Dating & dieting?



  • Greenrun99
    Greenrun99 Posts: 2,065 Member
    Its gonna be weird for him you agreed to drinks, and then drink a soda.. Have 1, just workout more or take it into account for your daily limit.. I wouldn't drop all the fitness, calorie counting, etc on the first date especially if your not sure he is like that as well
  • beatleschic87
    beatleschic87 Posts: 260 Member
    Alcohol is empty calories. Period. BUT it's amazing, so I would just budget it into your daily caloric intake. That's what I do. I will allow myself a beer every now and then and it's just alloted into my budget. One drink won't exceed 200 calories unless it's super high in sugar. If you wanna have a drink, hold the carbs in your meal and substitute for veggies (no butter) and use those calories on your drink. Dating is fun and so is drinking. So cheers and good luck :drinker:
  • juliemouse83
    juliemouse83 Posts: 6,663 Member
    Dieting and dating DO NOT go hand in hand.

    If you are looking to better yourself, I think dating would sidetrack you. Everytime I've been in a new relationship, I've always put on 5 lbs or so. This was due to eating out more, skipping the gym, and just not being in my usual routine.

    Also, if you are currently trying to lose weight, why put yourself out there right now? Why not wait until you are at your ideal weight (or close to it) to really get out there and get a partner. Presentation is extremely important and I've always felt it was best to be my absolute best before I get involved with someone else.


    With that thought process, many of us would still be single, unmarried, and waiting for our ideal selves to emerge.

    Personally, I have been married just over 9 years, and was not at my PERSONAL BEST when I met him, nor when he asked me to marry him.

    Should she just lock herself away in the house until she reaches her ideal weight?

    IMHO, if a date/potential SO/etc. can't accept who I am on the outside, even after getting to like what's on the inside first? Then why be with them?

  • cheerforsteelers
    cheerforsteelers Posts: 686 Member
    If you're going to a bar and you're not a big drinker then have one drink and then go with water or soda after that. If you're on a dinner date, make wise choices. You don't have to explain yourself in any fashion. If you want to have a big dinner or more than one drink then do it. It's really up to you, but don't stress too much.
  • gadget4455
    gadget4455 Posts: 22 Member
    If you feel you must drink, order one of those low calorie beers.
  • mgarcia843
    Or just have a glass of scotch, that's what I usually do, and it's less than 100 calories-ish
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    Dieting and dating DO NOT go hand in hand.

    If you are looking to better yourself, I think dating would sidetrack you. Everytime I've been in a new relationship, I've always put on 5 lbs or so. This was due to eating out more, skipping the gym, and just not being in my usual routine.

    Also, if you are currently trying to lose weight, why put yourself out there right now? Why not wait until you are at your ideal weight (or close to it) to really get out there and get a partner. Presentation is extremely important and I've always felt it was best to be my absolute best before I get involved with someone else.

    At first I thought this was a joke... Why should someone wait until they think they're perfect to be in a relationship? And why do you have to be at your ideal weight? Someone who loves you at a higher weight should love you once you've improved yourself and are happier, as well. You can go out and eat food lower in calories. Someone doesn't have to drink high calories beverages. You can still work out. Or you might be able to work out with your new SO. This advice makes it sound like one should go to work, go to the fitness center, and then eat poached chicken breasts alone until they're thin enough to find someone.
  • deannafaith89
    I just started dating a new guy and it can be tough. If I know the restaurant we are going to before hand I try to plan out a low calorie meal! I also mentioned that I like to eat healthy (I didn't say I was trying to loose weight) and he responded well to it. I know to limit my portions at restaurants- It is ok not to eat the entire meal! Also, when I go out for drinks I limit myself to one and am contious about what I order and the calories in it. Doing my homework before hand is what helps me out the most!

    Good Luck!
  • iulia_maddie
    iulia_maddie Posts: 2,780 Member
    Dieting and dating DO NOT go hand in hand.

    If you are looking to better yourself, I think dating would sidetrack you. Everytime I've been in a new relationship, I've always put on 5 lbs or so. This was due to eating out more, skipping the gym, and just not being in my usual routine.

    Also, if you are currently trying to lose weight, why put yourself out there right now? Why not wait until you are at your ideal weight (or close to it) to really get out there and get a partner. Presentation is extremely important and I've always felt it was best to be my absolute best before I get involved with someone else.
    So let's stop living until we get to our goal weight?
  • juliemouse83
    juliemouse83 Posts: 6,663 Member
    If memory serves, Seagram's Honey Whiskey is only 60 calories for 1.5 oz, and over ice is nice to sip.
  • mgarcia843
    If memory serves, Seagram's Honey Whiskey is only 60 calories for 1.5 oz, and over ice is nice to sip.

    I swooned, though I prefer Single malt :P
  • Corryn78
    Corryn78 Posts: 215
    ETA: I met the one for me at 33, from a dating website. I was and still am overweight, but we exercise and cook healthy together. [\quote]

    This is great, maybe I'll be able to say the same :). Can i ask how you handled this, did you say something about dieting?

    I know I don't *owe* anyone an explanation - but I am a bit of a foodie and a wine lover, so I want to the person to know that about me and not that I'm some uptight girl who doesn't eat or enjoy a glass of wine.

