Beautiful Blues 3/30/10



  • smadag1
    smadag1 Posts: 1,368
    Just got back from my 2.5 ish mile walk and it felt great even tho it was a little hot. I was going to go wogging but for some reason my legs just did not want to go that fast. I am thinking it might be because I have not had enough water in the last couple days. Time to start concentrating on my water again.
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    I had to cancel my swim tonight, because I have to finish cleaning and cooking so that I can go and get my mother and sister tomorrow and bring them here to spend Easter weekend. So, my workout tonight will be housework. It' all good, except that I like to swim and hate to clean! :laugh:
    I'm excited - Gracie (our weeping willow) has tiny leaves on all of her branches today! She survived her first winter! (Gracie #1 did not accomplish this feat. Hence the excitement.)
    Don't know how much I will make it by before Monday with my company, so in case I don't, have a great Easter everyone!
  • debnu1
    debnu1 Posts: 1,568 Member
    It's a busy weekend!

    I am going to start p90x on Monday. I thought I would do the pretest, just for fun tomorrow. I figured I could just do my best with the exercises anyway. For nutrition I have not completely decided what I am going to do. I am going to log everything and plan ahead. I think I may try the 50 30 20 for a little bit but I think the 403030 is better so I am sure I will migrate that direction. Thanks for the link almomay--I am going to look it up. I also found info here.

    I am glad that I am going to have someone do this with me. I thought I would start with the lean version and then the next one do classic--as I do have a lot of weight to lose currently. :smile: I am ready to get started!
  • MayLan
    MayLan Posts: 1,523 Member
    I had to cancel my swim tonight, because I have to finish cleaning and cooking so that I can go and get my mother and sister tomorrow and bring them here to spend Easter weekend. So, my workout tonight will be housework. It' all good, except that I like to swim and hate to clean! :laugh:
    I'm excited - Gracie (our weeping willow) has tiny leaves on all of her branches today! She survived her first winter! (Gracie #1 did not accomplish this feat. Hence the excitement.)
    Don't know how much I will make it by before Monday with my company, so in case I don't, have a great Easter everyone!

    Wish you a happy easter and that you have fun this weekend! Cleaning the house is definitely a workout- all that bending and dusting and moving arms. So I think you have your workout for today!
  • MayLan
    MayLan Posts: 1,523 Member
    It's a busy weekend!

    I am going to start p90x on Monday. I thought I would do the pretest, just for fun tomorrow. I figured I could just do my best with the exercises anyway. For nutrition I have not completely decided what I am going to do. I am going to log everything and plan ahead. I think I may try the 50 30 20 for a little bit but I think the 403030 is better so I am sure I will migrate that direction. Thanks for the link almomay--I am going to look it up. I also found info here.

    I am glad that I am going to have someone do this with me. I thought I would start with the lean version and then the next one do classic--as I do have a lot of weight to lose currently. :smile: I am ready to get started!

    I love that link you provided above. I'm reading through it and reading the questions at the bottom. Thanks! The p90x seems like alot of information but I know with time it will become natural.
  • debnu1
    debnu1 Posts: 1,568 Member
    I really liked that link too. I am doing the pretest and measurements etc today so I can be very ready on Monday. I am excited to start feeling better. When I eat right and exercise consistently I sure get up earlier and easier. I like that. I have been dragging the last couple of weeks!

    Have a great day everyone!
  • MayLan
    MayLan Posts: 1,523 Member
    hi all,

    The p90x chin up bar I ordered doesn't work on any of my doors because I live in an apartment. Oh, well, I'm going to return it and just modify my moves and try to use the resistance band like they do on the video by swinging it over something on top. Gotta keep moving along.

    Today I plan on doing Insanity Max Interval sports training for 54 minutes. I have noticed that with all of these exercises I'm doing, when I eat more, I lose more weight. Such a weird concept, but it works and the beach body coaches recommend it.

    Enjoy your workout all!
  • MayLan
    MayLan Posts: 1,523 Member
    I really liked that link too. I am doing the pretest and measurements etc today so I can be very ready on Monday. I am excited to start feeling better. When I eat right and exercise consistently I sure get up earlier and easier. I like that. I have been dragging the last couple of weeks!

    Have a great day everyone!

