Frustrated and want to GIVE UP



  • sometimes in the beginning you gain muscle so you gain weight but you lose inches, check your inches.
  • Energizer06
    Energizer06 Posts: 311 Member
    Could you be building muscle? Muscle weights more than fat, right? Are you firming up? Are your clothes fitting differently? Weight loss also hits plateaus...don't give up, remember it is not just about losing is about health. If you are eating right and exercising you are getting healthier! Hang in there!

    1lb of muscle is equal to 1lb of fat only it looks much different....more dense.
    Just as 1lb of feathers is equal to 1lb of concrete. density

    I went veggie for 2 years and gained 20 lbs. So, went back to eating meat....which isn't my favorite and have become more dense. If you stay a sure to take a very good multivitamin...I sure my iron and B's were terribly low. Vitamin deficiency can hinder the bodies natural processes pretty easily.
  • Bownzi
    Bownzi Posts: 423 Member
    Keep on going.... I did the cardio for about that many weeks and seemed to gain weight.... then it started to come off slowly....oh so slowly... but its comiing off... and I know I want to keep it off... Just keep going... not only will you feel better... but you will start to lose...
  • Whatever you do, don't give up!

    I've been maintaining (when I want to be loosing) for the better part of a year. I was exercising 5 to 6 days a week too. Turned out, it was my calorie intake. I was eating more than I thought and didn't realize it until I started counting calories again. And, when I say counting calories, I mean each and every tator tot. That, and I've started to ignore my exercise calories. Low and behold, the scale is moving again.

    You'll figure it out what works for you, and you'll start losing again.
  • raiderlifer53
    raiderlifer53 Posts: 23 Member
    HANG IN THERE I started at 215 lbs with a goal of 190 lbs. In 4 weeks I am down 10.0 lbs to 205. I found this site good by putting in my weight at 190 lbs. This means that everyday my caloric limit is 2250 which is what a 190 lb male needs. By doing this I won't have to make any caloric adjustments onceI get to my goal. I put my exercise in the data box at the bottom and don't add calories for exercise. I walk for an hour in the morning and an hour in late afternoon. I realize not everyone has the time for this. I eat almonds and bananas everyday for breakfast and instant oatmeal at lunch time. I also eat 6-8 pices of fruit each day. I have stopped eating bread and eat a lot of protein for dinner, like chicken and salmon ( grilled with spices. ) If I'm hungry at night I have popscicles or the such. I also take a tbsp of crunchy peanut butter when hungry. I don't exceed the 190 lb calories allowed and the exercise and water is helping a lot. I drink a lot of water when I walk. I'm not hungry and have energy to burn. I hope this helps, keep trying new concepts and limit carbs from bread.
  • aseymour13
    aseymour13 Posts: 767 Member
    Hang in there! All the comments I read are right on. Believe it or not Vegetarian doesnt always mean you are getting the right balance. What is your water intake? Sometimes it takes awhile for the body to kick in. Mix-up the cardio. Pilates is great for toning and flexibility but doesnt burn the calories that other exercises will Maybe weights and/or circuit training will. Dont give up. Im also in a similar spot trying not to get frustrated but I also know I need to make some adjustments.
  • Don't give up! I felt just like you before I found this website. It makes you more aware of what you are eating and it really does help you stay within your calories and track your fitness wonderfully. It was tedious at first but after a week or so I come to rely on my calorie counter when I am making food choices. I hope that helped and we are here to support you! :smile: :smile:
  • paxbfl
    paxbfl Posts: 391 Member

    I have to disagree with this statement. While calories ARE important, the type of calories that you eat are much more important.

    I hear you, and I'm actually a huge believer in protein, complex carbs, etc.

    My point is that she needs to track calories - you have to establish a deficit in order to lose weight. If you don't have a deficit, you won't lose weight no matter what you eat.

    Once you have a deficit then yes - choosing your foods wisely can make a big difference.