Diet soda addiction

jsc4him Posts: 40 Member
I am addicted to diet soda! Does anyone have any tips on how to get off of it? I made it for a week once! I ususally need a little pick-me-up in the morning and I don't like coffee.

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  • ♥seoid♥
    ♥seoid♥ Posts: 476
    i tried it for a week, it about killed me. i wish you luck & hope someone gives you some great advice! :drinker:
  • T_R_A_V
    T_R_A_V Posts: 1,629 Member
    When you figure it out, please let me know
  • pkgirrl
    pkgirrl Posts: 587
    Saaame here!

    I find the only way I can keep away is by not keeping it in the house, period.
  • lweldon
    lweldon Posts: 2
    Just like an addiction to anything, you need to slowely wein yourself off it. Start going down can by can and then day by day. I also had a really hard time with diet soda, and it worked for me. Also once i did get off I did loose the bulk of my weight. So now the results are what keep me from drinking it! Hope this helps and good luck!
  • jquintinjr
    jquintinjr Posts: 191
    im addicted to coke zero.... >:-O
  • ♥seoid♥
    ♥seoid♥ Posts: 476
    i'm addicted to pepsi zero with i figure it's not nearly as bad. i'm probably fooling myself.
  • aisha11188
    I havent had a diet drink in a while now even though my family drink it a lot. I dont know how I stopped, but I just did!
    Try drinking alternaties which is what I do ie green tea, water, flavoured water, diluted juice etc.
  • lobster888
    lobster888 Posts: 861 Member
    i was addicted to caffeine free diet coke for years. I tried hard to quit - but only for a week or two at a time and then if i drank just one I was back to it every day. But then finally three years ago I gave it up for lent (40 days) and have not have one since. I don't drink soda at all, mainly water and green tea. It was very hard but giving up at lent gave me something else to achieve and then after that i just didn't want it. But .... I am still afraid of having just one.....
  • tlschlp
    tlschlp Posts: 54
    I used to be too!

    First, what I did was reduce the amount I was drinking. I used to go to McDonald's on the way to work and buy a large soda (hey, it was only $1!). So, I began by dropping from a large to small diet Coke. (That got me the caffeine I needed to start the day.)

    I tried to stay away from the soda on the weekends if at all possible (never kept soda in the house, so that helped).

    I then noticed that I was craving the carbonation more than anything, so I bought carbonated water. That gave me the bubbles but not anything else! Pretty soon I was weaned!

    Now, I drink regular bottled water - no carbonation at all:smile:

    Good luck with this!
  • jdavis193
    jdavis193 Posts: 972 Member
    I have drank so much of coke zero and diet coke taht I don't care for it anymore. I drank one can of diet a day.
  • jdcole67
    jdcole67 Posts: 108 Member
    It's a problem I see recurring many "skinny" people do you see drinking "diet" soda? I myself started drinking it when I was like 15, and over time developed an allergic reaction to the artificial sweeteners...I tried quitting many times, but always went back to it...right now, I try to limit myself to 1 or 2 a day, and I only buy the 8oz cans, so that I can control the amount I drink better than in 2 liter bottles or other larger serving many have said, you have to ween yourself from it over time, like any "drug" the diet sodas do impact your body chemistry and you can have withdrawal symptoms...good luck!
  • karen81
    karen81 Posts: 2
    stop buying!
  • manderpander22
    I recently gave up diet soda as well. I went from every day, to every third, to every other and then quit. I was sick with withdrawal symptoms for a couple of days but now I feel great. Try to keep yourself busy so you won't think about it, find alternatives like high energy food sources and don't have it available. It's takes motivation and willpower like anything else. I won't say that I haven't cheated because I have. Now I use it as a treat instead of the norm. I might have one a week and I can tell you it tastes a lot better now that I use it as a reward. Good luck!
  • weidner
    weidner Posts: 127
    Hi, my name is Michelle, and I am a Diet Pepsi Addict!!!

    Sorry I could not resist and I am addicted as well.
  • lbtewksbury
    lbtewksbury Posts: 147 Member
    I have been off of diet coke for 6 months and I still would like to have one , but I haven't I now drink unsweet Iced Tea so that water has a little flavor. I can tell you that when I am stressed I still miss that Diet Coke. By the way, I quit cold turkey, the first day was okay the second and third were horrible.....
  • ericac
    ericac Posts: 2,679
    I cringe when I see people nursing a soda all a dental assistant I see decay rampant in peoples mouths.....from soda's..
    diet or whatever....still does the same job.

    I'm not a soda drinker..(I have other I guess I agree with what others have said.....try to wean...and don't buy them anymore when you get down to where you can

    So do it for your teeth...and your healthy weight loss.....Love E
  • PixieGoddess
    PixieGoddess Posts: 1,833 Member
    My mother is having this struggle right now. My brother and I refer to Diet Coke as her crack. What she's doing is making herself drink x amount of water and/or green tea before she's allowed to have a Diet Coke. I think she's doing better, and (BONUS!!) she says she's noticed a decline in her snacking.

    GOOD LUCK!! :)
  • sniffles
    sniffles Posts: 295
    As a morning pickmeup might I suggest peppermint tea? Good stuff and probably better for you then diet soda!

    Here's the thing, if you want to give up a habit you have to replace the 'bad' habit with a new 'good' habit. So find something you like just as much and that makes you feel as good to replace the diet soda.

    I've been slowly weaning soda's out by replacing them with teas and 100% fruit juices. I KNOW fruit juices aren't ideal BUT they have to be better then soda! And like anything in life moderation is key.
  • shanna618
    shanna618 Posts: 21
    I find it helps if you have a "bet" with someone.... About 7 years ago my all time favorite food was ice cream. A friend of mine couldn't get enough hot dogs. So we decided to try to give up our favorite thing for 40 days... It was a friendly competition and it worked for me! I tried some ice cream after those 40 days and it totally lost it's appeal. After that I decided to give up sweets entirely (cakes, cookies, chocolate etc) and have never looked back! People used to make me "try" a piece of this or that but nothing tasted good anymore and to this day I am dessert free! I know you can do it! Mind over matter!
  • SaraAnne
    SaraAnne Posts: 53
    i had that problem too. it's one of those things you just have to do. I had headaches from withdrawal from caffiene taht just about killed me, but you can get through it. It helps if you make sure you have time for some extra sleep at first!