    I'm going to do the measurements and take pictures as well. I really want to see how much I change over the course of time. I think this is perfect timing with spring now! I'm also going to do the nutrition plan and see how I feel. The nutrition guide mentions that if you feel like you are "bonking" you might need to add more carbs, because the first phase is so high on protein and low on carbs. We shall see how it goes. :)
  • debnu1
    debnu1 Posts: 1,568 Member
    I am mostly through the pretest--boy it makes me feel good. I ran on the treadmill to warm up and went for 5 mins at 6 mph--I have not done that before but I knew I could. I even did 24 reps with 10lb weights before I pooped out. So far I am surpassing the test which feels way good! Now I am wondering if I could do a pull up. I have not tried in a long time. Maybe it is time again!

    I think that doing the fat shredding phase for even a week might be enough to drain my body of all the bad stuff I have been eating. Be sure and drink something to recover after exercise to replenish your glycogen. I am going to do carnation instant breakfast. It is close to the same ratio as the recovery drink so I thought it will work well--a little better nutrition than chocolate milk too. I think that will help with the bonking.
  • MayLan
    MayLan Posts: 1,523 Member
    I am mostly through the pretest--boy it makes me feel good. I ran on the treadmill to warm up and went for 5 mins at 6 mph--I have not done that before but I knew I could. I even did 24 reps with 10lb weights before I pooped out. So far I am surpassing the test which feels way good! Now I am wondering if I could do a pull up. I have not tried in a long time. Maybe it is time again!

    I think that doing the fat shredding phase for even a week might be enough to drain my body of all the bad stuff I have been eating. Be sure and drink something to recover after exercise to replenish your glycogen.

    Your pretest sounds great!!! Great idea on the carnation drink as recovery drink. I think the Beachbody nutritionist aims for the ratio of 4 carbs 1 protein and they do mention chocolate milk. ( I think some people try fat free chocolate milk to replenish glycogen). I'm trying a protein shake, I haven't checked the ratios, but might also try the chocolate milk.

    Also here's a quote from one of the beach body coaches:

    "Some will choose to do the workouts first thing in the morning. Some will opt to do it in the evening after work. The downsides to do it in the morning, include having to wake up early and that your glycogen levels will be lower which could result in “bonking”. Steve Edwards on the staff message boards recommends eating a banana before working out if you need something but not a full meal. The upside to working out in the morning is that you get it out of the way and are less likely to miss the workout as everyday life distractions pop-up derailing your plans later in the day."
  • MayLan
    MayLan Posts: 1,523 Member
    hi all,

    The p90x chin up bar I ordered doesn't work on any of my doors because I live in an apartment. Oh, well, I'm going to return it and just modify my moves and try to use the resistance band like they do on the video by swinging it over something on top. Gotta keep moving along.

    Today I plan on doing Insanity Max Interval sports training for 54 minutes. I have noticed that with all of these exercises I'm doing, when I eat more, I lose more weight. Such a weird concept, but it works and the beach body coaches recommend it.

    Enjoy your workout all!

    Oh instead of the chin up bar, my resistance bands came with door attachments which I can attach to the door frame overhead and do the modified versions like on the dvd. I'm going to get heavier resistance bands for this. :)
  • debnu1
    debnu1 Posts: 1,568 Member
    You changed your name...hopefully just for fun. :smile: I have the resistance band with the door attachment too. That is what I am going to try for now. I found a free standing pull up bar on line, but it was about $200--I think the bands will do for now. My workout area has double doors. I don't think a door mounted bar would work.

    I am going to do the workout first thing in the morning. I thought I would take the chocolate milk/carnation down to workout with me as then I can sip a bit half way through to maintain my stamina.

    I am going to start planning meals. Here's to a great first week...starting Monday! I am so excited!
  • thumper44
    thumper44 Posts: 1,464 Member
    Good Luck!!!

    The pull up bar. DO NOT spend $200. You can buy other various ones out there for alot less. I bought mine for $40-$50 or so. Now it does fit in some door ways great. But I'm not doing my workout upstairs anymore, where I initially started it in Aug/Sep. I need all my weights, so I do the workout in the basement now. Un finished, and sigh.. no doors, so I can't use the bar.
    I also use the resistance bands from a clamp on the main beam in my ceiling.

    I'm due to take my pictures again soon, and i have 5 more weeks to go for my 1st modified round. I haven't taken any measurements, as I use my pants/belt as a guide, but I think I will be shocked in 5 weeks.
    This weekend I'm going to go buy some new medium shirts:smile: and a 32" waist pants which will be my goal pants.

