PSA!!! Gym Etiquette!!



  • ZoeLifts
    ZoeLifts Posts: 10,347 Member
    Um... what are the big three?

    I don't lift, maybe that's why I'm oblivious. ^_^

    Legitimate question, for sure!! I didn't know what they were either a while back. Squat, deadlift and benchpress.
  • ZoeLifts
    ZoeLifts Posts: 10,347 Member
    I'm bumping my own thread.
  • BarackMeLikeAHurricane
    Um... what are the big three?

    I don't lift, maybe that's why I'm oblivious. ^_^

    Legitimate question, for sure!! I didn't know what they were either a while back. Squat, deadlift and benchpress.
    It's actually big six. Pull from floor. Horizontal pull. Vertical pull. Push from floor. Horizontal push. Vertical push.
  • bokodasu
    bokodasu Posts: 629 Member
    Sadly, the people who need to read this* never will, and the ones who will read it and be entertained already know this stuff.Still, articles like this always remind me to be thankful that most of the people at my gym are fairly considerate.

    *I am looking at YOU, Mr. Take-Every-Piece-of-Gear-Into-The-Squat-Rack-And-Curl-It Guy, and also you, Sit-On-The-Bench-And-Drink-Coffee Guy, esq. Also whoever scrambled all the dumbbells on the racks the other day, although I guess at least fixing it gave me something to do between sets.
  • KCoolBeanz
    KCoolBeanz Posts: 813 Member
    I think I'm going to print this out and place it in various locations throughout my gym. :drinker:
  • ZoeLifts
    ZoeLifts Posts: 10,347 Member
    Um... what are the big three?

    I don't lift, maybe that's why I'm oblivious. ^_^

    Legitimate question, for sure!! I didn't know what they were either a while back. Squat, deadlift and benchpress.
    It's actually big six. Pull from floor. Horizontal pull. Vertical pull. Push from floor. Horizontal push. Vertical push.

    No, pretty sure that in weightlifting circles, the big three always refers to squats, deads and bench:
  • TR0berts
    TR0berts Posts: 7,739 Member
    That should be posted in EVERY gym. And in every new member contract that they have to acknowledge that they've read. There should then also be a stipulation that if any of the above are violated, management reserves the right to suspend, and in severe cases, revoke membership.

    I find that many just don't care

    This. It's on the paperwork when you sign up to my gym. It's posted in the men's locker room - and I'll assume in the women's, as well - but there's always crap strewn about.
  • OkieinMinny
    OkieinMinny Posts: 834 Member
    #6 is my PET PEEVE and at one of the gyms (yes more than 1) I belong to there is a guy notorious for this bc then he needs to break rule 9!!

    I agree everyone should read!
  • BarackMeLikeAHurricane
    Um... what are the big three?

    I don't lift, maybe that's why I'm oblivious. ^_^

    Legitimate question, for sure!! I didn't know what they were either a while back. Squat, deadlift and benchpress.
    It's actually big six. Pull from floor. Horizontal pull. Vertical pull. Push from floor. Horizontal push. Vertical push.

    No, pretty sure that in weightlifting circles, the big three always refers to squats, deads and bench:
  • tempest501
    tempest501 Posts: 329 Member
    Bravo /clap
  • ZoeLifts
    ZoeLifts Posts: 10,347 Member
    Um... what are the big three?

    I don't lift, maybe that's why I'm oblivious. ^_^

    Legitimate question, for sure!! I didn't know what they were either a while back. Squat, deadlift and benchpress.
    It's actually big six. Pull from floor. Horizontal pull. Vertical pull. Push from floor. Horizontal push. Vertical push.

    No, pretty sure that in weightlifting circles, the big three always refers to squats, deads and bench:

    I think I missed the joke, LOL! I'm a bit slow today :wink:
  • notthatthis
    Um... what are the big three?

    I don't lift, maybe that's why I'm oblivious. ^_^

    Legitimate question, for sure!! I didn't know what they were either a while back. Squat, deadlift and benchpress.
    It's actually big six. Pull from floor. Horizontal pull. Vertical pull. Push from floor. Horizontal push. Vertical push.

    No, pretty sure that in weightlifting circles, the big three always refers to squats, deads and bench:

    Big three is just to make people who cannot do pullups or weighted pullups feel better about themselves.
  • ZoeLifts
    ZoeLifts Posts: 10,347 Member
    Um... what are the big three?

    I don't lift, maybe that's why I'm oblivious. ^_^

    Legitimate question, for sure!! I didn't know what they were either a while back. Squat, deadlift and benchpress.
    It's actually big six. Pull from floor. Horizontal pull. Vertical pull. Push from floor. Horizontal push. Vertical push.

    No, pretty sure that in weightlifting circles, the big three always refers to squats, deads and bench:

    Big three is just to make people who cannot do pullups or weighted pullups feel better about themselves.

    This comment does not compute with me. I can do pullups much better now than before I started focusing on big three, because I'm stronger, you see? But I also incorporate them into my workout. Just not in the power rack or squat rack on top of someone else.
  • Pipil503
    Pipil503 Posts: 56 Member
    Um... what are the big three?

    I don't lift, maybe that's why I'm oblivious. ^_^

    Legitimate question, for sure!! I didn't know what they were either a while back. Squat, deadlift and benchpress.
    It's actually big six. Pull from floor. Horizontal pull. Vertical pull. Push from floor. Horizontal push. Vertical push.

    No, pretty sure that in weightlifting circles, the big three always refers to squats, deads and bench:

    Big three is just to make people who cannot do pullups or weighted pullups feel better about themselves.

    This comment does not compute with me. I can do pullups much better now than before I started focusing on big three, because I'm stronger, you see? But I also incorporate them into my workout. Just not in the power rack or squat rack on top of someone else.

