sweat.... eww



  • squirrelzzrule22
    squirrelzzrule22 Posts: 640 Member
    While I agree with others that embracing the sweat is a good idea, to address the question you asked:

    Keep a little towel hung over the treadmill/ elliptical/ stairmaster/ whatever, or find a way to take one with you running outside. Towel yourself off frequently! Get a sweatband that fits comfortably around your head at the hairline- this will keep sweat from dripping down your face which might eliminate the ick factor. Go to a store with very NICE exercise clothes (I'm a lululemon junkie myself) and buy long pants or long sleeve items that are very lightweight and designed to whisk sweat away- there are some AMAZING materials out there and by having your skin covered by the fabric it will whisk it up before you ever feel it but still be lightweight and breathable so you won't be like a wrestler trying to make weight!

    Your heart (and weight!) will thank you for doing cardio. Don't let being icked out by sweat stop you!
  • curvynblonde
    curvynblonde Posts: 170 Member
    I love sweating! It makes me feel powerful and healthy :)
  • hayleygirl01
    hayleygirl01 Posts: 48 Member
    Infact, I love walking out of the gym , getting into my place taking my work out clothes off and seeing the sweat marks on my shirts and the booty of my pants! It's an exhillerating feeling!
  • dondimitri
    dondimitri Posts: 245 Member
    You need to use reverse psychology!

    When you are out in public during the "normal" part of your day then sweating might be considered un-cool by some people. Heck I don't like to sweat when I'm in a business meeting; it makes me feel self concious.

    However when I'm in the gym if I'm not sweating then I'm the strange one.

    Just tell youself that when you are at the gym and you're not sweating that everybody else is looking at you and talking about you behind your back! "Oh, look at that strange lady! She's not sweating! And she's in the gym for crying out loud!"

    All joking aside: If you keep it up it just might become part of your lifestyle and become not that big a deal.

    My wife who felt somewhat like you at one point now comes up to me in the gym and says: "Look honey! I'm sweating!"

    Keep up the good work!
  • ashleydmassey
    ashleydmassey Posts: 106 Member
    I used to be the same way. I don't sweat as much as "normal" people though. Even when my heart rate monitor shows I am pretty intense, I don't gush like I see a lot of people. But when I do sweat, I actually enjoy it now. It represents the hard work. Be proud of the glisten! Then shower it off. :smile:
  • T1mH
    T1mH Posts: 568 Member
    You could just walk, most people underestimate the power of walking. Compared to doing nothing walking is awesome. Compared to a workout where you really sweat, walking isn't so awesome. Your going to have to walk a lot of hours a day to burn the calories of one good hour of exercise intense enough to get a good sweat on.

    Most people still sweat even in cold environments when they do intense exercise.

    I's your choice.
  • alpine1994
    alpine1994 Posts: 1,915 Member
    If sweat's not literally dripping off me at the end of my workout, I'm not working hard enough. Sorry, no help here. (Seriously, sweat is not a big deal. That's what showers and washing machines are for :P)

    Totally agree!
  • Linemanwife76
    Me, too! :D
  • loizlane
    loizlane Posts: 64 Member
    Sweat is sexy.
  • MG_Fit
    MG_Fit Posts: 1,143 Member
    It doesn't bother me.

    Way I figure, the more I sweat the greater the workout.
  • dani_1977
    dani_1977 Posts: 557 Member
    No help here - I love getting a good sweat on! I guess I always have though :laugh:

    Agreed! If I'm not sweating I'm not working hard enough!

    Mee too!! I love especially when I sweat in odd places like my wrist and elboe creases. I know that .. it's fat melting away
  • dani_1977
    dani_1977 Posts: 557 Member
    No help here - I love getting a good sweat on! I guess I always have though :laugh:

    Agreed! If I'm not sweating I'm not working hard enough!

    Mee too!! I love especially when I sweat in odd places like my wrist and elbow creases. I know that .. it's fat melting away
  • Docmahi
    Docmahi Posts: 1,603 Member
    Hi there! I don't know if this is weird, but I think sweat is one of the grossest things ever!! And that's one
    thing that snags me up with working out and a reason I hate gyms! I know cardio is big for losing weight
    and cardio equals sweating! How do you guys push through it, or what do you tell yourself to get through it?

    haha i dunno - maybe im weird but i love when i break out a sweat at the gym, I tend to wear a thick hoodie and do 10 ish minutes on the stepclimber to get a sweat going before i start lifting, I almost feel like I cant get a good workout unless my shirt is sticking to me lol.
  • salcha76
    salcha76 Posts: 287 Member
    I don't think I'm doing a good job in spin class until the sweat drips off me.....you work for it, you earn it....it's fat dripping off your body....respect it....be grateful for it....it means you're kicking *kitten*.....shedding weight...getting stronger.
  • Adrini
    Adrini Posts: 56 Member
    My husband has told mer he loves it when I'm sweaty. :) It can be attractive in and of itself. Though getting used to the feel of it can be an adjustment.
  • stumblinthrulife
    stumblinthrulife Posts: 2,558 Member
    Also i have heard people who sweat a lot are more fully evolved because they have a more efficient heating/cooling system. So be proud of your sweat!

    In that case, meet the next stage of human evolution.
  • skeo
    skeo Posts: 471 Member
    I actually have difficulty sweating, if that makes any sense. I can sit in a sauna for 10 minutes without a bead of sweat, but some people, it pours out of them like rain. I actually enjoy sweating while working out, it makes me feel like I am working out hard enough to break a sweat. I guess a way to get over it, is just to think of it as "clean" water and your body needing it too cool down, because if you're working out hard enough, you will get hot, and you will need a cool down, that's when sweat is a blessing :)
  • KenosFeoh
    KenosFeoh Posts: 1,837 Member
    Are you serious?

    Sweat is a marvelous mechanism for cooling you down. Otherwise you'd have to pant like a dog; how cute would that be?
  • iAMsmiling
    iAMsmiling Posts: 2,394 Member
    If I can't wring out my skivies after the gym, I've been slackin'.
  • MightyDomo
    MightyDomo Posts: 1,265 Member
    You just have to get used to sweating, keep a towel with you to 'mop' it up when it bothers you.