Beautiful Blues 3/30/10

debnu1 Posts: 1,568 Member

Here's our board! I have to apologize for negating all the good work that went on this past week. I promise I am going to be better! I just got p90x and I am going to read through it and start on Monday. I am excited, and a bit nervous...We can do this!


  • MayLan
    MayLan Posts: 1,517 Member
    Hi all,

    Have been busy all day doing hw, but will now do Insanity Max Interval Plyo for about 54 minutes. Then off to watch the biggest loser and then do some hw in between.

    Quick Hi to everybody and keep digging deeper all! We can do this little by little!
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    Debnu - No worries! Just jump back in now!
  • debnu1
    debnu1 Posts: 1,568 Member
    Thanks Mary, I think it is amazing how easily we can get thrown off track. I am gearing myself up for the beginning of 90 days...I am going to be good. I am going to be good...I am going to be healthy!
  • j_g4ever
    j_g4ever Posts: 1,925 Member
    So easy to get off track I know how that is. WE CAN DO IT!!!

    I'm going to start tomorrow. Going to walk a couple of miles around town if its still nice. :smile:
  • smadag1
    smadag1 Posts: 1,368
    bump for later
  • thumper44
    thumper44 Posts: 1,464 Member
    Good morning blue team,

    Get off track. We all do it. I still do it and did it last two days, but it's getting BACK on track that matters. I think people feel that they are off track 1-2 days or a week, that they've "blown" it. I disagree. Just get back on track and everything will start feeling great again.

    Usually we find some kind of excuse, or reasoning that we think to our self "it's ok", and then the next day, it compounds from the previous day. If we stop making excuses to our self that it's ok then we are changing the thought process on this journey.

    It's choices we make. Try to think about the big goal further down the road. It takes baby steps to get there.

    I had my car in the dealership since Friday. Monday morning I woke up to call saying it'll cost $2200 for new clutch.
    I just bought this car 2nd hand and there was some part failure IMO... to make it short, I got off track monday searching for evidence to give the dealership. Tuesday, I had dentist appt, and had to go pick up my car. I had time to do my workout, but kept putting it off not knowing what time my car would be ready etc.
    I did make sure that I walked the 2.5 miles to go get my car though :laugh: and ended up paying $700.

    I missed my workout mon and tues, i'm pissed about it. Sometimes wonder what I should have did, and I know that I do my workout first thing in the morning, and don't put it off (I'm on afternoons this week).

    Now ladies, it's your turn, look at the big picture, and go get a workout in. 10-15 mins or 30 mins, it's those baby steps.

    Well I'm off to do back and bicep, and possibly punish myself with Plyo or wogging outside.
    Have a great day.
  • debnu1
    debnu1 Posts: 1,568 Member
    The last inside out weight loss podcast I listened to was all about course correction. She talked about how a pilot has to constantly correct the course of the plane to make it to the right target. That is what we do with weight and healthy lifestyle--decrease the amount of time until we course correct. For me it has been a few weeks and I am making small corrections but am still attempting to get back on course. She stated that she still overeats but now it is only by a few bites instead of a few meals. I thought it was interesting insight.

    Lets all stop procrastinating and do something now to course correct. I will go pace and watch my taped Biggest loser--doing jumping jacks for commercials instead of fast forwarding. (I no longer have a tv in front of my treadmill:sad: I don't know how I will survive!)

    Thanks for the advice Peter--Time to do our best and forget the rest--

    Gee I just got p90x and I am already spouting the lingo...:laugh:
  • j_g4ever
    j_g4ever Posts: 1,925 Member
    Good morning blue team,

    Get off track. We all do it. I still do it and did it last two days, but it's getting BACK on track that matters. I think people feel that they are off track 1-2 days or a week, that they've "blown" it. I disagree. Just get back on track and everything will start feeling great again.

    Usually we find some kind of excuse, or reasoning that we think to our self "it's ok", and then the next day, it compounds from the previous day. If we stop making excuses to our self that it's ok then we are changing the thought process on this journey.

    It's choices we make. Try to think about the big goal further down the road. It takes baby steps to get there.

    I had my car in the dealership since Friday. Monday morning I woke up to call saying it'll cost $2200 for new clutch.
    I just bought this car 2nd hand and there was some part failure IMO... to make it short, I got off track monday searching for evidence to give the dealership. Tuesday, I had dentist appt, and had to go pick up my car. I had time to do my workout, but kept putting it off not knowing what time my car would be ready etc.
    I did make sure that I walked the 2.5 miles to go get my car though :laugh: and ended up paying $700.

    I missed my workout mon and tues, i'm pissed about it. Sometimes wonder what I should have did, and I know that I do my workout first thing in the morning, and don't put it off (I'm on afternoons this week).

    Now ladies, it's your turn, look at the big picture, and go get a workout in. 10-15 mins or 30 mins, it's those baby steps.

    Well I'm off to do back and bicep, and possibly punish myself with Plyo or wogging outside.
    Have a great day.

    Thank you for your help. Its beautiful out and I'm going to walk. Talking about car stuff we have two and both need tires and all the stuff that comes with that, tabs, my hubby broke a window part, and a new radiator ugh. :sad:
  • MayLan
    MayLan Posts: 1,517 Member
    That's the spirit, Peter, and the right attitude to have about this weight loss journey. This is not a quick fix solution, rather a lifelong journey with it's ups and downs, but beside all of that we move forward each and everyday. We learn to love our bodies because it's the only one we have while in this world and bring out the best in us.
  • MayLan
    MayLan Posts: 1,517 Member
    Debnu- I'm so excited about starting P90x in a few weeks. I have my resistance bands and weights I bought this weekend. I also ordered the chin up bar and hope that it works on my door frame. I'm pumped and am so glad that the weather will be nicer because I also plan on running outside so that I don't lose all the endurance I have gained from Insanity's crazy cardio workouts. I've been reading the P90x material because its' a lot of information and getting lots of ideas on how best to do it.
    If you need any help or any support, we are here for ya!
  • MayLan
    MayLan Posts: 1,517 Member
    I did some homework this morning and am now getting ready to do Insanity max cardio conditioning and cardio abs for 62 minutes. Afterwards I'll have a protein shake and lunch, and more homework.

