commuters -- how do you handle the drive home?



  • atomiclauren
    atomiclauren Posts: 689 Member
    Good music, a stick of gum, and a large bottle of water. I'm also able to weave in and around streets so I tend to pass very little retail..
  • Wickedbookworm1977
    I never eat and drive. Too many crazy drivers I have to pay attention to.
  • ItsCasey
    ItsCasey Posts: 4,022 Member
    My commute is only about 15 minutes, but I still used to do the "stop and get fast food" thing because it was "easier" than going home and cooking. I was just making excuses. You have to train yourself to not eat or even want those foods anymore. I never (seriously, never) get the urge to eat fast food anymore. There is a McDonald's right next to my grocery store, and I get a wave of nausea when I get out of the car and smell the stench of the food coming from over there. It's not even a decision for me anymore. You will get there, but you have to practice.
  • libbybond
    Audio books from the library (free) I am learning Spanish
  • gpizzy
    gpizzy Posts: 171
    I commute about half an hour now and used to commute up to an hour at an old job. I always made sure that I had my afternoon snack and then I was well prepared to make it through the drive home. Right now, I am choosing back country roads because they are more peaceful than the busy highway. Often, I turn on music I love and just sing along and enjoy the time I have to myself.
  • Reza151
    Reza151 Posts: 517 Member
    OP, have you tried stocking up on healthy snacks in the car? Like an apple, nuts, etc....?
  • Jonesyuno
    My trick will not be on everyone's list, but I use the time to pray and unwind, and then, as others said, put on some music and let it take me home. I also have water on hand, so at least I am getting something into me I could use more of, and actually need.

    The audio book thing is avery good way, also.
  • k8blujay2
    k8blujay2 Posts: 4,941 Member
    Easy... I stick with the middle lane... or the far left lane... AND I want to get home ASAP...
  • pohlcm08
    I remind myself that it will make me get home that much later, and how guilty I feel afterward! I also don't like to admit that I stopped somewhere to my boyfriend, who will be home and hungry and expecting me to eat with him. That helps a lot. That and that I gave up any type of restaurant food for lent, so after Easter I'll just tell myself that I survived 40 days without it and can do it again. Also, the money sure adds up in a months and years time.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,868 Member
    I just had to break the habit...that's all it is, a habit. I don't even think about it anymore. Now I just crank up the tunes and munch on my almonds or whatever.
  • buzzcockgirl
    buzzcockgirl Posts: 260 Member
    This may sound really 'simple'...but drive another route home. My guess is that you have a specific McDonald's that you hit up, either close to the on ramp when you get on the freeway, or close to the one where you got off by home.
    CHANGE THE ROUTE! Just simply don't drive by that specific McDonalds. If it means getting off 1 exit earlier and taking surface streets home, do that. Kind of "out of sight, out of mind".
    I'd definitely have some snacks in the car, some music, some other distractions from food - but by simply going a different route, you make it easier to skip the unhealthy option and just get yourself home and eating a meal that you've thoughtfully planned out ahead of time!!
  • UsernameStillLoading
    You could condition your cravings....I would normally have a craving for a double I've conditioned it for chicken. So instead of wanting to stop by a local burger joint, I just stop by El Pollo Loco.
    But if the craving is strong, you can always vary your food so that it's not that bad. If you want a burger, get a turkey burger (or protein burgers which some places offer). You'll have your burger but you won't wind up getting a burger that will affect you too much. Get wheat bread instead of white if they offer it.

    You could also start bringing hardier snacks that can fill you up longer (usually rich with protein or fiber)

    That or you could relax before the drive. Sometimes the hunger can be a substitute for comfort (hence comfort food) when all you really need is to unwind from a long day's work. I know I feel a little hungry during rush hour than any other time. It's psychological.
  • pobalita
    pobalita Posts: 741 Member
    I commute about an hour and a half each way. In the morning it's coffee and talk radio. No food allowed in the interior of the car. (I eat breakfast at work).

    On the way home, I use the time to mentally unwind. If I'm super hungry or planning to go to yoga class, I eat a luna bar, but keep the rest of the box in the trunk. That will hold me over until I get home where *I know that I have food that I like and is easy to prepare*. (very important to keep me on track)

    I try not to run errands after work because I end up buying junk food even when I pledge to stick to my shopping list - candy, chips, etc. I don't have the fast food issue, as I don't eat the stuff.
  • thirstyflea
    thirstyflea Posts: 114 Member
    My commute is about an hour in the morning, and 1-2+ hours in the evening. The only way I got myself out of the HABIT of stopping for food on my way home or ordering take out / delivery (healthy snacks just aren't the same), is like others have said- I make sure I have something for dinner that will take almost no prep when I get home. Like leftovers, or quick-cook meals like a fillet of tilapia with a side of frozen veggies I can microwave- things like that. If I know I don't have anything to eat or make quickly at home (I don't get home til 7:30pm most nights), or it "ain't happening" and I make baaad decisions for which I feel guilty all week for, just because I didn't plan in advance.

    All it takes is breaking old habits and planning, planning, planning!
  • Wickedbookworm1977
    NOW, with all of the road construction, I don't even feel comfortable reaching down and grabbing a sip of water. 3 lanes to 5 lanes, then back to 2 lanes in less than 2 miles. WITH big concrete ?? on either side of you when you reach the 2 lane only part. Awful!!
  • drchimpanzee
    drchimpanzee Posts: 892 Member
    15 minute commute here :) Off at 4, home at 4:15. Realllllly good in the summer because I'm on the patio at happy hour while most people are still at their desk.
  • turkeyhunter60
    turkeyhunter60 Posts: 319 Member
    a bottle of water is always sitting there.
  • dukes418
    dukes418 Posts: 207 Member
    75 minute commuter here both directions. I pack all of my daytime meals from fruits, snacks, lunch etc. Also works in line with my smaller meals throughout the day. Something as simple as a piece of fruit or a mix of pumpkin seeds, almonds, granola and raisins all seem to curb any urges to hit up a drive thru.
  • misifer
    misifer Posts: 114 Member
    I would eat a snack right before leaving work or right when I got into the car. Nuts, string cheese, SOMETHING. Curbed my hunger feelings. Oh and music...have yourself a little dance party and the time flies!
  • Mustang_Susie
    Mustang_Susie Posts: 7,045 Member
    My "commute" is 6 blocks :laugh: