Share mother in law horror stories!!



  • lynnw24
    lynnw24 Posts: 116 Member
    I don't have a horror story for my mother in law, she was the best person ever, but will my own mom do? My mother used to walk around the house with just her bra and underwear on in front of my friends when I was younger. She was not in shape either..Eww! Wait I got one more. I found out she had slept with my boyfriend while we were dating.. Double ewwww! Beat
  • DaniH826
    DaniH826 Posts: 1,335 Member
    My mom lives across the Atlantic, and my MIL has adopted me as her second daughter.

    I got no horror stories except FABULOUS in-laws. If hubby and I ever split, I'm keeping his parents. :happy:
  • Lisa1971
    Lisa1971 Posts: 3,069 Member
    I have a few grandmother in law stories! yes, my hubby's grandma is still alive and a huge pain in the *kitten*. Anyways, when my daughter was an infant she came over (always pops in!) and I was giving my daughter a bath. I got done and was looking for the onsie to put her in but couldn't find it. So the GMIL says "Oh, here it is hunny. I had it underneath my boob and was warming it up for you." WHATTT?????????? Like I'm going to put my daughter in a onsie that was just underneath your giant sweaty boob!:angry::grumble: :noway:

    She also comes over all the time and if I don't answer the door fast enough she walks around the house looking in our windows. She also tells constant lies so that half of the family won't even speak to her. She insists on us visiting her all the time and then never lets us leave. She will take a huge dump in the bathroom and NEVER washes her hands! GROSS! I know this because my daughter knows I'm a bit of a germ phobe and asked me why the sink was still completely dry after she was in there going to the bathroom. Oh, and she always spells my kids' names wrong. They are very normal names with normal spelling. :grumble:

    I have more but I'll stop for now!:noway:
  • jnichel
    jnichel Posts: 4,553 Member
    My mother-in-law is Canadian. Horrified yet?
  • LuckyMiss3
    My MIL takes me on a 5 star holiday every year. Buys be designer handbags. Takes me shopping and loves me unconditionally.

  • spiritedsaviour
    spiritedsaviour Posts: 50 Member
    My mother in law loves me more than her own son and gives me hundreds of dollars to go shopping on many random occasions.

    I call her when my boyfriend is being a d!ck and she yells at him.

    ..oh horror stories...

    I got none.

    Hahaha mine it's exactly the same. I'm the daughter she never had and now I'm there it evens the male:female ratio so she can get back up when the boys pick on her. I'm an angel :bigsmile:
  • MizTerry
    MizTerry Posts: 3,763 Member
    My MIL and my husband don't get along. She puts me in the middle to get him to get things done for her.

    It's a weird relationship.
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    My MIL turned her grandsons against me by telling them I wanted her to throw them out of the house she was living in owned by my husband. They have never forgotten this. It was a lie. They still stare me down at family events.

    Really I wanted them all out. I just never said it. I politely asked her to release her son of the enormous and undeserved obligation of all of them, so that he could finally have a family of his own. She of course didn't take it well. I'm not sure who is the bigger horror, her, me, or the situation. All I know is a couple of years later she tearfully confessed (only to me and him) that his father had NOT on his deathbed said he needed to take the obligation of all of them, but in fact had said the exact opposite. That he feared he would be forced into it by family and did not want that for his son when there were many other more suitable and rightful heirs to their problems and responsibilities. It just took a b*tch like me to cut through all the red tape and stand my ground until the truth finally came out and everyone could handle their own problems.

    Top that.
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    My MIL takes me on a 5 star holiday every year. Buys be designer handbags. Takes me shopping and loves me unconditionally.


  • BamBam125
    BamBam125 Posts: 229 Member
    My MIL and FIL and BILs love me. Hubby complains his family now invites him over because they want to see me and not the other way around. :laugh:

    Seriously, MIL and FIL wanted a girl and never got one, so as the DIL who makes their eldest and most "prickly" son happy, I get a lot of "brownie points." MIL is even a yankee Jew and I'm a southern protestant--doesn't seem to harm our relationship one bit.

    She still has this expression of both :noway: and :love: anytime she sees us cuddled up on the couch, because hubby was notoriously independent and not "touchy" as a child. They couldn't even get him to hug his own grandma without prodding when he was a tot. :laugh:
  • Copequeen
    Copequeen Posts: 34 Member
    Where to start. Lol. 1) When got engaged she told me i already have the perfect daughter in law picked out, she's wonderful". 2)When I had just found out I was pregnant with first kid and told her. She said "well we will have to see about that". 3) she has completely ignored the kids on every holiday and birthday. Call to remind her a week before and nothing. No call, no card nothing. That ones the worst. 3 wonderful grand kids and she couldn't care less. There's so much more, 13 years of crap.
  • fara180
    fara180 Posts: 1,260 Member
    i don't have a mother in law, but my ex boyfriend's mother used to always comment on my "child bearing hips." :/
  • Roboartist
    What I wouldn't give to have mine back. I have plenty of friends with in-law problems to sympathize with those who have horror stories to share. In some of the bad cases I honestly think that my friends husbands may have married a version of their mother and having two of the same exact personalities creates a friction over the most trivial things.
  • Imgoing2makeit
    None. My husband is her only child so we are very close. Sometimes I feel it is overbearing but she's so sweet & I would never want to be rude. The only problem I have is she just pops up without calling.
  • nataliefamily3
    My mil is nice but calls daily or more, and always needs money or favors.

    Eta she buys us the same tupperware set every christmas... Weird
  • ssami_89
    MIL went behind mine and my husbands back and took his visitation with his daughter ..... Currently fighting for it back!
  • Lisa1971
    Lisa1971 Posts: 3,069 Member
    My mil will call me roughly 5-6 times a day. Is this a normal thing?? I don't answer her calls on the weekend and then she leaves messages that she will stop over to see if I'm ok because I'm not answering the phone! Wtf? Weirdo!
  • reasnableblonde
    reasnableblonde Posts: 212 Member
    I married the baby of the family. My MIL can come across a little too strong in the mothering department (I'm fiercely independent, and a stereotypical oldest child who "can do it MYSELF"), but she's incredibly kind, sweet, and loving.

    I'm really, really, really lucky.

    I've dated some guys with doozies for moms, though. A mother constantly saying I'm going to spend eternity burning in hell for being Catholic is not a woman I want on my family tree.
  • CallMeCupcakeDammit
    CallMeCupcakeDammit Posts: 9,377 Member
    Where to start. Lol. 1) When got engaged she told me i already have the perfect daughter in law picked out, she's wonderful". 2)When I had just found out I was pregnant with first kid and told her. She said "well we will have to see about that". 3) she has completely ignored the kids on every holiday and birthday. Call to remind her a week before and nothing. No call, no card nothing. That ones the worst. 3 wonderful grand kids and she couldn't care less. There's so much more, 13 years of crap.

    I would be fine if my MIL treated me differently, but don't mess with my kids! That's really sad for them. :brokenheart:
  • Tannedtiffers
    Tannedtiffers Posts: 558 Member
    bump for later