    Have a great workout all!
  • smadag1
    smadag1 Posts: 1,368
    Worked out in the yard with hubby today and I am exhausted. I am keeping my fingures crossed he gets the job he applied for all the have left to do is call his former places of emploment and talk to them. Lets hope everything goes well. We should know by tomorrow afternoon.

    I will go wogging tomorrow, my body is still sore and i don't know why. My legs atill hurt from the last to times I have gone wogging and the rest of me is sore, but I am not sure why. I am not going to start my P90x back up until Monday just to give my body more time to heal
  • j_g4ever
    j_g4ever Posts: 1,925 Member
    Today I brought the dogs for a walk. I was going to go for 2miles however the dogs took me for a walk instead so I got a full body workout. Tomorrow my goal is to do one by myself and one with the dogs.
  • MayLan
    MayLan Posts: 1,517 Member
    Worked out in the yard with hubby today and I am exhausted. I am keeping my fingures crossed he gets the job he applied for all the have left to do is call his former places of emploment and talk to them. Lets hope everything goes well. We should know by tomorrow afternoon.

    I will go wogging tomorrow, my body is still sore and i don't know why. My legs atill hurt from the last to times I have gone wogging and the rest of me is sore, but I am not sure why. I am not going to start my P90x back up until Monday just to give my body more time to heal

    I hope he gets the job, and if not that one, another job that is more convenient for him!!! Sending good wishes your way.
  • debnu1
    debnu1 Posts: 1,568 Member
    smadag--I wish you all the best. You have been through a lot lately but I know you have the strength to continue on. I will send good thoughts your way.

    j-g--A very long time ago I gave up on taking the dog for a walk. She would frustrate me to no end. Great work getting out there and doing something.

    I did a bunch of jacks and running around with my son (he loves it) while watching BL yesterday. Why is it the people I like the least always come back??

    I am getting ready to do the pretest tomorrow for p90x...Did you guys "pass" when you took it first? I already know I can't do a pull up...

    Since I have not been watching what I am eating all my joints have been getting sore--I am starting to believe in a healthy diet...:tongue:
  • smadag1
    smadag1 Posts: 1,368
    Debnu1 I didn't take the pretest I just started doing the workouts. When are you going to start your P90x. I am going to start again on Monday since I have missed so much over the past couple weeks. Let me know what you are doing and we can do it together
  • MayLan
    MayLan Posts: 1,517 Member
    Hi all,

    What version of the P90X are you all going to do?
    So far, I'm thinking of doing the Classic version because I've read it's just more complete with the weight training and I would like a total body transformation. The lean version just has more cardio in it. I'm also thinking of doing a Hybrid version of P90X and I got this idea from one of the ladies in the beach body forum. Since I don't want to lose the endurance I gained in Insanity I will be doing doubles, so basically adding running on weight training days. (so running 3 times a week) Also, for the days I have KenpoX and Plyometrics I might substitute an Insanity Max Cardio since there's nothing harder than Insanity in terms of cardio. I do plan on doing this all the way, but at this point I feel that I can do a hybrid version like some people in beach body. I'll see how it works out for my schedule. If not, I can always keep this classic.

    Are you all following the nutrition plan? The first phase it's 50, 30, 20 (protein, carbohydrate, fat). Wow, that's a lot of protein and I would definitely need more protein shakes to compensate. I'm going to peek a little more in the beach body forums so that I can find out more about the nutrition plan.

    Today it's recovery day for Insanity, so I have Max Recovery for 47 minutes.. Something nice for a change.
  • smadag1
    smadag1 Posts: 1,368
    I have looked at the nutrition guide but I am not sure I understand or can follow it does anyone have any tips on what to do or can you explain the nutrition plan to me i could really use some help
  • thumper44
    thumper44 Posts: 1,464 Member
    Good day blue team,
    Just finished doing Plyometrics. Always feel great after that workout...

    Debnu - Unless you are totally out of shape, people just do the P90x and do modifications. I didn't do the pretest. People use that as a .. Before I could do this.. and then after. I now do this...... if you want to have that kind of measurement.
    Don't think that if you can't do the pretest that you can't do the workout. If you've done some exercising, then as tony says..
    Do your best and forget the rest.

    Almomay - Good luck with doubles. That's quite a bit of time per day, wish you the best results. You can do it.
    I know there are days that I do my workout and I want to do something else, so I guess that's a double workout.

    I personally didn't follow the plan, I know others said that they didn't follow it either. Perhaps we don't get as good results, but I might try to follow it when I do round 2.
    I've kept my nutrition at 40%C 30% 30%. For me that's still alot of protein . I"m taking in 175grams of protein per day.

    I kept to a certain calorie intake, used MFP to monitor the calories, and did the P90X workout.

    Best of luck everyone.
  • MayLan
    MayLan Posts: 1,517 Member
    I have looked at the nutrition guide but I am not sure I understand or can follow it does anyone have any tips on what to do or can you explain the nutrition plan to me i could really use some help

    Here is a quick start guide from a P90X coach:

    I'm also thinking of taking before pictures so that I can compare after 90 days. It would be cool to see the difference.