Diet Coke?



  • skinnyforhi
    skinnyforhi Posts: 340 Member
    If it's artificial, it's probably not the best thing for you. It sounds like you don't drink that much soda anymore anyway, so maybe just pour yourself a glass of the real stuff every once in a while. I promise you that nobody got fat on a can or two of regular coke a week!

    I stopped drinking diet coke when I got serious about my health and now I can barely stand the smell of the stuff. It's like a chemical pool. I can't swallow one sip of it!
  • Onesnap
    Onesnap Posts: 2,819 Member
    who really cares ? just limit it too 1 can a day, if your worrying over 1 can of diet coke then you have a eating disorder lol

  • MartinaNYC
    MartinaNYC Posts: 190 Member
    At this point you're better off with regular coke- diet coke has aspartame in it. Yes, aspartame=no calories/ sugar= lot of calories. However, aspartame is really bad for you. Do not just think about losing weight, think also about being healthy. My suggestion? QUIT SODAS> period.
  • Onesnap
    Onesnap Posts: 2,819 Member
    If it's artificial, it's probably not the best thing for you. It sounds like you don't drink that much soda anymore anyway, so maybe just pour yourself a glass of the real stuff every once in a while. I promise you that nobody got fat on a can or two of regular coke a week!

    I stopped drinking diet coke when I got serious about my health and now I can barely stand the smell of the stuff. It's like a chemical pool. I can't swallow one sip of it!

    Have you tried Boylan, GUS, or Maine Root. Amazing. And real. Mmmm
  • Onesnap
    Onesnap Posts: 2,819 Member
    At this point you're better off with regular coke- diet coke has aspartame in it. Yes, aspartame=no calories/ sugar= lot of calories. However, aspartame is really bad for you. Do not just think about losing weight, think also about being healthy. My suggestion? QUIT SODAS> period.

    Yeah, I can't have it due to headaches so go for the real stuff.
  • Amcolecchi
    Amcolecchi Posts: 260 Member
    I like diet pepsi better hehehe
  • ealinn
    ealinn Posts: 38
    I was a Diet Coke addict - often downing more than a 2-liter a day. Didn't seem to affect with my weight, but sure made me feel awful - made my joints swell and ache because of all the sodium & caffeine. And the carbonation wreaked havoc with my stomach. I was bloated & miserable all the time. Now I have maybe 3 cans a week. I just drinks lots of water now... but still enjoy a can here & there. Moderation is the key :)
  • 1brokegal44
    1brokegal44 Posts: 562 Member
    Unless you're mainlining the chemicals in the DC until you're bloated (like a lab rat), you should be fine. I've been a DC drinker since the early days when they used saccharine. Now it's aspartame. I'm 45 and except for the few lbs to lose, completely healthy. 1 can a day will not break you.
  • Onesnap
    Onesnap Posts: 2,819 Member
    Here's how to find Boylan:

    You have not had a real grape soda until you've tried this one. The orange and root beer are good too.
  • da1128
    da1128 Posts: 212 Member
    Ugh, can't stand the taste of diet pop of any kind. I buy Baby Coke - 7.5 Oz. of the real thing. 90 calories. I drink half at lunch and the other half at dinner or for a snack. Gives me my fizzy cola fix.
  • ChocoMello
    ChocoMello Posts: 74 Member
    Aboit the insulin spike after diet coke: i testet it with my doctor!
    Measured my insulin blood tests ect. After diet coke.

    I drink around 3 bottles a day for years now.
    Of course swdeteners aee bad for you.
    But sugar is also abd.
    And sweety.
    And fatty meat.
    And tuna..

    We could go on like this.
    Thee are much more harmful things thenn a diet coke.
  • Onesnap
    Onesnap Posts: 2,819 Member
    Unless you're mainlining the chemicals in the DC until you're bloated (like a lab rat), you should be fine. I've been a DC drinker since the early days when they used saccharine. Now it's aspartame. I'm 45 and accept for the few lbs to lose, completely healthy. 1 can a day will not break you.

    Depends. Some people get headaches from aspartame (me). And pregnant people can't have don't generalize. It's a known headache inducer and causes tummy issues for some.
  • MG_Fit
    MG_Fit Posts: 1,143 Member
    I used to be a couple cans a day guy. I quit pop pretty much cold turkey since last July.

    Just don't like all the chems that are in pop.
  • Onesnap
    Onesnap Posts: 2,819 Member
    Ugh, can't stand the taste of diet pop of any kind. I buy Baby Coke - 7.5 Oz. of the real thing. 90 calories. I drink half at lunch and the other half at dinner or for a snack. Gives me my fizzy cola fix.

    you mean the small cans?
  • allylbrown
    Try to limit all diet drinks especially those with artificial sweeteners. Drink water and unsweetened green tea. It is a weakness just like anything else it takes time to change your habits and sometimes u just have to give in:) Mine is redwine! Anyways, don't beat yourself up, I am sure you could eat something worse. And, I am an RN and it is true it spikes your insulin level but the worse part is it tricks our bodies into thinking we r eating sweets and when we do that our bodies crave more sweets!!!!!!!!!!! So diet soda can actually lead to splurging on something else bad....Like I always relate diet coke with twizzlers!!!!
  • Onesnap
    Onesnap Posts: 2,819 Member
    I used to be a couple cans a day guy. I quit pop pretty much cold turkey since last July.

    Just don't like all the chems that are in pop.

    I posted some great alternatives for an occasional treat. Like this one:
  • Onesnap
    Onesnap Posts: 2,819 Member
    Try to limit all diet drinks especially those with artificial sweeteners. Drink water and unsweetened green tea. It is a weakness just like anything else it takes time to change your habits and sometimes u just have to give in:) Mine is redwine! Anyways, don't beat yourself up, I am sure you could eat something worse. And, I am an RN and it is true it spikes your insulin level but the worse part is it tricks our bodies into thinking we r eating sweets and when we do that our bodies crave more sweets!!!!!!!!!!! So diet soda can actually lead to splurging on something else bad....Like I always relate diet coke with twizzlers!!!!

    Yep. Alton Brown calls Diet Coke a "trigger food" he said for him he gave up Diet Coke and milk and lost 50 pounds (gained 20-30 lbs of muscle in its place).
  • Nerdinista
    Nerdinista Posts: 69 Member
    I think you'll get a lot of strong opinions on this one. I absolutely love Diet Coke, I like the taste more than regular Coke. I think it's not great for you but one a day is probably not harmful. That being said, I think it's a trigger food for me and makes me crave unhealthy things, so I'm giving it up until I can reach my goal and learn to have it as a once in a while treat. This might change next week, as I am very addicted to it, but I'm going to try!
  • 1brokegal44
    1brokegal44 Posts: 562 Member
    Unless you're mainlining the chemicals in the DC until you're bloated (like a lab rat), you should be fine. I've been a DC drinker since the early days when they used saccharine. Now it's aspartame. I'm 45 and accept for the few lbs to lose, completely healthy. 1 can a day will not break you.

    Depends. Some people get headaches from aspartame (me). And pregnant people can't have don't generalize. It's a known headache inducer and causes tummy issues for some.
    Ah, you are correct. But headaches and sensitivity to sweeteners are a different issue. She was asking about weight gain/loss and cancer. If she has been drinking the DC, a can a day, chances are that it's not causing a headache.
  • chunkydunk714
    chunkydunk714 Posts: 784 Member
    I gave up drinking diet soda for Lent...(not for religious reasons but just to see if i can last the 40 or 46 days) Im on day one and already hating life. Im a typical 2 can a day, coke zero drinker.

    Love the stuff.