When did you realize that enough was enough?



  • musycnlyrics
    musycnlyrics Posts: 323 Member
    It came when I looked in the mirror and realized I no longer liked what I saw. I would avoid public situations because I was ashamed of what I looked like. Also, my daughter (who is 9) started asking me "Mommy, don't you want to be thin?" "Why don't you buy *insert wacky weight loss product here* to help you?"
    Broke my heart, but it also gave me the kick in the butt I needed to change.
    My children have never seen me "not fat".
    They WILL this year, though!
  • When people (complete strangers included) started using "Melissa" in place of "Your Mama" when telling the Your mamas so fat jokes.

    And as if that wasnt enough already one of the local bridges has a sign that says 2 ton max capacity and there is a sign right below it with my pic and a red circle and line through it. FML!

    OMGG!! i cannot believe this. My jaw dropped with the your mama thing and then the sign - that is soo rude. I'm soo glad to decided to change. You look stunning :)
  • looking for a wedding dress, walking into a shop and the woman behind the till saying "have you tried looking online for dresses more suited to your body type?" before I'd even said anything...

    PS - screw her, I found an epic dress in the end ;)

    Good for you girlfriend. I felt the same way walking into a store where things were really pricey and the largest size was a large. I got looks from top to bottom and i heard a girl say why is she in here, shes prolly buying it for her daughter. WTF??? i was like are u serious??? Im 26 not married and def havent had a kid. That was my turning point!!!
  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    I already had developed some pretty severe social phobia and being fat just encouraged me to be more of a shut in. I realized you know, I'm getting bored sitting at my computer all day playing games or whatever. But I'm trapped in this house, in this body, and if I keep gaining I'll either die or end up in a wheelchair because my back is already bad to begin with and doesn't need 100+ extra pounds on it and counting.

    Yeah, that pretty much did it. But I also had this day where I suddenly had a burst of energy and decided to use it. If I hadn't had that day and hadn't taken advantage of it to work out and find MFP, I'd still be sitting in that chair.

    Okay well I am sitting in that chair, but it's now less likely to break under me and I get out of it more!

    Also either right before I started or a few days after I was grocery shopping and heard a teenage girl tell her boyfriend, "She looks like my Mom." Yeah, I was old enough to be her mom, but sure as hell never wanted to look like it!
  • The kicker for me was when my 4 year old nephew asked his dad (my brother) a few questions/statements. 1) Why is aunty not married even though shes older than you. ( my bro is 41 and im 26) 2) Why does aunty look like she ate a pillow 3) this was the worst. - Look what eating done to aunty) i cried soooo hard and realized that if my own family thought this way - it was time to make a change.

    I also didn't realized that i weighed over 250lbs until someone took a side view picture of me. I couldnt believe that that was me. I was in utter disbelief.

    i knew i needed to start changing everything.
  • leantool
    leantool Posts: 365 Member
    when my knees started creaking and i had to get up on all fours if i had to assist CPR on floor or ground!embarrassing :grumble:
  • melkavan
    Over the last few years I kept drawing a line in the sand (like: I'll never let myself get to... X lbs) but then I would pass that mark and I would just bump it up.
    I guess my "a-ha" moment was hearing a co-worker who recently started dieting tell me when she was 8 months pregnant with her 4th child that she almost made it to 200lbs and it scared the crap out of her. Well, I stood across the room from her (shorter than her) and having just weighed myself at 208... I wanted to crawl into a hole. Instead, I asked how she was doing it and she told me about about mfp.
    Here I am just starting.
  • trialstyle
    trialstyle Posts: 68 Member
    I was looking at some camping pictures/videos and was grossed out at how fat I was. Admittedly it was only at the back of my mind it wasn't until I steeped on the scale and my weight had crept up to 193 and was the heaviest I have ever been. My BMI was shot, my libido was in the tank and I was tired all the time - Not a good thing with a 5 & 7 year old running around!

    After I started, my wife (of 23 years) started eating right and we both use MFP to keep us motivated and on track and haven't looked back.