i dont understand some people here

I've been looking through a lot of the forums and I've been seeing a lot of negative comments. Aren't we all here for the same common goal? To lose weight, get fit, and to be healthy. What is the reason to bring others down? Majority of us on here are adults. Let's act like adults and help one another! Motivation and support is a good and healthy way to lose weight!


  • I agree. It's going to be a lot of hard work and we need to be there to support each other. We are all after the same thing: to get healthy. So being positive and help motivating each other is key. :)
  • Some people can be opinionated to the point of being mean, others are just mean for the sake of it. Sadly this is the internet, and no matter where you are you'll find mean people.
  • agreed! the first post i ever wrote got totally slated and i almost quit there and then luckily i realised some people are just rubbish so i ignore them and carried on!
    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,474 Member
    it is what it is,, there are nasty people all over.
    wean them out, find the good ones.
  • My0WNinspiration
    My0WNinspiration Posts: 1,146 Member
    Sh1t happens
  • stephdeeable
    stephdeeable Posts: 1,407 Member
    Yes- Let's act like adults, shall we? Last time I checked, adults don't whine and cry and stomp their feet every time someone disagrees with them or makes a joke they don't like. Adults do not run around snitching on other people, trying to get them punished for some small offense. Adults don't call meetings to rant every time someone they know hurts their feelings. An adult should - when they see or hear something they don't like - be able to have the self control to ignore it and move onto something else.

    Just because we're all here to lose weight/improve our fitness does not make us all compatible. Do you like everyone in real life? I sure as hell don't. So why would I like everyone on this site?
  • Oh, I'm aware of rude people. Too be honest they don't bother me. I just feel bad for the people who it DOES bother and brings their moral down. I am genuinely a nice person. Always have been. Feel free to add me! I won't judge. Its not ideal for me.
  • iulia_maddie
    iulia_maddie Posts: 2,780 Member
    Sometimes people mistake opinionated, blunt posts for negativity.
  • Steph I like what you said btw, I respect you as an ADULT for that. I just always stuck up for people. Sorry if I made this seem childish, not my intention by all means. I just stand up for what I believe in. I wasn't raised in the 70s-80s where what happened at home stays at home. Like I said theses weren't my intentions! Thanks for everyone's input! I appreciate it. (:
  • Linli_Anne
    Linli_Anne Posts: 1,360 Member
    Unfortunately emotions, tone, and other indicators in speech don't translate into text well, if at all.

    Yes, we would all like to have support and encouragement during these lifestyle changes we are making, be it to lose weight, gain weight, lose fat, bulk up, whatever. But like my mother taught me as a kid - you can't always get along with everyone, and not everyone is going to be your friend. All you can do is extend them respect in allowing them to share their views/opinions/comments, just as you hope to have the same respect extended to you.

    I have not interacted on the forums with anyone that I found mean spirited. Some are direct and to the point, some are passionate about their own causes, and many of us are just learning and trying to offer what we can. It is ultimately our choice how we let any of these posts make us feel, it is not up to us to decide what the true intentions of the post were.
  • Sw33tKnees
    Sw33tKnees Posts: 119 Member
    I agree!!! I have noticed the same thing! I was even thinking of finding a new site to go to for support! I do not post much -- mostly because I just do not want to deal with the smart *kitten* remarks. I think for some people... they are just overly excited that they have succeeded and want to share it with the world and save other people from having to go through the same... but it is only effective as the way it is delivered! IE: Lets eat Grandma! Verses: Lets eat, Grandma! Ever been around an ex drinker/smoker?!?! Than I think that there are some that have also succeeded but forgot where they came from... what it was like to not have that same control over food, not be able to sit comfortably in a chair not be comfortable in public or not know what the all the information to come to a healthy way of life conclusion for what may work for them. Than there are those that are just pompous jerks no matter what -- always have and always will! I do ignore the posts that are mean spirited but man, after a while, it just ruins the entire post! I do find that there are some really great people on here and I would rather not look else where!! :flowerforyou:
  • Gallowmere1984
    Gallowmere1984 Posts: 6,626 Member
    Before anyone else can beat me to it:

  • Sometimes people mistake opinionated, blunt posts for negativity.
    Exactly! My intention of this post wasn't to rant everyone! I just thought we should be more positive than negative! That's the whole point behind it!
  • And that picture is pretty much what she's talking about.
  • Before anyone else can beat me to it:

    Lol! Too funny! Just read what I said people, All's I was saying was that I wish their were more positive than negative on this site.
  • fitniknik
    fitniknik Posts: 713 Member
    Unfortunatly there are a lot of trolls out there, and some people see this site as more of a free for all forum to make fun of others. Sometimes its very funny though! Sometimes its very good information offered in a very poor way. Gotta take the good with the bad to get the results, best to ignore the ones that really make you mad!
  • quirkytizzy
    quirkytizzy Posts: 4,052 Member
    Yes- Let's act like adults, shall we? Last time I checked, adults don't whine and cry and stomp their feet every time someone disagrees with them or makes a joke they don't like. Adults do not run around snitching on other people, trying to get them punished for some small offense. Adults don't call meetings to rant every time someone they know hurts their feelings. An adult should - when they see or hear something they don't like - be able to have the self control to ignore it and move onto something else.

  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,901 Member

    Lots of time people FAIL to see humor, sarcasm or directness.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • rishonb
    rishonb Posts: 232
    i agree totally..people judge on here by photos and also when you have an opinion on something..i always get judged on here and i don't even know why!!!!
  • I agree! Although I would like to add that when I do put my foot in my mouth I appreciate someone letting me know, tactfully.