Healthy Recipes - FAIL!



  • Bean5
    Bean5 Posts: 84 Member
    Avocado chocolate pudding. We have an avocado tree and avocados coming out our ears, I was trying anything--but don't do it! Blech!

    Gotta disagree on that - this stuff's fantastic.
    Really? How do you make it? My recipe had coconut milk, cocoa, and maple syrup in addition to the actual avocado. It was ew.
    We just pulled another 10lb avocados out of the tree today and Still have plenty more. This Year's crop was like no other! :). Do tell!
  • Shadowknight137
    Shadowknight137 Posts: 1,243 Member
    Avocado chocolate pudding. We have an avocado tree and avocados coming out our ears, I was trying anything--but don't do it! Blech!

    Gotta disagree on that - this stuff's fantastic.
    Really? How do you make it? My recipe had coconut milk, cocoa, and maple syrup in addition to the actual avocado. It was ew.
    We just pulled another 10lb avocados out of the tree today and Still have plenty more. This Year's crop was like no other! :). Do tell!

    Cocoa powder + Avocado + Sweetener of choice. That's it. Well, I like to add a crushed Flake bar for texture - makes all the difference, IMo. :D
  • KarenJ15
    KarenJ15 Posts: 81 Member
    The two ingredient oatmeal and banana "cookies". it took some serious doctoring up to make those things edible
    Yes!! I was excited to try them and they were not good! LOL

    Also, I found a recipe for brownies that called for milled flax. That's all you tasted and smelled. Yuck!!
  • KarenJ15
    KarenJ15 Posts: 81 Member
    Smartbeat 10 calorie mayo was recommended to me by a real life friend. Tried it today in a salad dressing and it was not good. Strange after taste. There are some sacrifices that I won't make and bad taste is one. I would rather eat less of food I like than a truck load of a food that is terrible.
    I bought that too. It tastes a little like rubbery Miracle Whip. I don't hate it, but it's not mayonnaise. Next time I will buy light mayo. I don't use much anyway.
  • joanneg572
    joanneg572 Posts: 54 Member
    raw cookie dough "dip" using chickpeas...I dam well shoulda known better...tasted like...chickpeas and chocolate chips...BLECH!!

  • apittmanrn
    apittmanrn Posts: 200 Member
    Box of brownie mix + can of pumpkin =rubbery playdough.......

    I did this. Effin Disgusting.

    The cake mix+diet soda was amazing. Oh and 2 egg whites. Light and fluffy. Tha bomb!!
  • KansasCowgirl
    Baked "fried" fish. I ended up with catfish jerky. It. Was. Terrible.

    And Hungry Girl's lower-cal frosting. 1/3 cup frosting + Jello pudding. Never did figure out what I did wrong, but I just ended up with thin pudding. Pass.
  • tlaurenfitness
    Box of red velvet cake mix and a can of pumpkin.. It was absolutely disgusting. Even my boyfriend who never says my cooking is bad (it can be very bland considering I have no idea how to spice or season anything ha) told me that they tasted bad. Both of us can usually eat anything and cupcakes are one of my favorite foods, but this just wasn't even worth it.
  • hrr002
    hrr002 Posts: 11 Member
    I saw a recipe on Pinterest that said to mash a ripe banana and then mix with 2 eggs to make banana pancakes. I thought it was a cool idea. I basically ended up with scrambled eggs with bananas in them! How anyone got this to work is beyond me! The thought makes me gag now!
  • shayla_twins69
    i tried quinoa today and i loved it ...i threw in some onions and some celery when it was boiling and put a bit of soya sauce for a little flavour tasted like rice !
  • shayla_twins69
    i made the so called healthy pancake today to it was gross i even added cinnamon and vanilla tasted like soggy french toast with banana .. disgusting! never again! but i tried salt and vinegar chick peas ....amazing my family LOVED them!
  • BalmyD
    BalmyD Posts: 237 Member
    I liked the banana+egg white pancakes, the chickpea blondies, the cauliflower crust pizza and the ww black bean brownie recipe.

