

  • cebreisch
    cebreisch Posts: 1,340 Member
    I think it would be better to get something like a Fitbit Activity Monitor.
  • Iron_Duchess
    Iron_Duchess Posts: 429 Member
    Stop logging 10 minutes of housework. That's not exercise.

    Oooh the negativity! The "ten" minutes was just a "for-instance" not actual time as I couldn't remember if it was an hour I did or not. But thank you for the response.

    I've always done the same house work whether I was 170 pounds or 300 pounds. I didn't get fat by not cleaning my house.

    ^^^ This^^^ True. If it is not something that actually impacted your weight loss don’t log it. E.g. walking your dog for five minutes, cleaning, going to the mall, grocery shopping, etc… Unless it is for you to keep track and latter know your actual activity level, but if it is so you can eat the calories at the end of the day don’t do it.
  • Ramberta
    Ramberta Posts: 1,312 Member
    It's rather aggravating that anyone considers housework or shopping to be "working out" worthy of calorie burn logging. I'm not even sure why it's part of the cardio section at all, to be honest, and it can and does confuse people at first. Those kinds of burns (because yes, you DO burn) falls under your TDEE, or Total Daily Energy Expenditure. Everything that we do burns calories over the course of the day, but if you factor in burns that are supposed to be in this category separately, you're screwing up your totals for the day and making things more complicated.

    Keep it simple-- if you work up a true sweat, log it. If you don't, don't! And if your sweating is part of your daily job, and therefore part of the Activity Level Modifier that you choose when determining your BMR and TDEE, then don't count that as a separate burn. Easy peasy. Good luck, and feel free to add me, I promise I will never jump down your throat if you have questions like others on these forums love to do.
  • x_ZEST_x
    I always go by what my HRM says. Best investment ever!

    Thanks I'll check that out now. :)
  • x_ZEST_x
    I don't know what that means. Sorry, old grandma here!
  • now_or_never13
    now_or_never13 Posts: 1,575 Member
    I personally wouldn't log housework. Include that in your daily activity level... the only time I would log it is if I was doing a really big clean for a few hours.

    The calorie burns here aren't the best and are not all that accurate. Invest in a HRM
  • x_ZEST_x
    Stop logging 10 minutes of housework. That's not exercise.


    Thank you, noted.
  • pastryari
    pastryari Posts: 8,646 Member
    Stop logging 10 minutes of housework. That's not exercise.

    Oooh the negativity! The "ten" minutes was just a "for-instance" not actual time as I couldn't remember if it was an hour I did or not. But thank you for the response.

    There was no negativity. It was fact.

    But I clearly don't know what I'm talking about and you obviously didn't actually want any real answers so good luck to you in your weight loss goals.

    Putting words in the OP's mouth ("clearly", "obviously you didn't") doesn't establish you as a credible or likeable person. Just because you are right does not also automatically mean that you can't be negative.

    One - I didn't put words in her mouth. I never said "YOU SAID". If anything, I'm assuming what she wanted not putting words in her mouth. But since you both ASSUMED my tone was "negative", I suppose that makes us even?
    Two - I don't care if you like me. I also don't care if you think I'm credible. I posted to be helpful. If someone doesn't want to take that advice, that's their problem. I have been successful in my weight loss goal so it's obviously not my problem.
    Three - Please point out ANYWHERE in my OP that was negative. Just because it's not what someone wants to hear does not mean it is negative.

    Good god. Between you and the OP, you make me not even WANT to post helpful advice. And yes, my advice would be helpful if she takes it.
  • AllTehBeers
    AllTehBeers Posts: 5,030 Member
    It's rather aggravating that anyone considers housework or shopping to be "working out" worthy of calorie burn logging. I'm not even sure why it's part of the cardio section at all, to be honest, and it can and does confuse people at first. Those kinds of burns (because yes, you DO burn) falls under your TDEE, or Total Daily Energy Expenditure. Everything that we do burns calories over the course of the day, but if you factor in burns that are supposed to be in this category separately, you're screwing up your totals for the day and making things more complicated.

    Keep it simple-- if you work up a true sweat, log it. If you don't, don't! And if your sweating is part of your daily job, and therefore part of the Activity Level Modifier that you choose when determining your BMR and TDEE, then don't count that as a separate burn. Easy peasy. Good luck, and feel free to add me, I promise I will never jump down your throat if you have questions like others on these forums love to do.

    I like this explanation, but I want to point out that sweating does not mean hard work. Some people just sweat a lot. I might sweat while scrubbing my tub or running the vacuum but I hardly even get my heart rate up. I wouldn't judge how hard you work by how much you sweat.
  • x_ZEST_x
    Stop logging 10 minutes of housework. That's not exercise.


