Winter break hiatus, but now can't get back into diet! :/

Hello all! First time posting on this board. So here's the deal: My name's Stephanie, I'm 21, and a NYC girl, but I go to school at Syracuse University. I began my weight loss endeavor in early November after seeing how chubby I looked in my Halloween costume. I'm about 5'5 and at that point, weighed around 135 pounds. Though that may not seem super terrible, my frame is teeny tiny. I'v been around 120 for the past 7 years and still never really had a flat stomach. I have abnormally small wrists/arms and very skinny legs, so it all just went to my tummy/back, ugh :[. But anyway, I joined myfitnesspal around then and started going to the gym 3x a week and doing calisthenics at home for a few minutes a day. A month later, I was down to 126 and very pleased with my progress (goal weight is 115-120 ish). After the first few days, the 1200 calorie a day diet had become second nature to me and really did not take much of a conscious effort. Then came winter break.

I absolutely love my boyfriend, but I only get to see him during breaks because he goes to school in NYC. So as a result, when I'm down there, I see him just about every day. And...he's a chef. Meep. Before I knew it, I was wolfing down baked ziti, chili, clam chowder, steaks on steaks on steaks, and COPIOUS amounts of bacon. Not to mention, I always find myself feeling an insatiable need to bake for him, so I was baking cakes, cookies, pies, all that kind of stuff, at least 3x a week. I knew I should have been more careful and that my body might freak out going from a month of totally clean/light eating to a reckless diet of sweets and fats, but I figured as soon as I got back to SU, I'd go back to my old, calorie counting ways. Yeah...hasn't really worked out that way.

Right now I'm back to around 130. Sigh. I find myself eating what I want and just not filling out my food diary because I feel so guilty about it. Along with that, winters are brutal here, so I hardly ever head out to the gym any more since I have to trudge my way along a flurry of snow to get there. Any tips to get me back on track? I really hope to be back to 120 by my birthday, April 9th, but I don't see that happening at this rate :/ Any help would be tremendously appreciated! Hope to get to know some of you :]