Hot and Healthy



  • trudijoy
    trudijoy Posts: 1,685 Member
    vege stirfry. miracle noodles with veges and a bit of some manner of low calorie sauce, home made soup - pumpkin, sweet potato etc will keep you full. steamed veges with hummus.
  • trudijoy
    trudijoy Posts: 1,685 Member
    I love to sautee some fresh onions and mushrooms, then add them to a large can of diced tomatoes (juice and all) in the crockpot. Then I'll brown a pound of lean ground turkey and toss that in as well. Add some low-fat, low-sodium beef broth, and a splash of dry red (or white) wine, chili powder, and let it cook for a few hours. High protein, low fat, low carb, and LOTS of YUM.

    that sounds really good
  • trudijoy
    trudijoy Posts: 1,685 Member
    also if you dice and bake various veges you can totally make a salad out of them once cooked
  • 3foldchord
    3foldchord Posts: 2,918 Member
    It may not for into your calorie goals, but I love turkey 'chili".
    I brown ground turkey, add chili beans, a few other beans, lots of spices, carrot, celery, any other veggies we have on hand, diced tomatoes, some tomato sauce or chicken broth. It's like a veggie stew/turkey chili. VERY filling and so nice on winter days.
  • honeyandmilk
    honeyandmilk Posts: 160 Member
    I'm sorry, but when has chicken ever been considered a high calorie food? It's lean, chock full of protein and is, to my knowledge, about 140 calories for 4oz. That's...nothing.

    Also I hope you're just not logging everything you eat instead of actually only eating 600-1000 calories a day. Let me just tell you this: I know it's tempting to eat as little as possible because it will let you lose weight quickly and instant gratification is awesome, but you're slowly killing yourself. I did it for two years and I ended up in a deep depression and started bingeing. Yes, I lost A LOT of weight eating under 1000 calories, but I was also wasting away to nothing. There were days when my net cals were in the negative. I lost my period, my skin and hair looked like crap and I was tired all the time. Really, it's SO much healthier losing weight moderately and eating a normal amount of food. You won't lose weight as fast, but you will be able to keep it off effectively and not destroy yourself. I promise your body and your mind will thank you for it.
  • 3foldchord
    3foldchord Posts: 2,918 Member
    I love to sautee some fresh onions and mushrooms, then add them to a large can of diced tomatoes (juice and all) in the crockpot. Then I'll brown a pound of lean ground turkey and toss that in as well. Add some low-fat, low-sodium beef broth, and a splash of dry red (or white) wine, chili powder, and let it cook for a few hours. High protein, low fat, low carb, and LOTS of YUM.

    Sounds like what I just posted! My son loves it, too!
  • IronPlayground
    IronPlayground Posts: 1,594 Member
    Unless you have some sort of medical condition that requires you to eat 800 calories net per day, then your Dr. is an idiot.
  • kimosabe1
    kimosabe1 Posts: 2,467 Member
    I'm a chicken lover also. U have my attention now. Go on pininterest look under Samantha Smith-Flanagan and I have chicken everything and weight watchers recipes galore under my name.......
  • katnord
    katnord Posts: 44 Member
    I go to homemade vegetable soup for my warm comfort food. It's easy to make and pretty versatile.

    Crushed Red Pepper Flakes

    I add cheese on top and a LOT of extra Tabasco to vamp up the "hotness."
    To make a low calorie version just go light on the beans and carrots. You can use the low sodium V8 and dilute it with water as well, just up the flavor with garlic and onion.

    It's kind of like a hot salad!
  • Athijade
    Athijade Posts: 3,284 Member
    Sorry, but most people around here support healthy weight loss. If you post a question people have the right to answer as they see fit. If you want to put yourself out there on an unhealthy diet then you should expect to hear people call you out on it.
  • buzzcockgirl
    buzzcockgirl Posts: 260 Member
    vege stirfry. miracle noodles with veges and a bit of some manner of low calorie sauce, home made soup - pumpkin, sweet potato etc will keep you full. steamed veges with hummus.

    Something like this ^^

    I make something similar almost every day during the week for lunch. Get some shiritaki noodles (miracle noodles, etc) they are usually sold by tofu and are UH-MAZING! They have virtually NO calories... you can find some that actually have none, I can only ever find the 8oz. pack for 40 cals. But seriously- 40 cals for 1/2lb. of pasta! I 'dry fry' it up which just basically means I toss it around in a pan first to get rid of a lot of the moisture-- then I add a HUGE amount of veggies to it --broccoli, cabbage, mushrooms, onions, carrots, red pepper, snap peas...whatever! By this point you're still under 100 cals. Throw in a tbs. of your favorite sauce, and you can be done! Or...if you need a little protein with it - boneless skinless chicken breast is only 40 cals/ounce. You can easily have a HUGE plate of food for just under 200 cals - noodles, veggies, meat and sauce. It's my go to!! Check the RECIPES section here on MFP-- I uploaded this recipe and photo there- you can see the calorie breakdown. But.. I have to agree with some others- EAT!!!
  • logicman69
    logicman69 Posts: 1,034 Member
    It may not for into your calorie goals, but I love turkey 'chili".
    I brown ground turkey, add chili beans, a few other beans, lots of spices, carrot, celery, any other veggies we have on hand, diced tomatoes, some tomato sauce or chicken broth. It's like a veggie stew/turkey chili. VERY filling and so nice on winter days.

    This!!!! Chili is awesome to make on a cold winter day. Low calorie and filling. Throw all the ingredients in a crockpot for the day and you will have enough to last through the week! Plus with it cooking all day, it makes the house smell yummy.
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    Chicken is high calorie? Hmmm. Eat egg whites. Complete protein source and not many calories there. Make egg white omelettes with vegetables I guess. I just never thought of chicken as high calorie... :huh:
  • terriblyn
    terriblyn Posts: 107 Member
    Also, I asked for recipes, not diet criticism.

    well you said hot AND healthy...and this is NOT healthy.


    all i can say is why?????

    ^^^Ha! And YES!!
  • barebon
    barebon Posts: 80 Member
    I use steam bags to heat sweet potatoes, squash, potatoes, green beans, corn, etc. I will go with any frozen vegetables heated. Warm brown rice and beans. Tea. Popcorn :) I have found that popcorn with cayenne pepper and chili pepper is my new replacement for hot Cheetos yummmm.