    This ^^ Not only are they great for the main muscle groups - but how many people do you see do them properly with great form and decent weight while having a bad core? None, they are perfect exercises for maintaining a great core as well. And as cbcbrass98 said. My pull ups have also gotten better.
  • alyssamiller77
    alyssamiller77 Posts: 891 Member
    Loved everything about the article except for the *kitten* constantly ripping on Planet Fitness dammit. LOL actually after a year and a half of being a member and seeing how the majority of people there "work out", I totally get why PF is his target example. :)
  • BarackMeLikeAHurricane
    Um... what are the big three?

    I don't lift, maybe that's why I'm oblivious. ^_^

    Legitimate question, for sure!! I didn't know what they were either a while back. Squat, deadlift and benchpress.
    It's actually big six. Pull from floor. Horizontal pull. Vertical pull. Push from floor. Horizontal push. Vertical push.

    No, pretty sure that in weightlifting circles, the big three always refers to squats, deads and bench:

    I think I missed the joke, LOL! I'm a bit slow today :wink:
    I was hoping someone would be able to figure it out but oh well.

    Deadlifts = Pull from floor,
    Rows = Horizontal pull,
    Pullups = Vertical pull,
    Squats = Push from floor,
    Bench = Horizontal push,
    Overhead Press = Vertical push

    It just makes you think for a second.
  • soldier4242
    soldier4242 Posts: 1,368 Member
    Does this article really indicate how a "real fitness enthusiast" feels about someone else in the gym? I have been going to the gym for a couple of weeks now and I would hate to think that it is full of people silently judging me.

    I don't even think twice about it if I am on an elliptical or a treadmill and someone uses the one right next to me. I definitely don't think of them the same way I think of urinals and if you do I think you might be the one with the problem.

    I have also noticed that when people have answered their phones I normally can't even hear the over the noise pollution from all the machines moving. It would be highly annoying if they spoke loud enough that I could hear them over all that so perhaps that is what has happened to you.

    I did not know what the big three were until after I read this thread and I don't think lack of this knowledge is justifiable reason for telling someone to stay at home. Even if I didn't know what the big three were you can bet your well toned *kitten* that I would be in that gym anyways because I am not going to continue to let myself grow fat and unhealthy because you would prefer not to be bothered by a noob like me asking stupid questions in your gym.

    You also said a great deal of stuff that I agree with and I recognize by the feed back that I am the extreme minority. Most people completely agree with every single word that you wrote and to be honest you wrote a lot of great stuff in there too.

    If there is a place for a certain size of weight and they are obviously sorted by weight why on earth would you think it's ok to leave your weights on the floor or rack them out of order? You hit the nail on the head with that one.

    The gym is not a place to sit on equipment. If you have just finished a set I get resting for a bit but 10 minutes between sets is pure insanity.

    You got more right than that but this post is too long for most to read anyways and you have been praised quite a bit already.

    I just wanted to make sure you knew I didn't disagree with everything you wrote. No hard feelings but it might not kill you to chill a little bit.
  • dare2love81
    dare2love81 Posts: 928 Member
    That should be posted in EVERY gym. And in every new member contract that they have to acknowledge that they've read. There should then also be a stipulation that if any of the above are violated, management reserves the right to suspend, and in severe cases, revoke membership.

    I find that many just don't care

    This. It's on the paperwork when you sign up to my gym. It's posted in the men's locker room - and I'll assume in the women's, as well - but there's always crap strewn about.

    True, but if that's the case, then management isn't enforcing their policies. Their own fault.
  • ZoeLifts
    ZoeLifts Posts: 10,347 Member
    Does this article really indicate how a "real fitness enthusiast" feels about someone else in the gym? I have been going to the gym for a couple of weeks now and I would hate to think that it is full of people silently judging me.

    I don't even think twice about it if I am on an elliptical or a treadmill and someone uses the one right next to me. I definitely don't think of them the same way I think of urinals and if you do I think you might be the one with the problem.

    I have also noticed that when people have answered their phones I normally can't even hear the over the noise pollution from all the machines moving. It would be highly annoying if they spoke loud enough that I could hear them over all that so perhaps that is what has happened to you.

    I did not know what the big three were until after I read this thread and I don't think lack of this knowledge is justifiable reason for telling someone to stay at home. Even if I didn't know what the big three were you can bet your well toned *kitten* that I would be in that gym anyways because I am not going to continue to let myself grow fat and unhealthy because you would prefer not to be bothered by a noob like me asking stupid questions in your gym.

    You also said a great deal of stuff that I agree with and I recognize by the feed back that I am the extreme minority. Most people completely agree with every single word that you wrote and to be honest you wrote a lot of great stuff in there too.

    If there is a place for a certain size of weight and they are obviously sorted by weight why on earth would you think it's ok to leave your weights on the floor or rack them out of order? You hit the nail on the head with that one.

    The gym is not a place to sit on equipment. If you have just finished a set I get resting for a bit but 10 minutes between sets is pure insanity.

    You got more right than that but this post is too long for most to read anyways and you have been praised quite a bit already.

    I just wanted to make sure you knew I didn't disagree with everything you wrote. No hard feelings but it might not kill you to chill a little bit.

    Ummm...I didn't actually write this article. I found it humorous and, unfortunately, relevant to my gym going experience and thought I would share it in hopes that people would be more aware and/or choose to enjoy the article as well.
  • csi4us
    csi4us Posts: 74
    That should be posted in EVERY gym. And in every new member contract that they have to acknowledge that they've read. There should then also be a stipulation that if any of the above are violated, management reserves the right to suspend, and in severe cases, revoke membership.

    Exactly what I was thinking! I wanna print this article and tape it to the restroom doors! Haha????????????????????????