Can't be bothered - does it matter?

Some days I just cannot be bothered to do any exercise. Other days I am brimming with energy and cannot stop myself. Does it matter and should I force myself on my off days?

I am 54 and weight 348 and some days I just find myself unable to do anything but lay on the couch all day watching tv and dozing. It's hard to describe but it's like a complete exhaustion, an inertia, a total lack of energy and a revulsion to exercise. I cannot even force myself to go for a five minute walk. I feel a compulsion to just lie down all the day and night.

This is despite near-perfect nutrition, recent 19lb weight loss, vitamin supplements. I go to bed early and allow myself 8 hours, but I MIGHT have sleep apnoea. (I'm not sure I have it as I now sleep alone and the docs cannot tell.)

Does it REALLY matter at this stage, or should I force myself? Or should I be easy on myself and wait till further weight loss makes it easier, or until I have enough energy? I am worried that forcing might give me a distaste for exercise, and I also worry that lying around all day is not good.


  • Goosiesnougs
    My opinion (and only take it for what it's worth!) is just try to integrate it into your lifestyle. Even walking for a mile is better than nothing. We all have those exhausted days! The hardest part is getting the sneakers on and out of the house. Best of luck to you on your journey!
  • MichaelaM94
    It's understandable that you don't feel 100% all the time, but the key to weight loss is consistency. Even if you only do 15-20 mins on the days you feel tired, it's better than nothing.

    It could be something to do with your diet, perhaps you aren't taking in enough vitamins.

    Don't push yourself too hard, especially if you're feeling tired, because you could burn out too quickly. But always try to do something, even just work out your arms or go for a short walk.

    Good luck!
  • beachlover317
    beachlover317 Posts: 2,848 Member
    Of course you can lose weight by just eating at a calorie deficit. You will get smaller. I guess my question is why can't you move? If you have a disability then I understand. If you have a medical problem or depression then this is a question for your MD. Otherwise, I'm wondering how much you eat a day because eating too little will cause you to be exhausted. Can you make a commitment to get up every commercial and walk in place in front of the tv? Ultimately, it's your decision. I'm your age and I am taking the time to get my body and mind in shape. It's a process, but when I started moving - I started feeling better about my whole life. Good luck!
  • jimmie65
    jimmie65 Posts: 655 Member
    If you exercise, you'll actually have more energy. Just get up and walk around the block.
  • daveymac1
    daveymac1 Posts: 784 Member
    Living healthy is easy.......being unfit is hard. The hardest part of getting the exercise is, is getting started. Once you start, the rest is easy!!!!
  • originalkazila
    My mom is only a few years younger than you, and I'll tell you like I'd tell - it always matters. You matter. 19pounds is a great loss, keep it going! Kick yourself in the *kitten* a little and go for walks even when you don't feel like it, you might find that once you're out there you feel great!
  • Brad805
    Brad805 Posts: 289 Member
    I would say yes, but just some walking and fresh air is probably all you need for now. The daily exercise is going to help change your mindset. This journey is about changing your lifestyle, and many of us need to come to the conclusion that daily activity and avoiding some foods is a reality from now forward. It sounds to me like you might have reduced your daily intake too low in hope of speeding up the process. If so, that is not a great plan as it is much harder to maintain. You should be eating enough to keep your energy and moods high, and cravings low. Just don't eat the same ol crap you used too, and all will be good. At this point you really do not need to make major changes to see progress. At some point, yes, you must dial things down, but be patient and persist daily. All will be good my friend.
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    Just make yourself do it. The more you do, the faster you will make progress, and feeling better will follow.
  • SaraBrown12
    SaraBrown12 Posts: 277 Member
    My advice is to try and go for even a 15 minute stroll. I live in the UK so the weather can always be an excuse for me. No matter how crappy and lazy i feel i push myself to go out no matter what weather is doing and i tell u it energises me for the day. I feel like i hit a small goal just by doing something. I find the less i do the worse i feel. Fresh air and exercise for me personally is like a natural anti depressant. Maybe i am just strange but you have to play about and find out what is right for you.
  • TheChocolatePrincess
    Do you deal with depression or have any hormonal imbalances? Wanting to lie around all day and sleep isn't really "normal" and could be indicative of a bigger issue. I wouldn't feel so guilty about not wanting to excercise, but I would be concerned about not wanting to do "anything"....You may want to consult a physician.

