Anyone here a vegetarian/vegan?



  • charismanoodles
    charismanoodles Posts: 343 Member
    I love pizza quinoa bites and sweet potato fries. Pumpkin soup and Japanese tofu curry.

    Reason....not even sure anymore. Just don't like the taste of meat,
  • valtiller
    I eat vegetarian from Monday to Friday. Not for ethical reasons but financial reasons. My husband and I maintain two households of groceries, so when I am away from him, I eat veg. But when we are reunited, we eat meat. I am trying to wean him off meat, slowly.
  • JenniTheVeggie
    JenniTheVeggie Posts: 2,474 Member
    Vegetarian since 1995. At first I did it for ethical reasons but now it is the ick factor for me.
  • ls_66
    ls_66 Posts: 395 Member
    been mostly vegan for the past 6 months, do I miss the meat? in the beginning yes now no I don't my family is omnivore and I do cook pork chops and other meats for them I' m never tempted... I'm doing this for a health reason and in 6 months I will be re-assessing my decision, if a plant based diet can help me avoid cholesterol lowering medications then bye bye meat
  • groversa
    groversa Posts: 450 Member
    I am vegetarian, I have a DELICIOUS slow cooker/crock pot veggie chili recipe! Its my favorite :) Message me if you would like it!
  • i_luv_irs
    i_luv_irs Posts: 30 Member
    I'm vegetarian, have been on and off since I was a teen. Now it's been 4 years and I don't see myself going back to meat. I always felt uneasy preparing meat so it's logical for me to cut it out completely. Not committed to going vegan but have cut way back on my dairy intake and rarely eat eggs. At this point it is a health and moral choice for me. I wouldn't kill something to eat it, so why make someone do it on my behalf.
  • ckyte1
    ckyte1 Posts: 36 Member
    I am not vegan/vegetarian BUT I do tend to cook a lot of vegetarian meals from time to time. I made this tofu frittata which was really good, rice & bean casserole, and then I do a lot of green shakes with almond milk and hemp protein powder. Eating this way makes me feel like I'm doing something good for my body so I may do away with meat all together at some point.
  • VeganCoco
    VeganCoco Posts: 104 Member
    Vegan of 2 years here :)


    - Milk and eggs are just as harmful to animals as meat (if not more in my opinion) and they kill them for meat in the end anyway so if you drink milk and eat eggs you contribute to pain and the meat industry.
    - It's wrong for us to use and abuse any living sentient creature as we see fit, animals live for their own reasons not for our use.
    - It's much healthier!

    Also I get MORE protein than I need every day and I don't eat anything animal at all not even honey or additives so the whole protein problem is a myth and I'm much much healthier than when I was a meat eater and a vegetarian!

    Favorite meal is soy sausages, mushrooms and onions with quinoa with coconut milk and bengali coconut curry sauce! Yum!
  • VeganCoco
    VeganCoco Posts: 104 Member
    I am a vegan but i do eat salmon. It is mostly for the respect of animals even tho they are my favourite food. It is not hard because i love animals so much. I only have salmon once a month when i am hormonal and need a boost in protein etc but every other day nothing i eat is not vegan and mostly eat a fresh raw diet.

    You're not vegan then, you're a pescatarian (all be it one who eats a highly plant based diet).
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    I have a digestive disorder that keeps me from eating red meat, pork, dairy, and eggs. They cause inflammation, pain and digestive upset. I can still eat birds and fish and so I do. I don't miss beef or pork and never cared for them to begin with, but I miss cheese so much! I am not vegan, but I primarily eat like a vegan with the occasional chicken or turkey added from time to time.

    Favorite meals involve cold pasta and vegetable salads. Favorite surprise food substitution that tastes better than the original: VEGENAISE! OMG it's crazy good! :drinker:
  • FitGuyWillDoIt
    FitGuyWillDoIt Posts: 111 Member
    Curious as to what your favourite meal is? Are you doing it for ethical reasons or just weight loss (or other)?
    Other: Did it for Lent three years ago. Felt great. Decided I like feeling great all the time :smile:

    Favorite recipe? Not sure. Depends. It must be easy. In the summer, it's probably gazpacho. In the winter, lentil soup or chili.
  • moonsforeyes
    First of all, LOVE that your picture is of the beautiful Edie Sedgwick. Obsessed with her. Was her for Halloween a few years back.


