Eating before exercise



  • meggonkgonk
    meggonkgonk Posts: 2,066 Member
    This is one of those try it and see kind of things- it's really about how it makes you feel. The idea that eating before a workout will prevent your body from 'attacking the fat stores' is really not an accurate accounting of how your body fuels itself, so don't worry too much about eating preventing you from losing.

    Just try eating when makes sense for your schedule, note how you feel (energized? pumped? sluggish? weighed down?) and and make the adjustment from there.

    i eat differently based on different workouts. Long runs- I eat right before (and sometimes during, depending on how long the run is). Everything else usually right after. But I work out early, so it's either right before, or right after. Not a lot of time for in between. If you are talking about evening workouts, you have more flexibility.
  • BHetrick
    BHetrick Posts: 26 Member
    the original question was answered definatively in my first post this has been a massive waste of time i don't even know why i bothered correcting someone who clearly just wants to spread bull****.

    Please, explain how it's B.S. if it's working for them, and many many others?

    I too am working out in a fasted state and the results have been outstanding.

    Brief summary:
    Jan 14th I was 201.6.
    Next 2 weeks ate my B/L/D meals and worked out. I weight train and finish with 20 minutes of cardio, 6 days a week. Those 2 weeks I lost 4 pounds total.

    Then while researching different exercises on YT I came across intermittent fasting and decided it's worth a shot. I set my eating window at 1pm to 7pm.

    Today is Feb. 13th. One month ago I was 201.6. Today's weigh-in is 182.2. That's a total of 19.4 pounds.

    Two weeks to lose 4 pounds while eating 3-4 meals throughout the day --- or --- the last 2 weeks to lose 15 pounds while intermittent fasting.

    Sorry, but fasting works.
  • tricksee
    tricksee Posts: 835 Member
    Please, explain how it's B.S. if it's working for them, and many many others? I too am working out in a fasted state and the results have been outstanding.

    Nice post. But duck!! he will just throw another link your way.

    that's what I got anyway.
  • Change_is_Good_
    Change_is_Good_ Posts: 272 Member
    I would like to know how long before exercise i should eat.

    I was told 4 hours

    What does everyone else think??

    Just going back to the original point "what does everyone else think??"

    Different people = different stratagies = different results
  • Rage_Phish
    Rage_Phish Posts: 1,507 Member
    Steady up boys! Testosterone city in here!

    You both have different opinions that work for you as different people, let's agree to disagree rather than picking holes in each post


    General consensus appears to be that it depends on the person and if you are just doing light exercise either way won't hurt


    Apologies for caps lock abuse and severe overuse of exclamation marks.

    Every post I see from you is filled with caps and !!!!!
  • tricksee
    tricksee Posts: 835 Member

    Every post I see from you is filled with caps and !!!!!

    The one you quoted wasn't so I'm getting better.
  • misssiri
    misssiri Posts: 335 Member
    I would like to know how long before exercise i should eat.

    I was told 4 hours

    What does everyone else think??

    Do what works for you. For me, 4 hours is too long. I need something to eat 1-2 hours before I work out.
  • ekaustin7
    ekaustin7 Posts: 185 Member
    I think it's part-personal preference, part-science-based. I myself feel terrible after a workout on an empty stomach. After I get off the elliptical I feel shaky and have a hard time controlling my muscles. But a small snack is usually enough to thwart this feeling. Go for a light granola bar or another type of healthy, slow-digesting carb before a workout. If you find it gives you a stomach ache, wait about an hour or so after eating before you start your workout. That should help.
  • twelfty
    twelfty Posts: 576 Member
    watch what happens when you start trying to build muscle tricksee as you clearly haven't got an ounce of it on you, i don't need to explain myself, i've been there and done it a few years back, day in day out (but not because of the fad i just wasn't eating) it's a poor system, you will lose most if not all muscle, and be what doctors call "skinny fat" muscle goes much before fat, and if you do weights while doing this you won't gain a decent amount of muscle

    but considering how dumb you are i actually say to you carry on mate! and when you can't lift a 2lb dumbell more than 6 times in a day come tell me how great your idea was :laugh:

    i'll stick to gaining muscle the right way and enjoy looking good from it :wink:
  • No_Finish_Line
    No_Finish_Line Posts: 3,661 Member
    when did we start talking about gaining muscle?

    someone post the head exploding GIF
  • twelfty
    twelfty Posts: 576 Member
    when did we start talking about gaining muscle?

    someone post the head exploding GIF

    it's on his profile he intends to lose weight then gain muscle
  • lasmit4477
    lasmit4477 Posts: 308 Member
    watch what happens when you start trying to build muscle tricksee as you clearly haven't got an ounce of it on you, i don't need to explain myself, i've been there and done it a few years back, day in day out (but not because of the fad i just wasn't eating) it's a poor system, you will lose most if not all muscle, and be what doctors call "skinny fat" muscle goes much before fat, and if you do weights while doing this you won't gain a decent amount of muscle

    but considering how dumb you are i actually say to you carry on mate! and when you can't lift a 2lb dumbell more than 6 times in a day come tell me how great your idea was :laugh:

    i'll stick to gaining muscle the right way and enjoy looking good from it :wink:

    Wooohhhhh now! No need to call names! Calm down!