    Do your best, and forget the rest.
    Have a great weekend.
  • MayLan
    MayLan Posts: 1,523 Member
    You changed your name...hopefully just for fun. :smile: I have the resistance band with the door attachment too. That is what I am going to try for now. I found a free standing pull up bar on line, but it was about $200--I think the bands will do for now. My workout area has double doors. I don't think a door mounted bar would work.

    I am going to do the workout first thing in the morning. I thought I would take the chocolate milk/carnation down to workout with me as then I can sip a bit half way through to maintain my stamina.

    I am going to start planning meals. Here's to a great first week...starting Monday! I am so excited!

    Oh, wow, I have not seen the free standing pull up bar, but your're right $200 is too much to pay for it. I was advised by my beachbody coach (which by the way is free by signing up) to use the resistance band along with the door attachment that mine came with just like the guys on the dvd. I just have to make sure that the resistance bands are pretty strong, to get some good tension when doon the modified "pull up" bar move. I'm also considering starting my exercise on sunday because I would like saturday to be my rest or x-stretch day. Most people start their exercise based on the day that they want to rest or stretch.

    Peter- awesome job with your workout and I know you are going to look great.

    Today I got home too late to exercise, but I probalby got in like a 15 mintue walk and tomorrow I will definitely include the missed Insanity workout plus run outside. Oh Yeah!!!
  • MayLan
    MayLan Posts: 1,523 Member
    Good afternoon everyone,

    I just got back from jogging outside for 35 minutes. I need to research and find out how many miles that is. I'm keeping track of what I'm jogging so I can increase a bit each week. So excited today but a bit tired- probably from all that lasagna and pastries from yesterday. Anyhow today is a new day and new beginning. Tonight I'm going to make up my missed Insanity workout- either Core Cardio and balance or Max Interval sports training to finish off my 7th week. Next week I start my 8th and last week and then I'm moving on to P90X. Sorry if I sound cocky- not my usual trend, I'm just trying to motivate myself. :-P

    Have a great day all!!!
  • debnu1
    debnu1 Posts: 1,568 Member
    Mayra--You are doing awesome! It is good to keep yourself motivated! I think we all need to do that! I have planned out my meals for the week and am excited to start with core synergistics tomorrow. I may need some Ibuprofen afterwards though. I watched parts of it and I am quite excited. IT is going to be challenging and envigorating! I have not eaten well at all today but I figured I would allow myself the day off to get myself so thouroughly sick of sugar that I don't mind not eating it for a very long time. :wink:

    Have a great Easter everyone!
  • smadag1
    smadag1 Posts: 1,368
    Debnu1 I am restarting P90x tomorrow and will also be doing core synergistics so I guess we can do it together and help keep each other accountable. I will probably be doing mine first thing in the morning then maybe some walking in the evenings.

    Hubby is just waiting for 1 more phone call to tell him he has a job tomorrow, that is good news but he will have to go back to being an over the road truck driver wich means he will be gone all week and hopefully home on weekends, But that will give me time to transform my body and give him something to be wowed by
  • debnu1
    debnu1 Posts: 1,568 Member
    smadag--lets bring it. I am just about to start. I even have my meals all planned for today. I am Back!!:love::bigsmile: Let's do it!
    It will be great to have time to transform your body! I can't think of anything better to do while he is at work. I will be thinking about you and wishing you the best.

    Don't forget to weigh in today!

    Time to visit Tony and beat up my core.:tongue:
  • MayLan
    MayLan Posts: 1,523 Member
    smadag and debnu- Glad you guys will be bringing it and doing P90X. I'm ready to bring it too!!!

    This week I'm on my 8th and final week of Insanity and today I'm doing Max Interval Plyo for 54 minutes. The jog from yesterday is not making my legs sore, which I'm glad. Today I'll be eating healthy and doing homework and getting my workout in. I have added 100 extra calories this week and I hope my body likes it that I'm feeding it more foods.

    Take care all!
  • thumper44
    thumper44 Posts: 1,464 Member
    Hey there blue team.
    Hope everyone had a great weekend, and a healthy easter :wink:

    Debnu, MayLan, Smadag
    Bring it, let Tony kick your butt, it's such a good feeling after. Remember we all can't keep up with them. Do your best, and forget the rest.

    I went for a nice 2 mile walk yesterday with the OH and then went for a bike ride. Also bought some shirts... wooo hooo

    Today I'm off to do chest/triceps after this message.
    I'm on the countdown...hehehe 5 weeks to go . I'll be ending my round May 7th.