    I am a vegetarian! I do it for health and ethical reasons! (born and raised one)

    My favorite meals are things like: veggie burgers with sweet potato fries and fresh fruit. Delicious, satisfying and filling.
  • theferalkat
    theferalkat Posts: 6 Member

    I've been vegan since new year after having a 'break' from it. Before that I'd been vegetarian then vegan for 10 years.

    I've gone back to it mainly for the health reasons but there's a big ethical consideration working it's way into my decision now. I just can't believe how much horrible stuff is added to food! I tend to cook everything from scratch and have a day every few weeks where I make massive batches of things and freeze them down to eat during the month. I don't personally like the thought of eating the processed vegan friendly foods, to be honest - I just don't trust the manufacturers! I only eat them when conveinience calls or I'm basically being lazy!
    I'm starting to lean more towards going raw vegan, but it is taking a lot of research and thought and I'll be changing over to it gradually.

    My favorite meal has got to be my vegan curry - hands down! (It's on here as a recipe) I've also just had a crack at avocado vegan fudge... goodness knows how that one is going to turn out!

    Good luck if you decide to move over to a vegetarian/vegan diet :) My advice: Do your research from lots of different sources, don't get stuck eating the same foods - try everything you can and eat lots of fresh fruit and vegetables!
  • ekaustin7
    ekaustin7 Posts: 185 Member
    I gave up meat for Lent and find (so far) that I'm not missing it at all. The best recipe I've made so far was for "Snobby Joes" which are the vegetarian version of sloppy joes, using lentils in place of the ground beef. Look it up, it's really delicious.
  • EvilDave14
    EvilDave14 Posts: 111 Member
    I'm Vegan for ethical reasons. It has really helped with my weight loss, which is a great benefit.

    I love stir frys, curry & Veggie burgers.

    Also loving Baked sweet potatoes.
  • tomatini
    tomatini Posts: 61 Member
    I gave up meat for Lent and find (so far) that I'm not missing it at all. The best recipe I've made so far was for "Snobby Joes" which are the vegetarian version of sloppy joes, using lentils in place of the ground beef. Look it up, it's really delicious.
    That is a great recipe! Easy too. :)
  • saltedcaramel86
    saltedcaramel86 Posts: 238 Member
    I'm vegetarian. I love the taste of meat, but I prefer animals when they are alive.

    This! I'm currently still eating some seafood but hoping to give it up this year (struggling as I loooooooove salmon, tuna and prawns!).

    I love vegetable curry, spaghetti bolognese [with Quorn], and vegetable pasta bake.
  • Wade406
    Wade406 Posts: 272 Member
    I've been a dietary vegan for 8 whole weeks. Not too many guys doing it.

    My reason: Health, pure and simple. I saw "Forks Over Knives". Then I saw "Eating 3rd Edition" (the documentary that converted Steve Wynn). Then I watched "The Diet Wars" by John McDougall on YouTube. Then Dr. Pam Popper from the Wellness Forum on YouTube.

    The critical overriding message that I've taken to heart from these medical proffessionals is: there is irrefutable evidence that most chronic disease associated with affluent societies and cultures is a direct result of the Western Diet a.k.a. the Standard American Diet (S.A.D.).

    My father is dying from heart disease. He had his first quadruple bypass surgery at age 54, which is also the same age I am this year. My mother has Type 2 diabetes. They eat the S.A.D. way. I realize that I take better care of myself than they did. But the message as presented in the aforementioned presentations and literature is clear.

    I want to live like my grandfather did. At 96 he was able to take care of himself, he lived in his own home without assistance, he walked daily, and he drove himself to run his errands, visit his loved ones, and to worship.
  • Kymmu
    Kymmu Posts: 1,650 Member
    This is a great thread!
    I try to eat unprocessed 99 % of the time. I have halved my protein levels for kidney issues.
    Vegan meals taste great. I love Indian spices! I feel better and my skin is clear since giving up dairy on Jan 1 this year.
    I can't have soy/gluten so I don't buy pre made vegetarian burgers etc..
    I do still have eggs though.
    I've bookmarked this for great recipes!
  • Wade406
    Wade406 Posts: 272 Member
    I grilled Eggplant last weekend and served it with a wild rice medley. The flavors were very earthy, and so I paired it with a very fruity tasting Pinot Noir. The combination was other worldly. YUM.