    We both love food and drinks, even brew beer at home. In the beginning I didn't say a lot about my efforts, but as we dated more and became comfortable, I talked about some of my struggles to stay active and cook healthy. Now we camp, snow shoe, swim, walk, run, gym, cave, name it... it's just like anything else. Get to know the person, if long term interest is there, you'll feel comfortable being honest.

    Until then, eat sensibly, drink responsibly and I don't think anybody would even question you. It's hard to think of someone noticing you're "dieting", but I think people would notice more if I ordered a fried platter with a side of fried topped in gravy lol
  • kimi131
    kimi131 Posts: 1,058 Member
    I'll admit, dating and dieting isn't easy. I typically gain weight in a new relationship, but that has never stopped me from dating. You shouldn't have to put your life on hold just because you want to get healthier. In fact, the healthy eating needs to be incorporated into your life, or else you won't be able to maintain it.

    Here's what works for me:
    -When I know ahead of time where we are going, I look at the calories beforehand and make the choice then of what I am going to eat. This is the easiest/best way to do it, but it's not always an option.
    -When I don't know ahead of time, I make healthy choices based on what I have learned. (For example, I know chicken fajitas and whole beans - not refried are often a good choice at Mexican food places).
    -I eat light the rest of the day.
    -I'm not much of a drinker and if it's a first date, I simply say that. No need to go into a detailed explanation. If I do go for drinks, I limit my number.
    -I still workout and keep up with my "dieting"/exercise when not around the person of interest.

    It's not a perfect system, but I've kept nearly 50 lbs off for almost a year now and in that time I've been in and out of relationships and done a lot of dating too. (And, now, I might add, I'm the happiest I've ever been with the man I will probably marry and I haven't gained a pound).

    Good luck!!!! :heart: :bigsmile: It can be done!
  • whitmars106
    whitmars106 Posts: 118 Member
  • wildfirediva
    If you're going to a bar and you're not a big drinker then have one drink and then go with water or soda after that. If you're on a dinner date, make wise choices. You don't have to explain yourself in any fashion. If you want to have a big dinner or more than one drink then do it. It's really up to you, but don't stress too much.

    Agreed ^^^

    I am not going to give up my social life...besides what I am working on is a lifestyle not a "diet". I say chill, if we go to a bar I either order one drink or soda water, iced tea ( I don't do diet soda but that is an option) ...relative to my mood. As far as food...there are always healthy choices on menus, just make the better choice or own the choices you make.

    No need to get all, "I only eat salad and drink water." or " I am 20g short of my Protein macro and already over in my carbs, luckily I brought a can of tuna in my purse."

    It's life....LIVE IT!!
  • juliemouse83
    juliemouse83 Posts: 6,663 Member
    If memory serves, Seagram's Honey Whiskey is only 60 calories for 1.5 oz, and over ice is nice to sip.

    I swooned, though I prefer Single malt :P

    This is my "go to" on those nights where I am soaking sore muscles in the tub with a good book in hand. :tongue:
  • mgarcia843
    Dieting and dating DO NOT go hand in hand.

    If you are looking to better yourself, I think dating would sidetrack you. Everytime I've been in a new relationship, I've always put on 5 lbs or so. This was due to eating out more, skipping the gym, and just not being in my usual routine.

    Also, if you are currently trying to lose weight, why put yourself out there right now? Why not wait until you are at your ideal weight (or close to it) to really get out there and get a partner. Presentation is extremely important and I've always felt it was best to be my absolute best before I get involved with someone else.

    I'm gonna have to agree with this guy! I'd wait until you have reached your goals, because you're going to attract more people who have those similar goals, and share the same type of lifestyle. You don't want to get with someone comfortable now, because they might slow down your progress, or even if you kept at it, they won't ever want to share that type of life with you.

    This is kind of a poor way of thinking. I agree with surrounding yourself with positive people, but I can support someone who is doing something that I am not all day. To say wait until you're more fit to find someone just seems shallow. Like if you don't, you'll look at who you are with and think oh wow I can totally do better, in which case you're just a jerk.
  • redraidergirl2009
    redraidergirl2009 Posts: 2,560 Member
    Doesn't sound like your diet is going to work if you're going to be that ridged. It sounds so ridged that date or not you couldn't stick to it. A diet should be a lifestyle change.
  • Jennisin1
    Jennisin1 Posts: 574 Member
    Puhleeze!!!! Go, eat/drink with a plan, budget accordingly and work out.....

    I'm a robodater (I tend to go out 4-5 times a week), and I am still actively losing weight. I work out and make smart choices. I may drink once a week or so, but I have never been a big drinker and no one questions it.

    and I'm a funny, charming, hottie wether I am goal weight or not... so waiting would just be a punishment to all the poor single fellas out there....
  • veggiehottie
    veggiehottie Posts: 590 Member
    It might be too late, but next time be upfront and suggest something different. Coffee or something?

    I would say that at this point, order one drink and sip reaaaaallly slow. That's just me though, I would feel a little awkward "going out for drinks" and not having an actual drink.

    Dating is really hard for me weight-wise. When I start spending time with a guy, I tend to eat and drink way too much. And miss out on workouts because I am spending time with him. I hope that the next guy I date is super-health conscious and will prefer active stuff to going out.