    I would also consider looking into some natural energy supplements. Good Luck!
    HJMAYES Posts: 72 Member
    I hate exercising almost every minute of the day. UNTIL, I get on the treadmill, or pick up the weights, or sign into class, etc. I KNOW it's not the "funnest" thing in the world for me some days. So I make a deal with myself every morning I wake up and I can't stand the thought of that treadmill, I do this:

    Get ready, get dressed, get on the treadmill and walk 5 minutes...IF after 5 minutes, I still feel like strangling myself with the safety cord attached to the treadmill, then I give myself permission to get off and try again later/next day/whatever.

    I have never stopped after 5 minutes, and it may not be my best workout, but it's a workout, and I chalk that up as success. Try it.
    HJMAYES Posts: 72 Member
    Also, I agree that if you are getting enough sleep, nutrition, etc., the loss of energy may be indicative of a more serious issue - and you may perhaps want to consult a doctor.
  • myofibril
    myofibril Posts: 4,500 Member
    Does it matter and should I force myself on my off days?

    No and no.

    Do as much as you feel comfortable doing for the time being.

    Focus your time, thoughts and efforts on improving your diet and eating habits.
  • flyingv555
    Sure sounds like depression to me. I'd check in with a medical professional because there may be treatment out there that would help you immensely and get the ball rolling! Does it matter? Of course it matters. Every pound matters. Every day you get up and say, "I'm gonna do this today!" matters. Who wouldn't want to be healthier? Something that I've learned is that it's way easier for me to fall into the rut of work-dinner-sofa on weeknights when I let my exercise slip. Am I a dedicated work-out freak? No way. I do Zumba maybe two nights per week and try to squeeze in walking when time allows, but when I don't exercise, the difference in my physical AND mental well-being is very noticeable.
  • alpine1994
    alpine1994 Posts: 1,915 Member
    If you exercise, you'll actually have more energy. Just get up and walk around the block.

    Yep, was going to say this. I know it sounds counter intuitive but it's true. I work 60 hours a week and have days where I'm so exhausted that I can't think straight, but I never skip the workout because I know I'll feel so much better after. Also, as you lose weight and your body gets lighter, it will be a lot more enjoyable. I know it's hard right now, but really the best thing for you to do is just get up and move. Force yourself. I promise it will get better if you stick to it, plus you'll feel really accomplished!
  • RunningOnPurple
    RunningOnPurple Posts: 119 Member
    I started out about the same weight as you. Congratulations on losing 19 pounds so far! I'm a little bit confused as to how your doctors do not know if you have sleep apnea or not. Have they done a sleep study? This should make it clear to them. Otherwise, do you have problems with depression? I do and some days it can be an effort to move but you've got to make a choice to live a healthy life. You have to chose to go forward even if it's just a few baby steps everyday. You can do this. :)

    Good luck to you and feel free to add me as a friend if you'd like.
  • flyingv555
    You're absolutely right, SarahBrown. No matter how crappy I feel, I always feel at least 50% better after a nice walk. I never regret it.
  • 366to266
    366to266 Posts: 473 Member
    Thanks everyone for replying -- replies come lightning fast on this forum so I had to cut and paste this further down!!
  • hope516
    hope516 Posts: 1,133 Member
    If you exercise, you'll actually have more energy. Just get up and walk around the block.

  • MsMargie1116
    MsMargie1116 Posts: 323 Member
    You already know the answer to this, but as someone who has been where you are (8 years ago, I was almost 400lbs-2 years ago, I was at 335), let me tell you as kindly, but sternly as I can... Yes, you HAVE to make yourself get off that couch and do something. Even if you start out walking down the street, do it... At first it'll be like pulling teeth, but after a while, you'll start enjoying it more and more. It's not easy, but it IS soooo worth it!!