Healthy high calorie foods besides nuts & nut butters...



  • darrensurrey
    darrensurrey Posts: 3,942 Member
    I lost 125 lbs., 32% body fat, and dramatically improved every health marker, in one year, regularly eating roughly 2,100 calories per day of the following foods, many of which are calorie dense:

    My caloric intake, of course, is specific to me.

    What was specific about your diet and why 2100 calories/day? curious about this.

    Re the 2100 probably to prove you don't have to starve yourself to lose weight. :)
  • Coconut oil, olive oil, salmon and other oily fish, avocado, nuts and seeds (chia packs the most nutrition in the smallest "dose") ... Lots of options to add in healthy fats and nutritionally dense calories :-)
  • Mostly mentioned above, but avocado, fatty fish, vegetable oils, some high-fat dairy, fatty cuts of meat, dried fruits if they are appropriate for you, dense breads, pasta with creamy sauces, anything that you can eat large servings of...

    One of the best weight gain tricks I know is to drink lots of calories. If juices are appropriate for you, these are great. You could even have Ensure or another weight gain shake. Milk is also good.

    I would keep an eye on your saturated fat and cholesterol intake given that most of what you've been looking at contains one or both. Generally, high-fat foods have been mentioned. I think it's okay to take in slightly more fat than is suggested as a percentage of your total caloric intake, but you want to make sure you're getting enough carbs and protein as well and you don't want your diet to be 60% fat or you'll be missing out on essential nutrients.