFP for about 2 years consistently you would pretty much have a fair idea on what needs to be done and wouldnt need to use it for a lifetime, thats my best guess, I have only been on here for 8 months though.
  • TheRealParisLove
    TheRealParisLove Posts: 1,907 Member
    I use a scale to weigh my food for the same reason why I use a calculator to balance my checking account: I want accuracy.

    Just like I can't rely on myself to "guess" at the balance of my bank account, I can't rely on myself to "guess" on what my food portions are.

    I will probably always use scales and measuring cups and spoons, because I always guess wrong. I guess wrong on my bank account balance, too. Now I double check both my diet and my bank balance, and my weight is down and my savings account is up.

    I do this because it works.
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    Get a DIGITAL scale if possible! (One that switches from oz. to grams and can tare out between items for fast and easy measuring.)

    P.S. I'm in this for the long haul and it's easy to measure and track, so I don't mind growing old with my scale. It's gonna be great to be 80 and still be ABLE to use a scale! :laugh: