Fat, Sick, And Nearly Dead



  • stephgas
    stephgas Posts: 159 Member
    If you want to "cleanse" just eat a TON of garlic, you'll see what I mean :laugh:

    :laugh: DEFINITELY!
  • alanlmarshall
    alanlmarshall Posts: 587 Member

    I'm at work so I can't go rummaging through my biochemistry textbooks but how about Medline Plus? I would also like to point out that most of the places you will see chanting that there are plenty of proteins in fruits and vegetables are texts that advocate a vegetarian diet and, in doing so, immediately expose their fatal flaw; they are inexplicably biased. Humans are omnivores and are healthiest when they consume a balanced diet. I would also like to point out that, if veggies and fruits contain complete proteins, why is it that I can sport a lbm of 250lbs+ (and so can a lot of other lifters with meat heavy diets) but vegans, aside from less than a handful of exceptions, are generally immaciated? The answer: because fruits and veggies don't contain enough proteins or the right amino acids to facilitate tissue repair. Why is this even an argument?

    the only single source of complete protein is animal. however, by eating the right fruits, vegetables, grains, and legumes, one can have a complete protein profile. fruits, veg, grains, and legumes can provide ALL of the proper amino acids necessary to a healthy lifestyle - even necessary to building muscle. and soy is NOT an animal source, yet provides a complete protein profile:

    Michelfelder, A. (2009). Soy: a complete source of protein. American Family Physician, 79(1), 43-47.

    you are incorrect. it is completely possible to get all essential amino acids from non-animal sources, if you plan well and know your sources.

    *edit - i also know numerous vegans, only one of whom would be considered below body weight. you can be fat or skinny on any diet, depending on what you eat.

    You needed to read the comments leading up to that one before you commented. All of the information you gave had already been discussed in this thread and, despite your delivery, was in agreeance with what I said. Also, I'm not talking about being fat or skinny, I'm talking about lean body mass, which you cannot have a lot of on every diet.

    this is what you said on an earlier post:

    "There is plenty of calcium in some veggies but there is not a significant amount of protein and the small amount of protein that is present does not have a complete amino acid profile needed to sustain muscle mass (not to mention life!) in humans"

    you did not provide proof of that statement, i have provided proof to the contrary. i read all of the comments. and based on your previous statement, was *not* in agreement with what you said. i'm all for a healthy debate, but i don't like when misinformation or opinion is stated as fact because it may mislead other people. humans do not need to consume animal products to be healthy and obtain all of the nutrients necessary for optimum health.


    Ah.. and the common sense comes out.

    Even if there were not vegetable sources of complete protein, amino acids are pooled in the blood stream and do not require intentional combining. Millions of of vegetarians not being protein defecient over decades should be enough to convince anyone of that.
  • weight4wishes
    No to juicing... here is some current and accurate on protein and just how behind teachings are from the real science. Some school texts still state, for example, that only eight of the 21 amino acids in human proteins are essential. In the last few years of science that number has grown to 17, although some oxymoronic folk still call the nine new ones “conditionally essential”. Not the case... http://jn.nutrition.org/content/134/6/1558S.full .... also http://jn.nutrition.org/content/130/7/1835S.full

    The bottom line is this, it is possible to get all of your amino acids from Veggies but it is very difficult and requires that you do your homework. Animal sourced protein is a no brainer... the best source of which is high quality Whey Protein Concentrate.

    Juicing is OK for a maximum of 2 days beyond which you risk entering a catabolic state (starvation mode). I can help you with this but would rather do it privately as this post has gotten way too big. Message me if you would like some tips...happy to help.