    Plus, one would need to be in a calorie surplus to gain muscle mass. That may not be the intent of the individual. Do what works for you and jump of your barbie whine session!
  • twelfty
    twelfty Posts: 576 Member
    and i'd point out too that by losing muscle weight might make you feel better as it's really easy to lose quickly, it's not the same as genuinely losing fat, and by not fueling and feeding excersize you will lose muscle first
  • twelfty
    twelfty Posts: 576 Member
    watch what happens when you start trying to build muscle tricksee as you clearly haven't got an ounce of it on you, i don't need to explain myself, i've been there and done it a few years back, day in day out (but not because of the fad i just wasn't eating) it's a poor system, you will lose most if not all muscle, and be what doctors call "skinny fat" muscle goes much before fat, and if you do weights while doing this you won't gain a decent amount of muscle

    but considering how dumb you are i actually say to you carry on mate! and when you can't lift a 2lb dumbell more than 6 times in a day come tell me how great your idea was :laugh:

    i'll stick to gaining muscle the right way and enjoy looking good from it :wink:

    Wooohhhhh now! No need to call names! Calm down!

    Plus, one would need to be in a calorie surplus to gain muscle mass. That may not be the intent of the individual. Do what works for you and jump of your barbie whine session!

    sigh... there's no barbie whine session, and i can't be arsed to go into what you just said lol... some google tips for you:

    the calories burnt while doing strength training compared to cardio

    the calories of protein compared to carbs (protein being a decent part of gaining muscle)

    not to mention lowering carbs and it's benefits in losing weight
  • No_Finish_Line
    No_Finish_Line Posts: 3,661 Member
    i got learn how to post that GIF myself
  • thirstyflea
    thirstyflea Posts: 114 Member
    I've always been told something to eat something 1 - 1-1/2 hours before I work out! My current trainer concurs, and it works really well for me, and I'm losing weight. I've tried not eating, and I literally fizzle out about 1/2 way through my work out (strength or cardio, doesn't matter). And trust me, I have fat to lose!

    I used to try an apple with peanut butter (carbs and protein), but I burned through the carbs too fast and would have a hypoglycemic rush (or something like that?), where I would get dizzy and/or nauseous after a tough exercise. So I started eating low sugar protein bars, and they've been working out great! I usually stick to bars with at least 15g of protein, sometimes up to 20g depending on the kind of workout I'm expecting. And of course they also have carbs, but with the higher protein, they seem to sustain me through any strength or cardio workout !!

    I'm on the infamous "1200 calorie" plan, and I fit the "extra" protein bar calories in just fine, as I need to eat some extra calories on work out days anyway.

    I guess everyone has something that works for them, but I would recommend if you eat, then do it at least an hour before so your body can process what you're feeding it and it will actually be effective.
  • twelfty
    twelfty Posts: 576 Member
    oh also have a google of gaining lean muscle... you'll find a great deal of info on the advances of weight lifting and the tired days of bulking and cutting

    which if you're clever.... you can lose weight and gain muscle (for a bloke mostly) women, cardio and diet is fine as they don't require muscle mass the same as blokes

    unless you're literally arnie doing X amount of workouts per day in which you would need a massive boost of calories however a half hour vigorous weight lifting session burns about 250 calories... even if you were on 1500 calories per day you could gain muscle mass if you ate the right foods........ being overweight that is
  • lasmit4477
    lasmit4477 Posts: 308 Member
    oh also have a google of gaining lean muscle... you'll find a great deal of info on the advances of weight lifting and the tired days of bulking and cutting

    which if you're clever.... you can lose weight and gain muscle (for a bloke mostly) women, cardio and diet is fine as they don't require muscle mass the same as blokes

    You are annoying! Sorry, but you are. :flowerforyou:

    Here is a little information and sorry, but "google" just doesn't provide actual science for my liking...just like Dr. Oz!! All metabolic processes are either anabolic or catabolic, in case you where unaware. To help support my statement, building muscle is anabolic process. It builds muscle proteins from amino acids ones bloodstream. However, storing fat is also an anabolic process and builds fat out of fatty acids.

    Now, these are essentially 2 DIFFERENT processes my friend, being that one is catabolic and the other is anabolic. With the exceptions shown in the below link, they can't be done simultaneously. I never said that one could not develop and strengthen the muscle tissue that one already has while being in a calorie deficit to lose body fat. Adequate intake of protein and doing some type of strength training to preserve lean muscle mass is key. You can minimize losing some lean muscle mass, but you can't prevent it!
  • EmilyOfTheSun
    EmilyOfTheSun Posts: 1,548 Member
    I usually eat something small and carby like 30 mins before a workout. sometimes right before
  • twelfty
    twelfty Posts: 576 Member
    as i said i don't need to argue with you, the info is out there for you to find, and it's scientificly backed up

    SHOCK your link doesn't have any credible proof... it's a load of drivel and trying to sell a book :o

    EDIT - sorry 5 books lol....