    Nice gif. but the housework I've done today involved packing my house as I'm moving and running up and downstairs cleaning so more than ten minutes. It was just a for-instance to highlight the cal burn difference I was seeing.
  • concordancia
    concordancia Posts: 5,320 Member
    It's rather aggravating that anyone considers housework or shopping to be "working out" worthy of calorie burn logging.

    I promise I will never jump down your throat if you have questions like others on these forums love to do.

    I <3 irony.
  • mommawarwick
    mommawarwick Posts: 7 Member
    I always go by what my HRM says. Best investment ever!

    What HRM do you use? I am looking into them!
  • x_ZEST_x
    Stop logging 10 minutes of housework. That's not exercise.
    I'm Guessing the reason housework is an option on here is for intense spring/deep cleaning, not a 10 minute run around with the hoover, hence why it gives you a decent burn. Don't log silly little things, they are already included I'm your activity level.

    I would think that housework is also on there for people that aren't as able-bodies as other are. The point is, it is there! lol. I wasn't logging it, I was looking at why it would be so radically different. But thank you for your reply.
  • x_ZEST_x
    I log housework when I do it. There is an option for "light housework" which gives a very small burn.

    That is what it's there for. :)
  • Ramberta
    Ramberta Posts: 1,312 Member
    It's rather aggravating that anyone considers housework or shopping to be "working out" worthy of calorie burn logging.

    I promise I will never jump down your throat if you have questions like others on these forums love to do.

    I <3 irony.

    Hmm? I'm confused. Are you trying to point out that my first sentence you quoted is jumping down someone's throat? I was not attacking OP or saying "RAWR EVERYONE WHO LOGS SHOPPING AND COOKING IS WRONG". If you looked at the following sentence you would see that the reason I say it's aggravating is because it confuses people, such as OP. :)
  • LokiOfAsgard
    LokiOfAsgard Posts: 378 Member
    Stop logging 10 minutes of housework. That's not exercise.

    Oooh the negativity! The "ten" minutes was just a "for-instance" not actual time as I couldn't remember if it was an hour I did or not. But thank you for the response.

    There was no negativity. It was fact.

    But I clearly don't know what I'm talking about and you obviously didn't actually want any real answers so good luck to you in your weight loss goals.

    Wake up on the wrong side of the bed, did we?
    OP asked why MFP gave higher calories for something that didn't seem to deserve it. That's all.

    But I do agree, logging things like housework isn't going to get you far, unless you're so out of shape that you work up a good sweat doing it. HRMs are a good thing, I hear a lot of people complaining about MFP's calorie counts being off.
    idk, it seems to work fine for me :)
  • Ramberta
    Ramberta Posts: 1,312 Member
    It's rather aggravating that anyone considers housework or shopping to be "working out" worthy of calorie burn logging. I'm not even sure why it's part of the cardio section at all, to be honest, and it can and does confuse people at first. Those kinds of burns (because yes, you DO burn) falls under your TDEE, or Total Daily Energy Expenditure. Everything that we do burns calories over the course of the day, but if you factor in burns that are supposed to be in this category separately, you're screwing up your totals for the day and making things more complicated.

    Keep it simple-- if you work up a true sweat, log it. If you don't, don't! And if your sweating is part of your daily job, and therefore part of the Activity Level Modifier that you choose when determining your BMR and TDEE, then don't count that as a separate burn. Easy peasy. Good luck, and feel free to add me, I promise I will never jump down your throat if you have questions like others on these forums love to do.

    I like this explanation, but I want to point out that sweating does not mean hard work. Some people just sweat a lot. I might sweat while scrubbing my tub or running the vacuum but I hardly even get my heart rate up. I wouldn't judge how hard you work by how much you sweat.

    You are very right with that, point well taken. I should have mentioned heart rate rather than sweat. :)
  • mjkpe
    mjkpe Posts: 98 Member
    Buy a HRM. Then you can wear for both and the results should make more sense.
  • x_ZEST_x
    I tried it. MFP gives 42 for 10 min vigorous cleaning and 147 for 10 min elliptical. That seems like a reasonable spread.

    Ahhh so I probably misread it. Thanks, I think I should put my glasses on eh! Thanks for looking for me. Appreciate it. :)
  • AllTehBeers
    AllTehBeers Posts: 5,030 Member
    Nice gif. but the housework I've done today involved packing my house as I'm moving and running up and downstairs cleaning so more than ten minutes. It was just a for-instance to highlight the cal burn difference I was seeing.

    While I understand that's not normal house work, I still wouldn't count it, but if I happened to eat an extra 300 calories I wouldn't be too hard on myself. I've moved 7 times in 6 years. Still fat. It's about what you do every day.