    However, no matter how many recipes I tried, I have never gotten mashed cauliflower to taste good. I had a fail with the avocado chocolate mousse, but I think it was because my avocados were too ripe (turning brown). I also do not like the diet soda+cake mix recipes. It just turns out crumbly and is still carby and high calorie (as compared to the other things I eat for snacks and dessert).
  • apittmanrn
    apittmanrn Posts: 200 Member
    I saw a recipe on Pinterest that said to mash a ripe banana and then mix with 2 eggs to make banana pancakes. I thought it was a cool idea. I basically ended up with scrambled eggs with bananas in them! How anyone got this to work is beyond me! The thought makes me gag now!

    I thought the same thing. Nasty.

    But egg whites+ground oats+1 pk truvia mixed in magic bullet= awesome pancakes!!!!

    ETA: The cauliflower mashed "potato" thing is tricky. I use the frozen kind and put in a veggie steamer over hot water with chicken boullion mixed in the water. When fork tender, mix in food processor with a drizzle of EVOO and Mrs. Dash with some more chicken boullion granules and pepper. They were good this way. But they are still not freaking mashed potatoes. Try 1/2 cauliflower and 1/2 potatoes. My mom does them this way and my dad is clueless. :laugh:
  • keepingm0tivated
    Using diet pepsi in cake mix. Eww. good with regular pepsi though. c:
  • Treadmillmom1st
    Treadmillmom1st Posts: 579 Member
    I love baked goods but I swear any recipe that substitues butter for apple sauce, yuk, forget it.

    My kids adore pancakes which the traditional english recipe is very good on the calorie front but I thought I'd give the egg white banana version ago, what a load of rubbish, I ate it but I swear I'll never make it again.

    Chickpea chocolate cake...wierd, odd, ate it but kinda loathed it, never again.
  • Groovyca2022
    Groovyca2022 Posts: 21,378 Member
    The two ingredient oatmeal and banana "cookies". it took some serious doctoring up to make those things edible

    Good to know, I was going to try these. I'll pass.
  • ashlinmarie
    ashlinmarie Posts: 1,263 Member
    Just a note, I modified the banana pancakes and added oatmeal...has lots of protein and great for after a workout and delicious!

    But I tried some protein oatmeal pancakes...tried to add protein powder and I couldn't even eat them they were so nasty. Now I'm scared to add protein powder even into a shake!

    I also tried oatmeal cookies with banana. They were okay...not great. I feel like if I substituted PB2 for the nestle cocoa, they would taste better but it would be more calories too.

    I think those were the only nasty things I've ever made...I am making apple pork chops sometime in the next few days and I feel like they'll either be delicious or nasty. Anyone tried them?
  • Treadmillmom1st
    Treadmillmom1st Posts: 579 Member
    The two ingredient oatmeal and banana "cookies". it took some serious doctoring up to make those things edible

    Good to know, I was going to try these. I'll pass.

    Oh yeah, made these too, the kids looked at me like I'd lost my mind, they have actually requested I stop experimenting with healthier baked options.
  • ashlinmarie
    ashlinmarie Posts: 1,263 Member
    I saw a recipe on Pinterest that said to mash a ripe banana and then mix with 2 eggs to make banana pancakes. I thought it was a cool idea. I basically ended up with scrambled eggs with bananas in them! How anyone got this to work is beyond me! The thought makes me gag now!

    I thought the same thing. Nasty.

    But egg whites+ground oats+1 pk truvia mixed in magic bullet= awesome pancakes!!!!

    I have a similar recipe as well. I do the egg whites and banana and rolled oats. I also add in PB 2, and a little cinnamon and vanilla. I don't puree them or anything and they come out looking like like normal pancakes and they are really good! No syrup needed. They are 450 calories, but they keep me full for hours and are great post workout.
  • NewMnky1
    NewMnky1 Posts: 264
    Faux Fried Pickles and Faux Fried Onion Rings - tried them for superbowl and both turned out terrible, we didn't even eat them. Some things should just remain as they are LOL!