Wow - how many times a day do we do this??



  • I'm an Atheist, but I get the gist of your post. I'm trying to be more accepting of myself, though it's way easier said than done some days.

    Thank you for being able to not be with me on the religion aspect of this but still be able to post something with kindness and positive. Leaving God in the post or taking God out -- it really is about being comfortable in our own skin as we make this journey. Very respectful and very classy that you responded to me the way you did and I very much appreciate it.

    that's so cool. Love how both of these meshed.
  • I found your post very inspiring and helpful. thank you for posting.
  • I appreciate your willingness to be positive and encouraging!
  • jynxxxed
    jynxxxed Posts: 1,010 Member
    No, I wasn't a masterpiece.. I was overweight and unhappy with my body. Telling myself that I was fine as I was is what kept me from losing the weight in the past. Accepting it was the problem.
  • jennaworksout
    jennaworksout Posts: 1,739 Member
    I posted this quote just yesterday......."Don't compare your life to others. You have no idea what their journey is all about." I don't anymore
  • Gizziemoto
    Gizziemoto Posts: 430 Member
    I love the post and the message.
  • schmetterling1
    schmetterling1 Posts: 130 Member
    Thank you for trying to raise our self images. People will find one thing about any subject and pick at it. Just looking at the bad and not the good. Which is kind of funny because you post is about looking at yourself in a positive way. :flowerforyou:
  • liesevanlingen
    liesevanlingen Posts: 508 Member
    I really liked your post, OP. Sometimes it can be hard to feel comfortable in your own skin. We need to remember that we are "wonderfully made". And, although I am a Christian, you don't have to be one to find merit in that particular statement. It's about loving ourselves for who we are. It's much harder to improve yourself if you are constantly being bombarded with self hatred.
  • susanmc31
    susanmc31 Posts: 287 Member
    Very nice post OP.

    I agree, I know I tend to compare myself to others and that is not right. I am working every day to better myself for myself, my family and God. :flowerforyou:
  • ka_bateman
    ka_bateman Posts: 230 Member
    Very well said! A nice thought to begin the day=) I was after all made in His image.
  • williams77ra
    williams77ra Posts: 1 Member
  • Thank you for posting.
  • ladydockins
    ladydockins Posts: 12 Member
    I love your post. I understand completely what you are saying, its not about an excuse or blame game, but God did design us with a purpose and he lovingly took the time to craft us. When I make a mistake I sometimes find myself saying I suck or something and then I remember how much love God has for me that he took the time to create me and how insulting it must be to him when I insult myself. He wants us to be the healthy, happy and content so that we can successfully live out our purpose to glorify him and I think it is important to remember that we are all different and it really is useless to compare ourselves to other people who's walk in life was never intended to mirror our own. Remember how good God is and keep in mind Matt 5:10-12 :))
  • Everyone compares themselves to someone at some point in their life..Whether it's looks, personality, smarts, finances and more that I can't think of at the moment..As I've gotten older I've come to realize that there is always going to be someone a little better off in different categories in life..But I dwell on how I can make my life better and try not to worry about what everyone else is doing.
  • Guisma
    Guisma Posts: 215
    Thats your interpertation of what you read. when i read :

    We really ARE the best US we can be. No one else can be like us. We need to stop feeling like we aren't quite thin enough, smart enough, tall enough, pretty enough, patient enough, etc........and start loving and accepting ourselves.

    I am not able to understand the interpertation that you did . We are really the best US we can be , for me it doesnt mean that we are perfect or that we should stop striving to become better, but to love and respect ourselfs like we are at the moment , like it is written in the rest of the sentence eh ?

    After that i have to say that i think its extremelly rude that u said it was ridicculous. Even if you dont share the same opinion of others u dont have to trash it.
  • Guisma
    Guisma Posts: 215
    Thats your interpertation of what you read. when i read :

    We really ARE the best US we can be. No one else can be like us. We need to stop feeling like we aren't quite thin enough, smart enough, tall enough, pretty enough, patient enough, etc........and start loving and accepting ourselves.

    I am not able to understand the interpertation that you did . We are really the best US we can be , for me it doesnt mean that we are perfect or that we should stop striving to become better, but to love and respect ourselfs like we are at the moment , like it is written in the rest of the sentence eh ?

    After that i have to say that i think its extremelly rude that u said it was ridicculous. Even if you dont share the same opinion of others u dont have to trash it.
  • Guisma
    Guisma Posts: 215
    Get this; not everyone believes in god.

    Get this ; some do .
  • prattiger65
    prattiger65 Posts: 1,657 Member
    Get this; not everyone believes in god.

    Get this ; some do .

    Millions do.
  • Oh dear, what a response to your post! Such a shame that a positive post has some negative replies. What i believe in regards to religion does not matter but i do agree with you and here is my 2 cents!
    There is always room to improve and to try and be the very best we can be. However, waking up every morning feeling bad about ourselves or comparing ourselves to others is not healthy and will not help us lose weight or feel more positive. What works for me is getting up, jumping on the scales and saying ' Okay well this is the way i am today, i cant lose 20 kilos today so i will love what i have and be positive and maybe tomorrow if i count my calories and do my workout it might be a little bit less'
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    Oh dear, what a response to your post! Such a shame that a positive post has some negative replies. What i believe in regards to religion does not matter but i do agree with you and here is my 2 cents!
    There is always room to improve and to try and be the very best we can be. However, waking up every morning feeling bad about ourselves or comparing ourselves to others is not healthy and will not help us lose weight or feel more positive. What works for me is getting up, jumping on the scales and saying ' Okay well this is the way i am today, i cant lose 20 kilos today so i will love what i have and be positive and maybe tomorrow if i count my calories and do my workout it might be a little bit less'

    it may not work for you, but it does work for a lot of people.

    Regardless, if comparing is bad for your ego, don't do it. If it helps, keep on comparing. The point is to not use the whole "we are wonderful just the way we are" mentality as an excuse to not try to better yourself.