Looking for NON overly critical, but supportive friends

I am on round two with this program. I love it a lot, but my issue is with friends who think they're helping when they harp on the same thing over and over. I have no problem with people mentioning alternatives to what I'm eating. My issue is with people who are on day 489 of saying the same thing. What broke me down last time was that I would STRUGGLE with finding an alternative, then get criticized for it. Long story short, I need friends that are supportive and that everyone has different needs and struggles. I count my calories. I don't want someone to point out how I should stay away from bread on a daily basis. I have switched over from eating white bread to whole wheat bread, and that is all that I'm going to do on that for the moment, you know? lol

I'm seeking out friends that are in the same boat. I hope to find someone who has had the same issues as me, so we can help support each other and make the weight loss a success.


  • inskydiamonds
    inskydiamonds Posts: 2,519 Member
    I'd love to be your friend! I think there's a huge difference between being supportive and criticizing someone's choices, so I definitely get where you're coming from.
  • Dlibo1013
    Dlibo1013 Posts: 883 Member
    i am in no position to judge, I just encourage, be glad to help you on your journey.
  • carbar90
    carbar90 Posts: 60 Member
    Hey! you can add me! I'm new on here, also need supportive friends but not looking for people to criticize me so I wouldn't do it to you either :)
  • mdepko
    mdepko Posts: 283 Member
    Feel free to friend me, I'm pretty much eating things I like, just less of them and trying to stay away from fried food. I have no plans of going gluten free, vegetarian or vegan, cutting out white sugar or any of that stuff. Right now I'm eating Sara Lee 45 Calorie Wheat bread only because the store doesn't carry the white bread, but if they get it in, I'll be eating it! LOL
  • pilze0
    pilze0 Posts: 40 Member
    I'm on the same boat! I'd be glad to be your non-judgemental but supportive MFP friend :)
  • Hey!

    I would love to be a supportive friend, and I understand what you mean about not "harping" on each other! I've lost and gained a lot of weight, so I beat myself up all the time and I don't need someone else doing it to me as well.

  • Tiffany083
    Tiffany083 Posts: 32 Member
    You guys are awesome! :)
  • sarabeth120
    sarabeth120 Posts: 172 Member
    Hey! I would love to be your friend!

    I'm really supportive (only positive comments from me) and I would NEVER tell you what you should eat or how you should do something since it's about what works for you and your body and you certainly know those things better than I do! :)

    Please feel free to add me! :)
  • Im big on bread too. when i found the 35 or 40 calorie per slice i was in heaven. lol. i also found this slimwich things for hamburgers and such. lower calorie than regular buns. i could never give up bread. bagels and similar things
  • Reebee22
    Reebee22 Posts: 26 Member
    Feel free to add me too! I'm not onto judging either :) I:bigsmile:
  • red0801
    red0801 Posts: 283 Member
    Sign me up. Who needs friends who inflate their own egos @ the cost of others self esteem.
  • annwyatt69
    annwyatt69 Posts: 727 Member
    You are more than welcome to add me! I am definitely not critical, as I have no room to judge. I log on every day and my diary is open to friends only. I am a weight loss surgery patient, so what I do is a bit different from others, but I try to be encouraging to everyone and certainly understand all situations. Hope you do well this time and have a great support system!
  • 780ck
    780ck Posts: 40 Member
    Anyone can feel free to add me as a friend. I log on daily and try to be supportive (& appreciate some supprot in return). I am not into the negativity. If adding as a friend, just write a short note about yourself. I also tend to unfriend people if they don't log in regularily. Good luck with your journey!
  • missi72
    missi72 Posts: 12 Member
    That's what we are here for, to encourage each other and NOT to criticize. I mean, if they can't say anything positive they just need to keep their mouth shut. I'd love to add you as my friend!! :))
  • agirlscamaro
    agirlscamaro Posts: 175 Member
    I added you. Anyone feel free to add me. I don't log my food on here often but my exercise is. I'm on Weight Watchers so I don't want to double log.
  • Tiffany083
    Tiffany083 Posts: 32 Member
    Thank you guys for responding! You have no idea how this made my day!!! I think I added everyone on here who posted. If I missed you, just send a request. :)
  • brendadale1
    brendadale1 Posts: 90 Member
    I will be your friend:smile:
  • Hey,
  • I would love to be your friend, this is also my second go around, I do love this site and I think it can really help. I have a medical problem that keeps me from being able to exercise very much or very often and the meds I take also makes it harder for me to be able to lose weight but I am going to try hard, I am here for encouragement and support
  • Hey
    I feel the same way. I am new to this. I have type 2 diabetes and have to do a diet and exercise. I love to be encouraged by friends and to give me advice to do different things than what I am doing now. Please add me as a friend also.

    dt cortez:bigsmile: