Turkey bacon vs. Pig bacon



  • heronfolder
    heronfolder Posts: 27 Member
    I guess most of you are in the USA..

    In the UK we get bacon like this which you can make lean by cutting the fat off with scissors:


    and even leaner still -


    Really good for watching the fat and calories!
    Can you get this stuff in the USA or only streaky bacon?
  • MerlinWilliams
    MerlinWilliams Posts: 92 Member
    I've gotta tell you, the die hards who insist that bacon only comes from pigs are really missing out. Lamb bacon is phenomenal! Beef bacon has been around for years, but it seems a lot of people have forgotten about it.
  • edjlowe
    i love turkey bacon....... ive tried pig bacon and didnt really like it........
  • ChrisMelton35
    I hate turkey bacon. I don't mind anything else turkey, but turkey bacon to me tastes horrible. I haven't tried beef or lamb bacon, would like to but haven't.
  • aliciagetshealthy
    aliciagetshealthy Posts: 946 Member
    Pig. Only. Ever.
  • thelovelyLIZ
    thelovelyLIZ Posts: 1,227 Member
    Honestly, turkey bacon and pork bacon are so different to me I don't even really substitute one for the other. I like turkey bacon because the consistency is more like ham, so it's good for adding to dishes. I can never get it to crisp up like pork bacon though, so if I want crunchy bacon crumbles, like for baked potatoes or something, I use regular bacon. I do try to get a leaner cut, but I cook it on a wire rack so it doesn't just sit in the fat.
  • Fittreelol
    Fittreelol Posts: 2,535 Member
    Turkey bacon is good, but you need to get a quality brand, not Jennie-O.
    Look for Applegate, Wellshire, or Garrett. These 3 taste good and have a great nutritional profile. MOST of the ones you find on the shelf are garbage.

    On the other hand, when it comes to regular pig bacon, you can pick up just about any old package and it's just as good as the others.

    I accidentally bought Applegate Turkey bacon (instead of Applegate pig bacon) and didn't realize it until I went to cook some. It was quite delicious, and now I buy it regularly to add a little delicious protein to my morning. Mmmmm. I feel bad for wasting real bacon fat so I usually only cook some when I'm going to make refried beans.
  • dsjohndrow
    dsjohndrow Posts: 1,820 Member
    It's bacon, it's better than just about everything but coffee and chocolate. Enjoy!
  • thatjulesgirl
    thatjulesgirl Posts: 200 Member
    Shortcut bacon. Pork. It's v. low in calories, high in protein and very very little fat. I can happily eat it every day.

    My rule of thumb tends to be that anything 'pretending' to be something else probably isn't great for you (margarine, splenda, concentrated fruit juice). Always go for least human interference!
  • Bbwnomore2
    Bbwnomore2 Posts: 225 Member
    i am not a fan of pig anything! so i like turkey things
  • hajenkatt
    hajenkatt Posts: 331 Member
    2 pieces of Wright brand thick bacon = 90 calories. And is the Best.Bacon.Ever.

    This, to the power of infinity.
  • artickb22
    artickb22 Posts: 411 Member
    I'm not a fan of pork in any form, not a religious thing, I just don't care for it anymore so I love turkey bacon myself. Butterball brand has been the most delicious I've had so far.
  • ChristinaR720
    Hmm... I choose... Bacon!!
  • lawtechie
    lawtechie Posts: 708 Member
    I've thrown out enough frozen bacon over the years, that 'm going to ask...

    How do you store your bacon? As a single gal, I'm only have 2-3 slices in one sitting and probably not more than once/week. Its a huge PITA the try to peel off frozen together bacon slices.

    How do you store it? Separate and store servings in baggies? Other suggestions?
  • Jacleepin
    Jacleepin Posts: 48 Member
    turkey bacon :)
  • Jacleepin
    Jacleepin Posts: 48 Member
    not a fan of pork
  • MrsRamseyForever
    MrsRamseyForever Posts: 28 Member
    Gut reaction was "Pig bacon? EW!"... then i was like.. wait.. Pig bacon is bacon.


    Off topic for a second, but this quote made me think of this... :) My husband is Jewish and when discussing this with my sister one time, talking about the different things we don't eat (she was 17 at the time), she looks at me and says "you mean you can't eat hamburgers??" :huh: :noway: :huh: (Seriously, I stared at her for a few seconds with those exact expressions on my face!) To this day (almost two years later) we won't let her live that one down!

    On topic:
    While I prefer the taste of regular bacon (I was not raised Jewish so have had bacon before) and the crispiness, we don't eat it because my husband is Jewish (by blood more than anything, but he does stick to the "no pork" thing- also for health reasons). If you have no religious or other reasons for staying away from pork bacon, I would say go for it and just watch your portions.
  • leopardjunkie
    If I am eating bacon for strictly flavor like bacon and eggs...then bacon all the way but with a pound of bacon hormel being almost $9 per package at our local store. If it is in a dish or something where I will eat 1/2 the package I use turkey bacon at $3.25 per package.

    The trick my friend told me with turkey bacon is to cook it on a wire rack in the oven over a cookie sheet to get it to cook up more like bacon. As I like it super crispy but pan frying turkey bacon to crispy left it burnt. :( oven is the way to go
  • Fittreelol
    Fittreelol Posts: 2,535 Member
    I've thrown out enough frozen bacon over the years, that 'm going to ask...

    How do you store your bacon? As a single gal, I'm only have 2-3 slices in one sitting and probably not more than once/week. Its a huge PITA the try to peel off frozen together bacon slices.

    How do you store it? Separate and store servings in baggies? Other suggestions?

  • BingCrossOver
    BingCrossOver Posts: 1 Member
    I prefer turkey bacon cuz it's easy to nuke, while nuking pig bacon is too much of a greasy mess.